2201.8.1 (Swan Lake)

Overview of Ballerina Swan Lake Update 8 (2201.8.1)

Swan Lake 2201.8.1 is the first patch release of Ballerina 2201.8.0 (Swan Lake Update 8) and it includes a new set of bug fixes to the language, standard library, and tooling.

Update Ballerina

Update your current Ballerina installation directly to 2201.8.1 using the Ballerina Update Tool as follows.

  1. Run bal update to get the latest version of the Update Tool.
  2. Run bal dist update to update to this latest distribution.

Install Ballerina

If you have not installed Ballerina, download the installers to install.

Language updates

Bug fixes

To view bug fixes, see the GitHub milestone for 2201.8.1 (Swan Lake).

Ballerina library updates

Bug fixes

To view bug fixes, see the GitHub milestone for 2201.8.1 (Swan Lake).

Developer tools updates

Ballerina Update Tool

  • Added distribution update support through a proxy server.


Added CodeLens support to visualize blocks with regex statements.

var regexr = re `^test all\s*(?:resources?|endpoints?|paths?)?.?$`;

Bug fixes

Fixed visible endpoint generation for connector endpoints declared with access modifiers and display annotations.

import ballerinax/googleapis.sheets;

@display {label: "Google Sheets API"}
private sheets:Client sheetsEp;