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Langlib functions

Langlib is a library defined by the language providing fundamental operations on built-in data types. Langlib functions can be called using the method-call syntax but these types are not objects.

There exists a ballerina/lang.T module for each built-in type T and they are automatically imported using the T prefix only if T corresponds to a keyword.

The lang.value module provides functions that work on values of more than one basic type.

import ballerina/io;

public function main() returns error? {
    // You can call langlib functions using the method-call syntax.
    string str = "abc".substring(1, 2);

    // `len` will be 1.
    int len = str.length();

    // `str.length()` is same as `string:length(str)`.
    len = string:length(str);

    int val = 123;
    // The `lang.value` module provides functions that work on values of more than one basic type.
    // `val.toString()` performs a direct conversion of `val` to string.
    io:println("value is " + val.toString());

    // `val.ensureType()` safely casts a value to a type and
    // returns an error if the cast is impossible.
    float|error floatVal = val.ensureType(float);

    int[] evenNumbers = [2, 4, 6 ,8, 10, 12];

    // `value.clone()` returns a clone of a value.
    int[] clonedEvenNumbers = [2, 4, 6 ,8, 10, 12].clone();
    // Following statement is `true`.
    io:println(evenNumbers == clonedEvenNumbers);
    // Following statement is `false`.
    io:println(evenNumbers === clonedEvenNumbers);

    // `value.cloneReadOnly()` returns a clone of a value that is read-only.
    int[] & readonly immutableEvenNumbers = evenNumbers.cloneReadOnly();

    // `value.cloneWithType()` constructs a value with a specified type by cloning another value.
    float clonedVal = check val.cloneWithType(float);
    // Following statement is `true`.
$ bal run langlib_functions.bal11value is 123123.0truefalse[2,4,6,8,10,12]123.0
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