CLI tool

The CLI tool is used to initialize the project with the bal persist command and generate the required files.

Initialize bal persist in the project

The Ballerina project should be initialized with bal persist before generating the derived types, clients, and script files. This can be done using the init command. You can specify the preferred data store and the module, which you need to generate files. If you do not specify the data store and the module, the default values will be used.

$ bal persist init --datastore="mysql" --module="store"
Command parameterDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
datastoreUsed to indicate the preferred data store. Currently, three data stores are supported: inmemory, mysql, mssql and googlesheetsNoinmemory
moduleUsed to indicate the persist-enabled module in which the files are generated.No<root_module>

The command initializes the bal persist feature in the project. This command will do the following,

  1. Create the persist directory in the project root directory. This directory contains the data model definition file (model.bal) of the project.

  2. Create a model definition file in the persist directory. This file is used to model the data, which need to be persisted in the project. You can have only one data model definition file in the project and the file name can be anything with the .bal extension. The default file name is model.bal. Entities defined in this file should be based on the persist model specification.

  3. Update the Ballerina.toml file with the persist module configurations. It will update the Ballerina.toml file with persist configurations as follows.

    datastore = "mysql"
    module = ""

The directory structure will be,

   ├── persist
            └── model.bal
   ├── Ballerina.toml
   └── main.bal

Behaviour of the init command,

  • You should invoke the command from within a Ballerina project.
  • You can use the optional arguments to indicate the preferred module name and data store. Otherwise, the default values will be used.
  • You cannot execute the command multiple times within the same project. You need to remove the Ballerina.toml configurations if the user wants to reinitialize the project.

Generate the derived types, client, and script files

The command below is used to generate the derived types, clients, and script files based on the data model definition file. This command is executed from within the project root directory as follows.

$ bal persist generate

It will add the generated files under the generated directory. The directory structure will be as follows.

If the module name is provided, it will generate the files under a new subdirectory with the module name like below. Otherwise, it will generate the files under the generated directory.

   ├── generated
        └── store
              ├── persist_client.bal
              ├── persist_db_config.bal
              ├── persist_types.bal
              └── script.sql
   ├── persist
        └── model.bal
   ├── Ballerina.toml
   ├── Config.toml
   └── main.bal
  • The persist_types.bal file will contain the derived types based on the entities defined in the model definition file.

  • The persist_client.bal file will contain the client, which is used to access the data store.

  • The persist_*_config.bal file will contain the configurable variables required for the data store access. The configurable variables are changed based on the data store specified in the Ballerina.toml file. For example, if the data store is mysql, the configurable variables will be as follows.

configurable string host = ?;
configurable int port = ?;
configurable string user = ?;
configurable string password = ?;
configurable string database = ?;
  • The script file (script.sql) will contain the scripts to create the tables in the data store. This script file will be generated based on the data store specified in the Ballerina.toml file.

Additionally, this command will create/update the Config.toml file with the configurables used to connect the client to the data store. The generated configurables will be based on the data store specified in the Ballerina.toml file.

Behaviour of the generate command

  • You should invoke the command from within a Ballerina project.
  • You should have the bal persist feature initiated in the project and update the model definition file.
  • The model definition file should contain the persist module import (import ballerina/persist as _;)
  • The model definition file should contain at least one entity
  • If you invoke the command twice, it will not fail. It will regenerate the files again.

Generate migration scripts for the model definition changes [Experimental]

Info: The support for migrations is currently an experimental feature, and its behavior may be subject to change in future releases. Also, the support for migrations is currently limited to the MySQL data store.

The command below generates the migration scripts for the model definition changes. This command is executed in the project root directory. This command will generate the migration scripts based on the changes in the model definition file. The generated migration scripts will be added to the migrations directory inside the persist directory.

$ bal persist migrate add_employee

The file structure of the project after executing the command will be as follows.

   ├── generated
         └── store
               ├── persist_client.bal
               ├── persist_db_config.bal
               ├── persist_types.bal
               └── script.sql
   ├── persist
         └── model.bal
         └── migrations
               └── 20200820120000_add_employee
                  ├── model.bal
                  └── script.sql     
   ├── Ballerina.toml
   ├── Config.toml
   └── main.bal

This command will create a new directory for the migration with the timestamp and the label provided by the user. The directory will contain the model definition file and the script file. The script file will contain the SQL script to update the database schema. The model definition file will be the snapshot of the model definition file at the time of executing the command. The next time you execute the command, it will compare the model definition file with the latest snapshot file and generate the SQL script to update the database schema. Therefore, you should not modify the snapshot file.

The behaviour of the migrate command will be as follows.

  • You should invoke the command within a Ballerina project.
  • You should provide a valid label for the migration.
  • You should have bal persist initiated in the project and the model definition file updated.
  • You can execute the command multiple times. It will generate the migration scripts based on the changes in the model definition file.
  • Once the migration is generated, you cannot change the data store type in the Ballerina.toml file. If you want to change the data store type, you need to remove the migration directory and reinitialize the project.