Observe Ballerina programs

Observability is a measure of how well the internal states of a system can be inferred from the knowledge of its external outputs.

It consists of the three major pillars below.

  • Metrics: numeric values that are collected and aggregated over a period of time.
  • Tracing: the activities that occur when a request/transaction occurs in the system from the point of entry to exit.
  • Logging: text records of activities that occurred with relevant information along with the timestamp.

Provide observability in Ballerina

Metrics, distributed tracing, and logging are key methods that reveal the internal state of the system to provide observability. Ballerina becomes fully observable by exposing itself to external systems via all three methods: supporting monitoring metrics (such as request count and response time statistics), distributed tracing, and log analysis.

Ballerina services and any client connectors are observable by default. HTTP/HTTPS and SQL client connectors use semantic tags to make tracing and metrics monitoring more informative.

This guide focuses on enabling Ballerina service observability with some of its supported systems.

Prometheus and Grafana are used for metrics monitoring, and Jaeger is used for distributed tracing.

Ballerina logs can be fed to any external log monitoring system like the Elastic to perform log monitoring and analysis.

Observe a Ballerina service

Follow the steps below to observe a sample Ballerina service.

Step 1 - create a Hello World Ballerina service

Create a new Ballerina project using the bal new command.

$ bal new observability_demo

Created new package 'observability_demo' at observability_demo.

Delete everything inside the main.bal file which is located inside the newly created observability_demo directory, and replace it with the following code to create a Ballerina service.

import ballerina/http;
import ballerina/log;
import ballerinax/jaeger as _;
import ballerinax/prometheus as _;

service /hello on new http:Listener(9090) {

    isolated resource function get sayHello() returns string {
        log:printInfo("This is a test Info log");
        log:printError("This is a test Error log");
        return "Hello, World!";


Step 2 - observe the Hello World Ballerina service

Observability can be added to a Ballerina project by adding the following section to the Ballerina.toml file.


Note: the above configuration is included by default in the Ballerina.toml file generated when initiating a new package using the bal new command.

Alternatively, we can pass the --observability-included flag with the bal run command to start a Ballerina program with observability enabled.

To include the Prometheus and Jaeger extensions into the executable, the ballerinax/prometheus and ballerinax/jaeger modules need to be imported into your Ballerina code.

import ballerinax/prometheus as _;
import ballerinax/jaeger as _;

Observability is disabled by default at runtime. It can be enabled selectively for metrics and tracing by adding the following runtime configurations to the Config.toml file. Create the file inside the observability_demo directory and add the following section.


Run the Ballerina service.

$ bal run

Compiling source

Running executable

ballerina: started Prometheus HTTP listener
ballerina: started publishing traces to Jaeger on localhost:55680

When Ballerina observability is enabled, the Ballerina runtime exposes internal metrics via an HTTP endpoint (/metrics) for metrics monitoring and traces will be published to Jaeger. Prometheus should be configured to scrape metrics from the metrics HTTP endpoint in Ballerina.

Ballerina logs are logged on the console. Therefore, the logs need to be redirected to a file, which can then be pushed to Elastic to perform the log analysis.

Therefore, redirect the standard output to a file if you want to monitor logs.

$ bal run &> ballerina.log

Step 3 - send requests

Send requests to http://localhost:9090/hello/sayHello.

Example cURL command:

$ curl http://localhost:9090/hello/sayHello

Step 4 - observe metrics, traces & logs

A ballerina service can be observed as follows.

  1. Observe metrics using Prometheus

  2. Observe tracing using Jaeger

  3. Observe logs with Elastic Stack