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Error handling

Usually, a function handles errors by passing them up to its caller. The main function can also return an error value.

import ballerina/io;

// Converts `bytes` to a `string` value and then to an `int` value.
function intFromBytes(byte[] bytes) returns int|error {

    string|error ret = string:fromBytes(bytes);

    // The `is` operator can be used to distinguish errors from other values.
    if ret is error {
        return ret;
    } else {
        return int:fromString(ret);

// The `main` function can return an `error` value.
public function main() returns error? {

    int|error res = intFromBytes([104, 101, 108, 108, 111]);
    if res is error {
        // The `check` expression is the shorthand for this pattern of
        // checking if a value is an `error` value and it is returning that value.
        return res;
    } else {
        io:println("result: ", res);
$ bal run error_handling.balerror: {ballerina/}NumberParsingError {"message":"'string' value 'hello' cannot be converted to 'int'"}
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