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Outer join clause

The outer join clause performs a left outer equijoin. This join returns each element of the first collection regardless of whether it has any matching elements in the second collection. For the values for which there is no matching value on the second collection, the resulting value will contain nil.

import ballerina/io;

type Department record {|
   int id;
   string name;

type Person record {|
   int id;
   string fname;
   string lname;

type DeptPerson record {|
   string fname;
   string? dept;

public function main() {
    Person p1 = {id: 1, fname: "Alex", lname: "George"};
    Person p2 = {id: 2, fname: "John", lname: "Fonseka"};
    Person p3 = {id: 3, fname: "Ted", lname: "Perera"};

    Department d1 = {id: 1, name:"HR"};
    Department d2 = {id: 2, name:"Operations"};

    Person[] personList = [p1, p2, p3];
    Department[] deptList = [d1, d2];

    DeptPerson[] deptPersonList =
       from Person person in personList
       // The `outer join` clause performs a left outer equijoin.
       // For the records for which there is no matching record
       // on the `deptList`, the resulting record will contain `nil` fields.
       outer join var dept in deptList
       on equals dept?.id
       select {
           fname : person.fname,
           dept : dept?.name

$ bal run outer_join_clause.bal[{"fname":"Alex","dept":"HR"},{"fname":"John","dept":"Operations"},{"fname":"Ted","dept":null}]
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