Back to Examples
- Binding patterns
- Typed binding pattern
- Wildcard binding pattern
- List binding patterns
- Rest binding pattern in list binding pattern
- Mapping binding pattern
- Rest binding pattern in mapping binding pattern
- Error binding pattern
- Rest binding pattern in error binding pattern
- Single use of typed binding patterns
- Single use of typed binding patterns with on fail clause
- Iterative use of typed binding patterns
- List binding pattern in match statement
- Mapping binding pattern in match statement
- Error binding pattern in match statement
- Query expressions
- Sort iterable objects
- Let clause
- Limit clause
- Join iterable objects
- Outer Join clause
- Query tables
- Create tables with a query
- Create maps with a query
- Create streams with a query
- On conflict clause
- Advanced conflict handling
- Iterate over XML with a query
- Nested query expressions
- Destructure records using a query
- Querying streams
- Aggregation
- JSON type
- Access JSON elements
- Access optional JSON elements
- Match statement with maps
- Convert from user-defined type to JSON
- Convert from table and XML to JSON
- Convert from JSON to user-defined type
- Cast JSON to user-defined type
- Resource method typing
- JSON numbers
- JSON to record
- JSON to record with projection
- JSONPath expressions
- Asynchronous function calls
- Named workers
- Sequence diagrams
- Wait for workers
- Strands
- Named worker return values
- Alternate wait
- Multiple wait
- Named workers and futures
- Inter-worker message passing
- Alternate receive
- Multiple receive
- Conditional send
- Inter-worker failure propagation
- Named worker with on fail clause
- Synchronize message passing
- Asynchronize message passing
- Flush
- Fork
Gauge-based metrics
Ballerina supports observability out of the box and metrics is one of the three key components of observability. To observe Ballerina code, the build time flag --observability-included
should be given along with the Config.toml
file when starting the service. The Config.toml
file should contain the required runtime configurations related to observability.
The developers can define and use metrics to measure their own logic. A gauge is one type of the metrics that is supported by default in Ballerina, and it represents a single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down, and also based on the statistics configurations provided to the Gauge, it can also report the statistics such as max, min, mean, percentiles, etc.
For more information about configs and observing applications, see Observe Ballerina programs.
import ballerina/http;
import ballerina/io;
import ballerina/log;
import ballerina/observe;
import ballerinax/prometheus as _;
//Create a gauge as a global variable in the service with the optional field description,
//default statistics configurations = { timeWindow: 600000, buckets: 5,
// and percentiles: [0.33, 0.5, 0.66, 0.99] }.
observe:Gauge globalGauge = new ("global_gauge", "Global gauge defined");
service /onlineStoreService on new http:Listener(9090) {
resource function get makeOrder(http:Caller caller, http:Request req) {
//Incrementing the global gauge defined by 15.0.
//Log the current state of global gauge.
//Create a gauge with simply a name, and default statistics configurations.
observe:Gauge localGauge = new ("local_operations");
//Increment the local gauge by default value 1.0.
//Increment the value of the gauge by 20.
//Decrement the local gauge by default value 1.0.
//Decrement the value of the gauge by 20.
//Log the current state of local gauge.
//Create a gauge with optional fields description, and tags defined.
observe:Gauge registeredGaugeWithTags =
new ("registered_gauge_with_tags", "RegisteredGauge",
{property: "gaugeProperty", gaugeType: "RegisterType"});
//Register the gauge instance, therefore it is stored in the global registry and can be reported to the
//metrics server such as Prometheus. Additionally, this operation will register to the global registry for the
//first invocation and will throw an error if there is already a registration of different metrics instance
//or type. And subsequent invocations of register() will simply retrieve the stored metrics instance
//for the provided name and tags fields, and use that instance for the subsequent operations on the
//Counter instance.
error? result = registeredGaugeWithTags.register();
if (result is error) {
log:printError("Error in registering gauge", 'error = result);
//Set the value of the gauge with the new value.
float value = registeredGaugeWithTags.getValue();
float newValue = value * 12.0;
//Log the current state of registered gauge with tags.
//Create a gauge with statistics disabled by passing empty statistics config array.
observe:StatisticConfig[] statsConfigs = [];
observe:Gauge gaugeWithNoStats = new ("gauge_with_no_stats",
"Some description", (), statsConfigs);
//Create gauge with custom statistics config.
observe:StatisticConfig config = {
timeWindow: 30000,
percentiles: [0.33, 0.5, 0.9, 0.99],
buckets: 3
statsConfigs[0] = config;
observe:Gauge gaugeWithCustomStats = new ("gauge_with_custom_stats",
"Some description", (), statsConfigs);
int i = 1;
while (i < 6) {
gaugeWithCustomStats.setValue(<float>(100 * i));
i = i + 1;
//Log the current state of registered gauge with tags.
//Send response to the client.
http:Response res = new;
// Use a util method to set a string payload.
res.setPayload("Order Processed!");
// Send the response back to the caller.
result = caller->respond(res);
if (result is error) {
log:printError("Error sending response", 'error = result);
function printGauge(observe:Gauge gauge) {
//Get the statistics snapshot of the gauge.
io:print("Gauge - " + + " Snapshot: ");
observe:Snapshot[]? snapshots = gauge.getSnapshot();
json|error snapshotAsAJson = snapshots.cloneWithType(json);
if snapshotAsAJson is json {
//Get the current value of the gauge.
io:println("Gauge - ",, " Current Value: "
, gauge.getValue());
Invoke the service using the cURL command below.
$ curl http://localhost:9090/onlineStoreService/makeOrderOrder Processed!
To start the service, navigate to the directory that contains the
file, and execute the bal run
command below with the --observability-included
build time flag and the Config.toml
runtime configuration file.
$ BAL_CONFIG_FILES=Config.toml bal run --observability-included gauge_metrics.balballerina: started Prometheus HTTP listener - global_gauge Snapshot: [{"timeWindow":600000, "mean":15.0, "max":15.0, "min":15.0, "stdDev":0.0, "percentileValues":[{"percentile":0.33, "value":15.0}, {"percentile":0.5, "value":15.0}, {"percentile":0.66, "value":15.0}, {"percentile":0.75, "value":15.0}, {"percentile":0.95, "value":15.0}, {"percentile":0.99, "value":15.0}, {"percentile":0.999, "value":15.0}]}]Gauge - global_gauge Current Value: 15.0Gauge - local_operations Snapshot: [{"timeWindow":600000, "mean":13.0390625, "max":21.1171875, "min":1.0, "stdDev":8.180620171277893, "percentileValues":[{"percentile":0.33, "value":10.0546875}, {"percentile":0.5, "value":10.0546875}, {"percentile":0.66, "value":20.1171875}, {"percentile":0.75, "value":20.1171875}, {"percentile":0.95, "value":21.1171875}, {"percentile":0.99, "value":21.1171875}, {"percentile":0.999, "value":21.1171875}]}]Gauge - local_operations Current Value: 10.0Gauge - registered_gauge_with_tags Snapshot: [{"timeWindow":600000, "mean":6.515625, "max":12.0546875, "min":1.0, "stdDev":5.515625, "percentileValues":[{"percentile":0.33, "value":1.0}, {"percentile":0.5, "value":1.0}, {"percentile":0.66, "value":12.0546875}, {"percentile":0.75, "value":12.0546875}, {"percentile":0.95, "value":12.0546875}, {"percentile":0.99, "value":12.0546875}, {"percentile":0.999, "value":12.0546875}]}]Gauge - registered_gauge_with_tags Current Value: 12.0Gauge - gauge_with_no_stats Snapshot: nullGauge - gauge_with_no_stats Current Value: 100.0Gauge - gauge_with_custom_stats Snapshot: [{"timeWindow":30000, "mean":300.7, "max":501.5, "min":100.0, "stdDev":141.775033062948, "percentileValues":[{"percentile":0.33, "value":200.5}, {"percentile":0.5, "value":301.5}, {"percentile":0.9, "value":501.5}, {"percentile":0.99, "value":501.5}]}]Gauge - gauge_with_custom_stats Current Value: 500.0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gauge - global_gauge Snapshot: [{"timeWindow":600000, "mean":22.53125, "max":30.0625, "min":15.0, "stdDev":7.53125, "percentileValues":[{"percentile":0.33, "value":15.0}, {"percentile":0.5, "value":15.0}, {"percentile":0.66, "value":30.0625}, {"percentile":0.75, "value":30.0625}, {"percentile":0.95, "value":30.0625}, {"percentile":0.99, "value":30.0625}, {"percentile":0.999, "value":30.0625}]}]Gauge - global_gauge Current Value: 30.0Gauge - local_operations Snapshot: [{"timeWindow":600000, "mean":13.0390625, "max":21.1171875, "min":1.0, "stdDev":8.180620171277893, "percentileValues":[{"percentile":0.33, "value":10.0546875}, {"percentile":0.5, "value":10.0546875}, {"percentile":0.66, "value":20.1171875}, {"percentile":0.75, "value":20.1171875}, {"percentile":0.95, "value":21.1171875}, {"percentile":0.99, "value":21.1171875}, {"percentile":0.999, "value":21.1171875}]}]Gauge - local_operations Current Value: 10.0Gauge - registered_gauge_with_tags Snapshot: [{"timeWindow":600000, "mean":55.4140625, "max":156.9921875, "min":1.0, "stdDev":61.38432884406833, "percentileValues":[{"percentile":0.33, "value":12.0546875}, {"percentile":0.5, "value":12.0546875}, {"percentile":0.66, "value":52.2421875}, {"percentile":0.75, "value":52.2421875}, {"percentile":0.95, "value":156.9921875}, {"percentile":0.99, "value":156.9921875}, {"percentile":0.999, "value":156.9921875}]}]Gauge - registered_gauge_with_tags Current Value: 156.0Gauge - gauge_with_no_stats Snapshot: nullGauge - gauge_with_no_stats Current Value: 100.0Gauge - gauge_with_custom_stats Snapshot: [{"timeWindow":30000, "mean":300.7, "max":501.5, "min":100.0, "stdDev":141.775033062948, "percentileValues":[{"percentile":0.33, "value":200.5}, {"percentile":0.5, "value":301.5}, {"percentile":0.9, "value":501.5}, {"percentile":0.99, "value":501.5}]}]Gauge - gauge_with_custom_stats Current Value: 500.0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gauge - global_gauge Snapshot: [{"timeWindow":600000, "mean":30.0625, "max":45.1875, "min":15.0, "stdDev":12.298479750223873, "percentileValues":[{"percentile":0.33, "value":15.0}, {"percentile":0.5, "value":30.0625}, {"percentile":0.66, "value":30.0625}, {"percentile":0.75, "value":45.1875}, {"percentile":0.95, "value":45.1875}, {"percentile":0.99, "value":45.1875}, {"percentile":0.999, "value":45.1875}]}]Gauge - global_gauge Current Value: 45.0Gauge - local_operations Snapshot: [{"timeWindow":600000, "mean":13.0390625, "max":21.1171875, "min":1.0, "stdDev":8.180620171277893, "percentileValues":[{"percentile":0.33, "value":10.0546875}, {"percentile":0.5, "value":10.0546875}, {"percentile":0.66, "value":20.1171875}, {"percentile":0.75, "value":20.1171875}, {"percentile":0.95, "value":21.1171875}, {"percentile":0.99, "value":21.1171875}, {"percentile":0.999, "value":21.1171875}]}]Gauge - local_operations Current Value: 10.0Gauge - registered_gauge_with_tags Snapshot: [{"timeWindow":600000, "mean":377.1927083333333, "max":1887.9921875, "min":1.0, "stdDev":676.7534301455432, "percentileValues":[{"percentile":0.33, "value":12.0546875}, {"percentile":0.5, "value":52.2421875}, {"percentile":0.66, "value":156.9921875}, {"percentile":0.75, "value":157.9921875}, {"percentile":0.95, "value":1887.9921875}, {"percentile":0.99, "value":1887.9921875}, {"percentile":0.999, "value":1887.9921875}]}]Gauge - registered_gauge_with_tags Current Value: 1884.0Gauge - gauge_with_no_stats Snapshot: nullGauge - gauge_with_no_stats Current Value: 100.0Gauge - gauge_with_custom_stats Snapshot: [{"timeWindow":30000, "mean":300.7, "max":501.5, "min":100.0, "stdDev":141.775033062948, "percentileValues":[{"percentile":0.33, "value":200.5}, {"percentile":0.5, "value":301.5}, {"percentile":0.9, "value":501.5}, {"percentile":0.99, "value":501.5}]}]Gauge - gauge_with_custom_stats Current Value: 500.0------------------------------------------