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Manage sheduled jobs

The task library provides functions to manage the scheduled jobs such as pause, resume, unscheduled, etc.

For more information on the underlying module, see the task module.

import ballerina/io;
import ballerina/lang.runtime;
import ballerina/task;
import ballerina/time;

// Creates a job to be executed by the scheduler.
class Job {

    int i = 1;
    string jobIdentifier;

    // Executes this function when the scheduled trigger fires.
    public function execute() {
        self.i += 1;
        io:println(self.jobIdentifier + ", MyCounter: ", self.i);

    isolated function init(int i, string jobIdentifier) {
        self.i = i;
        self.jobIdentifier = jobIdentifier;

public function main() returns error? {

    // Gets the current time.
    time:Utc currentUtc = time:utcNow();
    // Increases the time by three seconds to set the starting delay for the scheduling job.
    time:Utc newTime = time:utcAddSeconds(currentUtc, 5);
    // Gets the `time:Civil` for the given time.
    time:Civil time = time:utcToCivil(newTime);

    // Schedules the tasks to execute the job every second.
    task:JobId id1 = check task:scheduleJobRecurByFrequency(
                            new Job(0, "1st Job"), 1);
    task:JobId id2 = check task:scheduleJobRecurByFrequency(
                            new Job(0, "2nd Job"), 3);
    // Schedules the one-time job at the specified time.
    _ = check task:scheduleOneTimeJob(new Job(0, "3rd Job"), time);

    // Waits for 3 seconds.

    // Gets all the running jobs.
    task:JobId[] result = task:getRunningJobs();
    io:println("No of running jobs: ", result.length());

    // Pauses the specified job.
    check task:pauseJob(id1);
    io:println("Pasused the 1st job.");
    // Waits for 3 seconds.

    // Resumes the specified job.
    check task:resumeJob(id1);
    io:println("Resumed the 1st job.");

    // Gets all the running jobs.
    result = task:getRunningJobs();
    io:println("No of running jobs: ", result.length());

     // Waits for 3 seconds.

    // Unschedules the jobs.
    check task:unscheduleJob(id1);
    check task:unscheduleJob(id2);

To run this sample, use the bal run command.

$ bal run manage_scheduled_jobs.bal1st Job, MyCounter: 12nd Job, MyCounter: 11st Job, MyCounter: 21st Job, MyCounter: 31st Job, MyCounter: 42nd Job, MyCounter: 2No of running jobs: 3Pasused the 1st job.3rd Job, MyCounter: 12nd Job, MyCounter: 3Resumed the 1st job.1st Job, MyCounter: 51st Job, MyCounter: 6No of running jobs: 21st Job, MyCounter: 71st Job, MyCounter: 81st Job, MyCounter: 91st Job, MyCounter: 102nd Job, MyCounter: 4
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