2201.3.1 (Swan Lake)

Overview of Ballerina Swan Lake 2201.3.1

Swan Lake 2201.3.1 is the first patch release of Ballerina 2201.3.0 (Swan Lake Update 3) and it includes a new set of bug fixes to the language, language server, and developer tooling.

Update Ballerina

If you are already using Ballerina 2201.0.0 (Swan Lake), run either of the commands below to directly update to 2201.3.1 using the Ballerina Update Tool.

bal dist update (or bal dist pull 2201.3.1)

If you are using a version below 2201.0.0 (Swan Lake), run the commands below to update to 2201.3.1.

  1. Run bal update to get the latest version of the Update Tool.

  2. Run bal dist update ( or bal dist pull 2201.3.1) to update your Ballerina version to 2201.3.1.

However, if you are using a version below 2201.0.0 (Swan Lake) and if you already ran bal dist update (or bal dist pull 2201.3.1) before bal update, see Troubleshooting to recover your installation.

Install Ballerina

If you have not installed Ballerina, then, download the installers to install.

Language updates

Bug fixes

Standard library updates

Bug fixes

Developer tools updates

New features


Bug fixes