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SOAP client - Send/Receive

The soap module provides APIs to connect to a SOAP endpoint that supports SOAP 1.1 or 1.2 versions. Users can specify the version when importing the soap module. The sendReceive() API will send a request to a SOAP endpoint and bind the response to one of the xml or mime:Entity[] data types determined by the user. The sendOnly() API will fire and forget a SOAP request.

import ballerina/io;
import ballerina/soap.soap12;

xmlns "" as quer;

public function main() returns error? {
    int additionA = 37;
    int additionB = 73;

    // The SOAP 1.2 client connects to a live SOAP endpoint 
    // that executes basic arithmetic operations
    soap12:Client soapClient = check new ("");

    // The SOAP envelope is constructed including necessary numerical values 
    // for the addition operation.
    xml body = xml `<soap:Envelope
                        <quer:Add xmlns:quer="">

    // `sendOnly()` fires and forgets a request.
    check soapClient->sendOnly(body, "");

    // `sendReceive()` sends a request to a SOAP endpoint
    // and receives the response in `xml` or `mime:Entity[]` format.
    xml response = check soapClient->sendReceive(body, "");
    xml result = response/**/<quer:AddResult>/*;
    io:println(string `Sum: ${additionA} + ${additionB} = `, result);

Run the program by executing the following command.

$ bal run soap_client_send_receive.balSum: 37 + 73 = 110

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