WSDL tool

The Ballerina WSDL tool generates Ballerina client stubs and record types from a given WSDL file, simplifying integration with SOAP-based web services by eliminating the need for manually creating types and client functions.

Install the tool

Execute the command below to pull the WSDL tool from Ballerina Central.

bal tool pull wsdl


The WSDL tool provides the following capabilities:

  1. Generate Ballerina client functions for a given WSDL specification.
  2. Generate Ballerina record types for an XML schema provided in the WSDL specification.

The client generated from a WSDL file can be used in your applications to call the SOAP-based web service defined in the WSDL.

The following command will generate Ballerina client stubs and records for a given WSDL file. It is mandatory to run the command within a Ballerina package.

bal wsdl <wsdl-file-path>
         [--operations <operation-uris>]
         [--module <output-module-name>]
         [--port <port-name>]

Command options

<wsdl-file-path>The path of the WSDL file.Mandatory
--operations <operation-uris>A comma-separated list of operation URIs for which client methods should be generated. If not provided, methods for all operations in the WSDL file will be generated.Optional
-m, --module <output-module-name>The name of the module where the generated client and record types will be placed. If not provided, output files will be saved to the project default package.Optional
-p, --port <port-name>The name of the port that defines the service endpoint. If specified, a client will be generated only for this port. Otherwise, clients for all available ports will be generated.Optional

Generate Ballerina clients and types from a WSDL file

bal wsdl <wsdl-file-path>

This command generates Ballerina clients and record types for all operations in the given WSDL file.

For example,

bal wsdl calculator.wsdl

Upon successful execution, the following files will be created inside the default module in the Ballerina project.

client.bal (There can be multiple client files depending on the WSDL file)

Generate a Ballerina client and types for a specific module

bal wsdl <wsdl-file-path> --module <output-module-name>

This command generates Ballerina clients and record types for the given WSDL file and saves them in the <output-module-name> submodule within the Ballerina project.

For example,

bal wsdl calculator.wsdl --module custom

This generates a Ballerina client (client.bal) and record types (types.bal) for the calculator.wsdl WSDL specification.

Upon successful execution, the following files will be created in the custom submodule within the Ballerina project.

└── custom/
    └── client.bal (There can be multiple client files depending on the WSDL file)
    └── types.bal

Generate a Ballerina client for specific operations

bal wsdl <wsdl-file-path> --operations <operation-uris>

This command generates a client containing methods only for the specified operation actions.

For example,

bal wsdl sample.wsdl --operations,

Generate a Ballerina client for a specific port

bal wsdl <wsdl-file-path> --port <port-name>

This command generates a client only for the given port in the WSDL file.

For example,

bal wsdl calculator.wsdl --port SamplePortName