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GraphQL client - Handle error response

The graphql:Client allows handling different errors occurred when executing the execute method. It returns a graphql:ClientError error, which has different subtypes that can be handled differently based on the use case. Use the subtypes of the graphql:ClientError to handle different types of errors based on the use case.

import ballerina/graphql;
import ballerina/io;

type ProfileResponse record {|
    record {|Profile profile;|} data;

type Profile record {|
    string name;
    int age;

public function main() returns error? {
    do {
        graphql:Client graphqlClient = check new ("localhost:9090/graphql");
        // This is a malformed GraphQL document.
        string document = "mutation { updateName(name: 1) { name, age } }";
        ProfileResponse response = check graphqlClient->execute(document);
    } on fail graphql:ClientError err {

function handleErrors(graphql:ClientError clientError) {
    if clientError is graphql:PayloadBindingError {
        // This error represents a client-side data binding error. This error occurs due to the
        // assigned variable type and the value obtained from the wire having a mismatching 
        // shape.
        io:println("PayloadBindingError: ", clientError.message());
    } else if clientError is graphql:InvalidDocumentError {
        // This error represents GraphQL errors due to GraphQL server-side document 
        // validation. The GraphQL errors returned from the server-side can be obtained by 
        // calling the `detail` method on the `graphql:InvalidDocumentError`.
        graphql:ErrorDetail[]? errorDetails = clientError.detail().errors;
        io:println("InvalidDocumentError: ", errorDetails);
    } else if clientError is graphql:HttpError {
        // This error represents network-level errors. If the response from the server contains 
        // a body then, it can be obtained by calling the `detail` method on the `graphql:HttpError`.
        anydata body = clientError.detail().body;
        io:println("HttpError: ", body, clientError.message());


  • • Run the GraphQL service given in the Mutations example.

Run the client program by executing the following command.

$ bal run graphql_client_error_handling.balInvalidDocumentError: [{"message":"String cannot represent non String value: 1","locations":[{"line":1,"column":29}]},{"message":"Field "updateName" argument "id" of type "Int!" is required, but it was not provided.","locations":[{"line":1,"column":12}]}]

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