Write a RESTful API with Ballerina

This guide helps you understand the basics of Ballerina constructs, which allow you to write RESTful APIs.

Set up the prerequisites

To complete this tutorial, you need:

  1. Ballerina 2201.0.0 (Swan Lake) or greater
  2. A text editor

    Tip: Preferably, Visual Studio Code with the Ballerina extension installed.

  3. A command terminal

Understand the implementation

Due to the batteries included nature of the Ballerina language, there is no need to add any third-party libraries to implement a RESTful API. The Ballerina library itself is adequate.

This guide will walk you through creating a RESTful API with two endpoints. In this API, you will be writing a simple CRUD-like RESTful service. The sample is built around a set of COVID-19 data. Following are the URLs of each of the endpoints.

  1. /covid/status/countries
  2. /covid/status/countries/{iso_code}

The first endpoint

The first endpoint is about getting data from the service as well as adding data to the service. Therefore, the service should handle both HTTP GET and POST requests.

  • The GET request is to get data, and the response should be 200 OK.
  • The POST request is to add data, and the response should be 201 Created.

The second endpoint

The second endpoint is about getting data filtered from the service. The data is filtered by the ISO code. Therefore, the second endpoint accepts the ISO code as part of the URL and responds with the 200 OK status code. In the event of an error, the relevant error is sent back to the client.

Info: For the complete source code of this implementation, see The complete code.

Create the service package

Ballerina uses packages to group code. You need to create a Ballerina package and write the business logic in it. In the terminal, execute the command below to create the Ballerina package for the API implementation.

Info: For more information on Ballerina packages, see Organize Ballerina code.

$ bal new covid19 -t service

You view the output below.

Created new package 'covid19' at covid19.

This creates a directory named covid19 with the default module along with a sample code for the service as shown below.

├── covid19
│   ├── Ballerina.toml
│   └── service.bal
  • Ballerina.toml is the file that makes the folder a Ballerina package. It also contains a test directory to include tests for the service. However, this will not be used in this guide.
  • The service.bal template file provides a look and feel about Ballerina services.

Create the dataset

To keep things simple, an in-memory dataset is used with three entries. To add the definition of the record and the declaration of the table, replace the API template file (i.e., service.bal) with the code below.

public type CovidEntry record {|
    readonly string iso_code;
    string country;
    decimal cases;
    decimal deaths;
    decimal recovered;
    decimal active;

public final table<CovidEntry> key(iso_code) covidTable = table [
    {iso_code: "AFG", country: "Afghanistan", cases: 159303, deaths: 7386, recovered: 146084, active: 5833},
    {iso_code: "SL", country: "Sri Lanka", cases: 598536, deaths: 15243, recovered: 568637, active: 14656},
    {iso_code: "US", country: "USA", cases: 69808350, deaths: 880976, recovered: 43892277, active: 25035097}

In this code:

  • Ballerina tables are used to store data. Each entry in the table is represented by a Ballerina record.

Create the service

Ballerina resources can only reside inside a service. Therefore, first, a service needs to be created. To create the service, add the code below to the API template file (i.e., service.bal).

service /covid/status on new http:Listener(9000) {

In this code:

  • As both endpoints have a common URL segment, this is moved to the service level as the base path when creating the service.
  • The service is associated with an http:Listener, which is the Ballerina abstraction that deals with network-level details such as the host, port, SSL, etc.

Implement the first endpoint

The first endpoint has two resources one to get data and the other to add data.

Create the first resource to get data

To create the first resource of the first endpoint to get data, add the code below to the API template file (i.e., service.bal).


service /covid/status on new http:Listener(9000) {
	resource function get countries() returns CovidEntry[] {
        return covidTable.toArray();

In this code:

  • Unlike normal functions, resource methods can have accessors. In this case, the accessor is set to get, which means only HTTP GET requests could hit this resource. Ballerina automatically serializes Ballerina records as JSON and sends them over the wire.
  • The default HTTP response status code for a resource method other than post is 200 OK. For an HTTP POST resource, the default HTTP response status code is 201 Created.

Create the second resource to add data

To create the second resource of the first endpoint to add new COVID-19 data to the dataset by ISO code, add the code below to the API template file (i.e., service.bal).

resource function post countries(@http:Payload CovidEntry[] covidEntries)
                                    returns CovidEntry[]|ConflictingIsoCodesError {

    string[] conflictingISOs = from CovidEntry covidEntry in covidEntries
        where covidTable.hasKey(covidEntry.iso_code)
        select covidEntry.iso_code;

    if conflictingISOs.length() > 0 {
        return {
            body: {
                errmsg: string:'join(" ", "Conflicting ISO Codes:", ...conflictingISOs)
    } else {
        covidEntries.forEach(covdiEntry => covidTable.add(covdiEntry));
        return covidEntries;

In this code:

  • It is chosen to either accept the entire payload or send back an error. Copying this straightway results in an error, which is expected as the ConflictingIsoCodesError type is not defined yet.
  • This resource has a resource argument named covidEntries annotated with @http:Payload. This means the resource is expecting a payload with the CovideEntry[] type. There are two types of records CovideEntry[] and ConflictingIsoCodesError that will be used as the return values.

Define the error records

To define the error records, add the code below to the API template file (i.e., service.bal).

public type ConflictingIsoCodesError record {|
    ErrorMsg body;

public type ErrorMsg record {|
    string errmsg;

In this code:

  • Ballerina uses *http:Conflict to denote that one type is a subtype of another. In this case, ConflictingIsoCodesError is a subtype of http:Conflict.
  • The body of the response is of type ErrorMsg, which simply has a string field named errmsg. Based on the need, users can have any data type for their response body.
  • Ballerina has a defined set of types for each HTTP status code. This allows you to write services in a type-oriented way, which in turn is helpful when it comes to tooling and generating OpenAPI specifications for HTTP services.

Implement the second endpoint

The second endpoint has only one resource to get COVID-19 data filtered by the ISO code.

Create the resource of the second endpoint

To create the resource of the second endpoin, add the code below to the API template file (i.e., service.bal).

resource function get countries/[string iso_code]() returns CovidEntry|InvalidIsoCodeError {
    CovidEntry? covidEntry = covidTable[iso_code];
    if covidEntry is () {
        return {
            body: {
                errmsg: string `Invalid ISO Code: ${iso_code}`
    return covidEntry;

In this code:

  • This resource is a bit more different than the first two resources. As explained earlier, resource methods have accessors.
  • In addition, it also supports hierarchical paths making it ideal for implementing RESTful APIs. Hierarchical paths can have path params.
  • In this case, iso_code is used as the path param, which in turn, becomes a string variable.

Define the error record

To define the InvalidIsoCodeError record, add the code below to the API template file (i.e., service.bal).

public type InvalidIsoCodeError record {|
    ErrorMsg body;

In this code:

  • As in the previous example, this resource also includes its own return types. However, the basic principle behind them is as the previous example.

The complete code

The below is the complete code of the service implementation.

import ballerina/http;

service /covid/status on new http:Listener(9000) {

    resource function get countries() returns CovidEntry[] {
        return covidTable.toArray();

    resource function post countries(@http:Payload CovidEntry[] covidEntries)
                                    returns CovidEntry[]|ConflictingIsoCodesError {

        string[] conflictingISOs = from CovidEntry covidEntry in covidEntries
            where covidTable.hasKey(covidEntry.iso_code)
            select covidEntry.iso_code;

        if conflictingISOs.length() > 0 {
            return {
                body: {
                    errmsg: string:'join(" ", "Conflicting ISO Codes:", ...conflictingISOs)
        } else {
            covidEntries.forEach(covdiEntry => covidTable.add(covdiEntry));
            return covidEntries;

    resource function get countries/[string iso_code]() returns CovidEntry|InvalidIsoCodeError {
        CovidEntry? covidEntry = covidTable[iso_code];
        if covidEntry is () {
            return {
                body: {
                    errmsg: string `Invalid ISO Code: ${iso_code}`
        return covidEntry;

public type CovidEntry record {|
    readonly string iso_code;
    string country;
    decimal cases;
    decimal deaths;
    decimal recovered;
    decimal active;

public final table<CovidEntry> key(iso_code) covidTable = table [
    {iso_code: "AFG", country: "Afghanistan", cases: 159303, deaths: 7386, recovered: 146084, active: 5833},
    {iso_code: "SL", country: "Sri Lanka", cases: 598536, deaths: 15243, recovered: 568637, active: 14656},
    {iso_code: "US", country: "USA", cases: 69808350, deaths: 880976, recovered: 43892277, active: 25035097}

public type ConflictingIsoCodesError record {|
    ErrorMsg body;

public type InvalidIsoCodeError record {|
    ErrorMsg body;

public type ErrorMsg record {|
    string errmsg;
  • It is always a good practice to document your interfaces. However, this example has omitted documentation for brevity. Nevertheless, any production-ready API interface must include API documentation.
  • You can also try generating an OpenAPI specification for the written service by executing the following command, which creates a yaml file in the current folder.

Run the service

In the terminal, navigate to the covid19 directory, and execute the command below to run the service package.

Info: The console should have warning logs related to the isolatedness of resources. It is a built-in service concurrency safety feature of Ballerina.

$ bal run

You view the output below.

Compiling source

Running executable

Try the service

In another terminal, execute the cURL commands below one by one to try out the service.

Get all countries

Execute the cURL command below.

$ curl http://localhost:9000/covid/status/countries

You view the output below.

[{"iso_code":"AFG", "country":"Afghanistan", "cases":159303, "deaths":7386, "recovered":146084, "active":5833}, {"iso_code":"SL", "country":"Sri Lanka", "cases":598536, "deaths":15243, "recovered":568637, "active":14656}, {"iso_code":"US", "country":"USA", "cases":69808350, "deaths":880976, "recovered":43892277, "active":25035097}]

Add a country by the ISO code

Execute the cURL command below.

$ curl http://localhost:9000/covid/status/countries -d "[{\"iso_code\":\"DEU\", \"country\":\"Germany\", \"cases\":159333, \"deaths\":7390, \"recovered\":126084, \"active\":6833}]" -H "Content-Type: application/json"

You view the output below.

[{"iso_code":"DEU", "country":"Germany", "cases":159333.0, "deaths":7390.0, "recovered":126084.0, "active":6833.0}]

Filter a country by the ISO code

Execute the cURL command below.

$ curl http://localhost:9000/covid/status/countries/AFG

You view the output below.

{"iso_code":"AFG", "country":"Afghanistan", "cases":159303, "deaths":7386, "recovered":146084, "active":5833}

Learn more

To learn more about RESTful services in Ballerina, see the following: