Build the GraalVM executable locally

This guide walks you through compiling a Ballerina application to a native executable in the local setup.


To complete this part of the guide, you need:

  1. Latest Ballerina Swan Lake distribution

    Note: If you are using macOS with an ARM64 processor, then, install Ballerina using the ARM64 installer.

  2. A text editor

    Tip: Preferably, Visual Studio Code with the Ballerina extension installed.

  3. GraalVM installed and configured appropriately
  4. A command terminal

Configure GraalVM

  1. Install GraalVM using SDKMAN!.

    Tip: For additional download options, see Get Started with GraalVM.

    $ sdk install java 21.0.2-graalce

    Note: For download options, see Get Started with GraalVM. The required GraalVM JDK version depends on the update version, as shown below.

    Update VersionsJava version
    Update 7 or below11
    Update 8, 9 and 1017
    Update 11 and above21
  2. Set the GRAALVM_HOME environment variable to the GraalVM installation directory. If you have installed using SDKMAN! you can set it to JAVA_HOME.


After the environment is set up, follow the steps below to build a native executable for a simple Ballerina HTTP server application.

Build the GraalVM executable

  1. Execute the command below to create a Ballerina service package.

    $ bal new hello_world -t service
  2. Replace the content of the service.bal file with the following.

    import ballerina/http;
    service / on new http:Listener(8080) {
        resource function get greeting() returns string {   
               return "Hello, World!";   
  3. Run bal build --graalvm to create the GraalVM executable.

    $ bal build --graalvm
    Compiling source
    GraalVM Native Image: Generating 'hello_world' (executable)...
    [1/8] Initializing...                                                                                   (12.4s @ 0.20GB)
    Java version: 21.0.2+13, vendor version: GraalVM CE 21.0.2+13.1
    Graal compiler: optimization level: 2, target machine: armv8-a
    C compiler: cc (apple, arm64, 16.0.0)
    Garbage collector: Serial GC (max heap size: 80% of RAM)
    2 user-specific feature(s):
      - io.ballerina.stdlib.crypto.svm.BouncyCastleFeature
    Build resources:
    - 12.09GB of memory (75.6% of 16.00GB system memory, determined at start)
      - 8 thread(s) (100.0% of 8 available processor(s), determined at start)
        Warning: RecomputeFieldValue.ArrayIndexScale automatic substitution failed. The automatic substitution registration was attempted because a call to jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.arrayIndexScale(Class) was detected in the static initializer of Detailed failure reason(s): Could not determine the field where the value produced by the call to jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.arrayIndexScale(Class) for the array index scale computation is stored. The call is not directly followed by a field store or by a sign extend node followed directly by a field store.
        [2/8] Performing analysis...  [*****]                                                                   (35.2s @ 2.56GB)
        20,862 reachable types   (90.5% of   23,054 total)
        37,349 reachable fields  (66.5% of   56,189 total)
        110,452 reachable methods (68.1% of  162,167 total)
        5,830 types,   134 fields, and 4,234 methods registered for reflection
        83 types,    66 fields, and    65 methods registered for JNI access
        5 native libraries: -framework CoreServices, -framework Foundation, dl, pthread, z
        [3/8] Building universe...                                                                               (6.6s @ 2.65GB)
        [4/8] Parsing methods...      [***]                                                                      (6.6s @ 1.94GB)
        [5/8] Inlining methods...     [***]                                                                      (2.8s @ 2.87GB)
        [6/8] Compiling methods...    [*******]                                                                 (48.2s @ 3.11GB)
        [7/8] Layouting methods...    [***]                                                                      (6.8s @ 4.64GB)
        [8/8] Creating image...       [***]                                                                     (10.2s @ 2.72GB)
        64.51MB (48.90%) for code area:    75,155 compilation units
        65.94MB (49.98%) for image heap:  473,416 objects and 79 resources
        1.47MB ( 1.12%) for other data
        131.92MB in total
    Top 10 origins of code area:                                Top 10 object types in image heap:
    42.47MB hello_world.jar                                     18.95MB byte[] for code metadata
    11.95MB java.base                                           12.68MB byte[] for embedded resources
    2.98MB java.xml                                             6.95MB byte[] for java.lang.String
    1.48MB svm.jar (Native Image)                               5.25MB java.lang.Class
    1.31MB java.desktop                                         5.03MB int[]
    1.26MB                                        4.62MB java.lang.String
    585.32kB java.naming                                          1.75MB
    462.91kB                                      1.12MB byte[] for reflection metadata
    451.34kB java.rmi                                             1.05MB byte[] for general heap data
    304.96kB                                      971.00kB java.lang.String[]
    898.96kB for 22 more packages                                 7.59MB for 4745 more object types
    INIT: Adopt '--strict-image-heap' to prepare for the next GraalVM release.
    HEAP: Set max heap for improved and more predictable memory usage.
    CPU:  Enable more CPU features with '-march=native' for improved performance.
                           19.8s (15.2% of total time) in 88 GCs | Peak RSS: 3.76GB | CPU load: 4.69
    Produced artifacts:
    /Users/ballerina/hello_world/target/bin/hello_world (executable)
    Finished generating 'hello_world' in 2m 9s.

    Note: On Windows, the Microsoft Native Tools for Visual Studio must be initialized before building a native image. You can do this by starting the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt that was installed with the Visual Studio Build Tools. In the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt, navigate to your project folder and run bal build --graalvm.

  4. Execute the command below to run the native executable.

    $ ./target/bin/hello_world
  5. Test the service with a cURL request.

    $ curl http://localhost:8080/greeting
    Hello, World!

Now, you have built and tested a native executable locally for a simple Ballerina HTTP server application.

Evaluate GraalVM compatibility

It is recommended to use the JVM for verifying the functionality of the application with sufficient tests and code coverage as running tests against the GraalVM native image could take time. Running tests against the native image is only required when you see GraalVM incompatibility warnings during bal build --graalvm.

* WARNING: Some dependencies may not be GraalVM compatible.                     *

The following Ballerina dependencies in your project could pose compatibility
issues with GraalVM. 

Packages pending compatibility verification with GraalVM:

- PackageA
- PackageB
- PackageC

Packages marked as incompatible with GraalVM:

- PackageA
- PackageB
- PackageC

Please note that generating a GraalVM native image may fail or result in runtime
issues if these packages rely on features that are not supported by GraalVM's
native image generation process.

It is recommended to review the API documentation or contact the maintainers of
these packages for more information on their GraalVM compatibility status. You
may need to adjust or find alternatives for these packages before proceeding
with GraalVM native image generation.


If the application depends on a package that is not verified against the GraalVM native image build, it is recommended to run the tests against the native image by executing the bal test --graalvm command to ensure that there are no runtime issues.

Also, GraalVM native testing can be scheduled as a daily check within CI(Continuous Integration) pipelines to maintain compatibility with GraalVM.

Follow the steps below to run the tests with the native image.

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 in Build the GraalVM executable.

  2. Replace the content of the service_test.bal file with the following under the tests folder.

    import ballerina/http;
    import ballerina/test;
    http:Client testClient = check new ("http://localhost:8080");
    function testServiceWithProperName() {
       string|error response = testClient->get("/greeting");
       test:assertEquals(response, "Hello, World!");
  3. Run bal test --graalvm to run the tests using the GraalVM executable.

    Info: This command will build a native executable with tests similar to bal build --graalvm, and the tests will be executed by running this native executable.

             Running Tests
                      [pass] testServiceWithProperName
                      1 passing
                      0 failing
                      0 skipped

Now, you tested a simple Ballerina HTTP server application for GraalVM compatibility.

Note: Code coverage and runtime debug features are not supported with GraalVM native image testing.

Create GraalVM-compatible library packages

Packages that solely use Ballerina library packages or those that use platform Java libraries provided by the distribution are inferred to be compatible with GraalVM.

If the package utilizes any Java platform libraries specified in the Ballerina.toml, it falls upon the package author to ensure that it remains compatible with GraalVM even after incorporating these platform dependencies. In the event that GraalVM compatibility has not been confirmed by the user, the bal pack command will trigger a warning message.

* WARNING: Package is not verified with GraalVM.                                 *

The GraalVM compatibility property has not been defined for the package
'<package-name>. This could potentially lead to compatibility issues with GraalVM.

To resolve this warning, please ensure that all Java dependencies of this
package are compatible with GraalVM. Subsequently, update the Ballerina.toml
file under the section '[platform.<java*>]' with the attribute
'graalvmCompatible = true'.


In that scenario, the package owner should evaluate the GraalVM-compatibility with bal test --graalvm. If the package has sufficient test cases to verify the compatibility, the package can be marked as GraalVM-compatible by adding the following to the Ballerina.toml file.

graalvmCompatible = true