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JSON to record conversion with projection

The data.jsondata library provides multiple APIs to selectively convert required fields from JSON data in the form of a string, byte[], byte-block-stream, and json to a Ballerina record.

For more information on the underlying module, see the data.jsondata module.

import ballerina/data.jsondata;
import ballerina/io;

// Define a closed record type to capture the required fields from the JSON content.
type Book record {|
    string name;
    string author;

json jsonContent = {
    "name": "Clean Code",
    "author": "Robert C. Martin",
    "year": 2008,
    "publisher": "Prentice Hall"

string jsonStr = string `
    "name": "The Pragmatic Programmer",
    "author": "Andrew Hunt, David Thomas",
    "year": 1999,
    "publisher": "Addison-Wesley"

public function main() returns error? {
    // Based on the expected type, it selectively converts the JSON content to the record type.
    Book book = check jsondata:parseAsType(jsonContent);

    // Based on the expected type, it selectively converts the JSON string to the record type.
    Book book2 = check jsondata:parseString(jsonStr);
$ bal run json_to_record_with_projection.bal{"name":"Clean Code","author":"Robert C. Martin"}{"name":"The Pragmatic Programmer","author":"Andrew Hunt, David Thomas"}
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