Data model

The data model defines a mechanism to express the application's data using the Ballerina record type. Any record type that is a subtype of the EntityType will be an entity in the model.

Within a Ballerina project, the data model should be defined in a separate BAL file under the persist directory. This file is not considered as a part of the Ballerina project and is used only for the data model definition.

The EntityType definition

An EntityType is defined using the SimpleType and EntityType fields.

type SimpleType ()|boolean|int|float|decimal|string|byte[]|time:Date|time:TimeOfDay|time:Utc|time:Civil;
type EntityType record {|

Simple type:

From the data source perspective, a field of SimpleType contains only one value (i.e., each SimpleType field maps to a field of data).

Note: This does not support the union type of SimpleType( i.e., int|string is not supported).

Entity type

An entity can contain fields of the SimpleType, EntityType, or EntityType[]. This design uses fields of type EntityType or EntityType[] to define associations between two entities.

Below are some examples of subtypes of the entity type:

// Valid.
type Employee record {|
   int id; // SimpleType
   string fname; // SimpleType
   string lname; // SimpleType
   Department department; // EntityType

// This is valid.
type Department record {|
   int id;
   string name;
   byte[] logo;
   Employee[] employees; // EntityType

// Invalid
type Employee record {|
   int|string id; 
   string fname;
   string lname;
   Department department; // EntityType

Simple types are mapped to native data source types. Depending on the data store, the mapping may vary. Refer to the Supported data stores to learn more about the mapping.

Entity attributes definition

Ballerina record fields are used to model the attributes of an entity. The type of the field should be a subtype of SimpleType.

Identity field(s)

The entity must contain at least one identity field. This field's value is used to identify each record uniquely. The identity field(s) is indicated by the readonly flag.

Say type T is one of int, string, float, boolean or decimal types,

type EntityType record {|
    readonly T <fieldName>;

The identity field can be a single field or a combination of multiple fields as follows.

type EntityType record {|
    readonly T <fieldName1>;
    readonly T <fieldName2>;

Nullable field(s)

Say type T is a subtype of SimpleType, and T does not contain (),

Field definitionSemanticsSupported data sourcesExamples
TMapped to a non-nullable column in the DBAllint id;
T? fieldMapped to a nullable column in the DBAll except Redisstring? description;
T field?The field can be ignored when insertingRedisstring description?;
T? field?Invalid syntax--

Relationship definition

Ballerina record fields are used to model a connection between two entities. The type of the field should be a subtype of EntityType|EntityType?|EntityType[].

This design supports the following cardinalities.

  1. One-to-one (1-1)
  2. One-to-many (1-n)

The relation field is mandatory in both entities.

One-to-one (1-1)

A 1-1 relationship is defined by a field of the EntityType in one entity and EntityType? in the other. For example, consider the Car and User entities. Assume that a car can have only one owner and a user can own at most one car.

type Car record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;
   User owner;

type User record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;
   Car? car;

The above entities explain the following.

  • A Car must have a User as the owner.
  • A User may or may not own a Car.

The Ballerina record type generated from the above entities will be as follows.

type Car record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;
   int ownerId;

type User record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;

In the first record (Car), the EntityType field owner is taken as the owner in the 1-1 relationship and will include the foreign key of the second record (User).

The default foreign key field name will be ownerId in the Car table, which refers to the identity field of the User table by default. You can change this foreign key name and have more control with the @sql:Relation annotation.

One-to-many (1-n)

A 1-n relationship is defined by a field of the EntityType in one entity and EntityType[] in the other. For example, consider the Car and User entities. Assume that a car can have only one owner and a user can own multiple cars.

type Car record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;
   User owner;

type User record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;
   Car[] cars;

The above entities explain the following.

  • A Car must have a User as the owner.
  • A User may own multiple Cars or do not own one (represented with an empty array []).

The Ballerina record type generated from the above entities will be as follows.

type Car record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;
   int ownerId;

type User record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;

The entity that contains the field of the EntityType is taken as the owner in the 1-n relationship and will include the foreign key.

The default foreign key field name will be ownerId in the Car table, which refers to the identity field of the User table by default. You can change this foreign key name and have more control with the @sql:Relation annotation.

Many-to-many (n-n)

An n-n relationship is defined by two 1-n relationships. The joining entity is used to map the two entities. The joining entity should contain two fields of theEntityType that refer to the two entities in the relationship. For example, consider Car and User entities. Assume that a car can have multiple owners and a user can own multiple cars.

type Car record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;
   CarUser[] owners;

type User record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;
   CarUser[] cars;

type CarUser record {|
   readonly int id; 
   Car car;
   User user;

The above entities explain the following.

  • A Car may have multiple Users as owners.
  • A User may own multiple Cars.

The Ballerina record type generated from the above entities will be as follows.

type Car record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;

type User record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;

type CarUser record {|
   readonly int id; 
   int userId;
   int carId;

The CarUser join entity contains two fields of the EntityTypethat refer to the two entities in the relationship. The foreign key field names will beuserId, and carIdin theCarUsertable, which refer to the identity field of theUserandCar` tables.

Advanced SQL annotations

To have a custom name and type mappings in the database implementation and to declare indexes, generated fields, and custom foreign keys, the below annotations can be used in the data model definition. Note that these annotations can only be used with SQL data stores.

In order to use them, you must first import the persist.sql package to your data model definition file as follows.

import ballerinax/persist.sql;

Name mapping with Name annotation

  • Map entity name to table name
@sql:Name {value: "people"}
type Person record {|
    readonly int id;
    string name;
    string address;

The Person entity will be mapped to the people table in the database.

  • Map field name to column name
type Person record {|
    @sql:Name {value: "person_id"}
    readonly int id;
    @sql:Name {value: "full_name"}
    string name;
    string address;

The id field will be mapped to the person_id column in the database, and the name field will be mapped to the full_name column in the database.

Type mapping

Varchar annotation

type Person record {|
    readonly int id;
    @sql:Varchar {length: 100}
    string name;
    string address;

The name field will have a VARCHAR(100) column in the database. The @sql:Varchar annotation can only be used on string fields.

Char annotation

type Person record {|
    @sql:Char {length: 12}
    readonly string nic;
    string name;
    string address;

The nic field will have a CHAR(12) column in the database. The @sql:Char annotation can only be used on string fields.

Decimal annotation

type Person record {|
    readonly int id;
    @sql:Decimal {precision: [10,2]}
    decimal salary;
    string address;

The salary field will have a DECIMAL(10,2) column in the database. The @sql:Decimal annotation can only be used on decimal fields.

Declare indexes

Index annotation

This annotation lets you define an index on a specific field. Optionally, you can provide an index name as a string or a set of index names as a string[] in situations where a single field takes part in multiple indexes. A composite index can be created by repeating the same index name in multiple fields. In this case, the order of index columns will be the order in which the respective fields are declared in the record type.

type Person record {|
    @sql:Index {name: "idx_name"}
    readonly int id;
    @sql:Index {name: ["idx_name", "idx_another"]}
    string name;
    string address;

The index idx_name is a composite index consisting of id and name fields. idx_another is just another index on the name field. The address field also has the @sql:Index annotation without the name property. Here, the index name will be generated by persist in idx_[FIELD_NAME] format, in which case the index name for the address field will become idx_address.

UniqueIndex annotation

This annotation lets you define a unique index on a specific field, and the usage is similar to the @sql:Index annotation.

type Person record {|
    readonly int id;
    @sql:UniqueIndex {name: "idx_person"}
    string nic;
    @sql:UniqueIndex {name: ["idx_person", "idx_another"]}
    string name;
    string address;

The unique index idx_person is a composite unique index consisting of nic and name fields. idx_another is just another unique index on the name field. The address field also has the @sql:UniqueIndex annotation without the name property. Here, the index name will be generated by persist in the unique_idx_[FIELD_NAME] format, in which case the index name for the address field becomes unique_idx_address.

Declare generated fields with Generated annotation

The @sql:Generated annotation is used to declare a field as a generated field. This annotation can only be used on readonly int fields. Currently, only the AUTO_INCREMENT or an equivalent generation strategy is supported.

type Person record {|
    readonly int id;
    string name;
    string address;

The id field will be auto-generated and the PersonInsert type will not have the id field as it should be auto-generated by the database. Refer the below table to understand how the generation strategy is implemented in different data stores.

Data storeImplementation

Declare custom foreign keys with Relation annotation

The @sql:Relation annotation can be used to declare your own custom foreign key field. You must put the foreign key on the correct side of the relationship (owner) and the key field must exist on the record type, and must be of the same type as the primary key of the referred entity. This is particularly useful when a foreign key is also a part of the composite primary key.

type Car record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;
   int userId;
   @sql:Relation {keys: ["userId"]}
   User owner;

type User record {|
   readonly int id;
   string name;
   Car[] cars;

The keys field accepts an array of foreign keys and the length of it must be the same as the number of primary keys the referring entity has. Here, the field userId is used as the foreign key for the relation owner and it has been declared so through the @sql:Relation annotation. When the @sql:Relation annotation is used in a relation field, the foreign key will not be generated by default.

Declare custom DB schema with Schema annotation

The @sql:Schema annotation can be used to declare a custom schema for the table. This annotation can only be used on the entity record type.

@sql:Schema {value: "my_schema"}
type Person record {|
    readonly int id;
    string name;
    string address;

The Person entity will be mapped to the my_schema.person table in the database. This annotation can only be used with MSSQL and PostgreSQL data stores.

The priority order for schema resolution is as follows:

  1. The schema defined in the model using the @sql:Schema annotation.
  2. The default schema specified in the Config.toml file.
  3. The default schema of the database.