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JSON numbers

Ballerina has three numeric types; but JSON has one. The json type allows int|float|decimal. toJsonString() will convert int|float|decimal into JSON numeric syntax. fromJsonString() converts JSON numeric syntax into int, if possible, and otherwise decimal.

cloneWithType() or ensureType() will convert from int or decimal into the user's chosen numeric type. The net result is that you can use JSON to exchange the full range of all three Ballerina numeric types. -0 is an edge case: it is represented as a float.

import ballerina/io;

public function main() returns error? {
    int a = 1;
    float b = 2.1;
    decimal c = 3.24;

    // The `json` type allows `int|float|decimal`.
    json[] d = [a, b, c];

    // `toJsonString()` will convert `int|float|decimal` into the JSON numeric
    // syntax.
    string e = d.toJsonString();

    // `fromJsonString()` converts JSON numeric syntax into `int`, if possible
    // and `decimal` otherwise.
    json f = check e.fromJsonString();

    json[] g = <json[]>f;
    io:println(typeof g[0]);
    io:println(typeof g[1]);
    io:println(typeof g[2]);

    // `cloneWithType()` or `ensureType()` will convert from `int` or `decimal`
    // into the user's chosen numeric type.
    float h = check g[2].ensureType();

    // `-0` is an edge case: represented as `float`.
    string i = "-0";
    io:println(typeof check i.fromJsonString());
$ bal run json_numbers.bal[1, 2.1, 3.24][1,2.1,3.24]typedesc 1typedesc 2.1typedesc 3.243.24typedesc -0.0

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