2201.10.0 (Swan Lake)

Overview of Ballerina Swan Lake Update 10 (2201.10.0)

Swan Lake Update 10 (2201.10.0) is the tenth update release of Ballerina Swan Lake, and it includes a new set of features and significant improvements to the compiler, runtime, Ballerina library, and developer tooling. It is based on the 2024R1 version of the Language Specification.

Update Ballerina

Update your current Ballerina installation directly to 2201.10.0 using the Ballerina Update Tool as follows.

  1. Run bal update to get the latest version of the Update Tool.
  2. Run bal dist update to update to this latest distribution.

Install Ballerina

If you have not installed Ballerina, download the installers to install.

Language updates

Bug fixes

  • A bug that caused an invalid static type to be set for an additive expression with operands of an XML and string subtype has been fixed.
public function main() {
    xml<xml:Element> x = xml `<bar/>`;
    string s1 = "foo";

    // Used to result in an incompatible types error, allowed now.
    xml<xml:Element|xml:Text> r1 = x + s1;

    "foo"|"bar" s2 = "foo";
    // Compile-time error now.
    xml<xml:Element|xml:Comment> r2 = x + s2;

To view bug fixes, see the GitHub milestone for Swan Lake Update 10 (2201.10.0).

Runtime updates


Added support for the shift, unshift, pop, and remove functions with tuples

The runtime now supports the shift, unshift, pop, and remove operations on tuples similar to arrays, as long as they do not violate inherent type or mutability constraints.

The following are now allowed.

[int, int...] tuple1 = [1, 2];
int val1 = tuple1.shift(); // 1

[int, string, float...] tuple2 = [7, "hello", 67.5, 89.7];
int|string|float val2 = tuple2.remove(2); // 67.5

The following examples will result in errors.

[string, string...] tuple1 = ["hello"];
tuple1.unshift(154); // Compile-time error.

[int, string, float...] tuple2 = [7, "hello", 67.5, 89.7];
int|string|float val2 = tuple2.remove(1); // Panics.

New runtime Java APIs

A runtime Java API to check if remote management is enabled

A new runtime Java API is added to check if remote management is enabled via a build option.

boolean isRemoteManagementEnabled();

The above API can be called via a Ballerina Environment instance as follows.

import io.ballerina.runtime.api.Repository;
import io.ballerina.runtime.api.Environment;

Repository repository = env.getRepository();
boolean isRemoteManagementEnabled  = repository.isRemoteManagementEnabled();

Bug fixes

To view bug fixes, see the GitHub milestone for Swan Lake Update 10 (2201.10.0).

Ballerina library updates

New features

data.jsondata package

  • Introduced constraint validation support, allowing validation of the output against constraints specified in the target type.
  • Introduced support for parsing JSON with union types as expected types.

data.xmldata package

  • Introduced constraint validation support, allowing validation of the output against constraints specified in the target type.
  • Introduced support for parsing XML with record types with default values as the expected type, using the default values where required (i.e., if a value corresponding to the record field is not present in the XML value).
  • Introduced the option to choose between semantic and syntactic equality of XML elements and attributes.

data.yaml package

  • The data.yaml package has been introduced to parse YAML as Ballerina anydata values with data projection and to serialize Ballerina values to YAML format.
import ballerina/data.yaml;
import ballerina/io;

type ServerConfig record {|
    string host;
    int port;
    int[2] remotePorts;
    DatabaseConfig database;

type DatabaseConfig record {|
    string dbName;
    string username;

public function main() returns error? {
    // Similar to content read from a YAML file.
    string yamlString = string `
        host: "localhost"
        port: 8080
        remotePorts: [9000, 9001, 9002, 9003]
        protocol: "http"
          dbName: "testdb"
          username: "dbuser"
          password: "dbpassword"`;

    // Based on the expected type, it parses the YAML string to selectively construct the record value.
    ServerConfig serverConfig = check yaml:parseString(yamlString);

graphql package

  • Added support for GraphQL query complexity analysis, which can be used to enhance GraphQL service security by mitigating the risk of denial-of-service attacks. With this update, the graphql:ServiceConfig annotation now includes a new field named queryComplexityConfig to configure query complexity analysis.

http package

  • Introduced support for server-sent events.
  • Introduced service contract types.
  • Introduced the default status code response record type.

ldap package

  • Added support for the main operation types in LDAP.

persist package

  • Introduced support for the H2 data store, mirroring the functionality provided for other supported SQL data stores like MySQL, MSSQL, and PostgreSQL.


http package

  • Added connection eviction support for the HTTP listener.
  • Enhanced the configurability of Ballerina access logging by introducing multiple configuration options.

jwt package

  • Added support to directly provide crypto:PrivateKey and crypto:PublicKey values in JWT signature configurations. With this update, the config field of jwt:IssuerSignatureConfig now allows crypto:PrivateKey, and the certFile field of jwt:ValidatorSignatureConfig now allows crypto:PublicKey.

    Previous jwt:IssuerSignatureConfig record:

    public type IssuerSignatureConfig record {|
        // ... other fields
        record {|
            crypto:KeyStore keyStore;
            string keyAlias;
            string keyPassword;
        |} | record {|
            string keyFile;
            string keyPassword?;
        |}|string config?;

    New jwt:IssuerSignatureConfig record:

    public type IssuerSignatureConfig record {|
        // ... other fields
        record {|
            crypto:KeyStore keyStore;
            string keyAlias;
            string keyPassword;
        |} | record {|
            string keyFile;
            string keyPassword?;
        |}|crypto:PrivateKey|string config?;

    Previous jwt:ValidatorSignatureConfig record:

    public type ValidatorSignatureConfig record {|
        // ... other fields
        string certFile?;

    New jwt:ValidatorSignatureConfig record:

    public type ValidatorSignatureConfig record {|
        // ... other fields
        string|crypto:PublicKey certFile?;

    Note: This feature may break existing code if the relevant fields are referred to using the previous types.

java.jdbc package

  • Updated the datasourceName and properties fields in the jdbc:Options record to be optional fields instead of fields of optional types, to allow users to use the jdbc:Options type in configurable variables.

xslt package

  • Added parameter passing support for XSLT transformations.

Connector updates

New versions of the following connectors have been released with major updates, as part of the Ballerina connector revamp initiative. All listed connectors have been released under new major versions, featuring significant API and functionality changes, along with improved documentation and examples.

asb package

  • Introduced support for listener-service-based async message consumption functionality.

dayforce package

  • Introduced as a new connector with support for the Dayforce REST API v1.

discord package

  • Introduced as a new connector with support for the Discord REST API v10.

salesforce package

  • Introduced the Salesforce listener with support for the Streaming API for real-time data synchronization and event-driven workflows.
  • Added support for base types with the salesforce.types submodule.
  • Reorganized Salesforce clients for better usability.

sap package

  • Added support for invoking any OData endpoint in S/4HANA.
  • Added support for automatic CSRF token authentication for enhanced security and usability.

sap.jco package

  • Enabled invocation of RFC modules with improved type binding.
  • Added support for sending and receiving iDocs.

sap.s4hana.sales packages

  • Provided a high-level interface for APIs related to Sales and Distribution (SD) in S/4HANA.
  • Provided operations for sales order management, delivery processing, and billing.

slack package

  • Replaced existing remote method-based APIs with resource method-based APIs.
  • Added support for the latest Slack REST API.

stripe package

  • Replaced existing remote method-based APIs with resource method-based APIs.
  • Added support for the latest Stripe REST API v1.

twitter (X) package

  • Added support for the Twitter (X) REST API v2.
  • Replaced existing remote method-based APIs with resource method-based APIs.


xmldata package

Bug fixes

To view bug fixes, see the GitHub milestone for Swan Lake Update 10 (2201.10.0).

Developer tools updates

New features

Language Server

  • Introduced the Convert to configurable code action to convert a module-level variable into a configurable variable.
  • Introduced the Extract to configurable code action to extract expressions or function arguments into configurable variables.
  • Introduced the Add to Config.toml code action to add configurable variables to the Config.toml file.


  • Introduced auto-restarting of services with the bal run command as an experimental feature.

    $ bal run --watch

OpenAPI tool

  • Added support to generate a mock client for OpenAPI specifications (OAS) that include examples. To generate a mock client, use the --mock flag in the OpenAPI client generation CLI command.

     $ bal openapi -i <yml file> --mode client --mock
  • Provided an option to generate a single Ballerina file with the client or the service code. To generate code in a single file, use the --single-file flag in the OpenAPI client/service generation CLI command.

    $ bal openapi -i <yml file> --mode <client|service> --single-file
  • Added support to generate the Ballerina service contract object type for a given OAS. To generate the service contract object type, use the --with-service-contract flag along with the OpenAPI CLI client/service generation command.

    $ bal openapi -i <yml file> --mode <client|service> --with-service-contract
  • Introduced example annotations in the OpenAPI package. This feature will enable rendering example schemas in the generated OpenAPI specification.

    For example,

    Using the openapi:Example annotation

    @openapi:Example {
      value: {
        id: 10,
        name: "Jessica Smith"
    type User record {
      int id;
      string name

    Using the openapi:Examples annotation

    @openapi:Examples {
      Jessica: { // Example 1
        value: {
           id: 10,
           name: "Jessica Smith"
      Ron: { // Example 2
        value: {
           id: 11,
           name: "Ron Stewart"
    type User record {
      int id;
      string name
  • Provided a flag to generate the Ballerina client/service adhering to Ballerina naming conventions. To enable this feature, use the --use-sanitized-oas flag in the OpenAPI client/service CLI command. This an experimental feature.

    $ bal openapi -i <yml file> --mode <client|service> --use-sanitized-oas

Persist tool

  • Introduced a new option to the persist generate command to provide a test datastore. This will generate a separate client which can be used to mock the actual client. The possible values are h2 for SQL datastores and inmemory for non-SQL datastores.

    $ bal persist generate --datastore mysql --module db --test-datastore h2
  • Introduced a new option to the persist add command to provide a test datastore. This will generate a separate client which can be used to mock the actual client. The possible values are h2 for SQL datastores and inmemory for non-SQL datastores.

    $ bal persist add --datastore mysql --module db --test-datastore h2
  • Added introspection support for mssql and postgres databases to facilitate the generation of the persist data model.


Language Server

  • Added navigation and reference-finding support for object init functions.

OpenAPI tool

  • Added support for Server-sent events (SSE) in Ballerina client generation.
  • Added support to specify the path to an example file in JSON format as the examples field in the @openapi:ResourceInfo annotation.
  • Added support for request body example mapping via the @openapi:ResourceInfo annotation.

Bug fixes

To view bug fixes, see the GitHub milestone for Swan Lake Update 10 (2201.10.0) of the repositories below.

Ballerina packages updates


  • Resources are now expected at the package level, and module-level resources are no longer supported. Resources that were previously included at module-level have to be moved from modules to the package root to continue to be identified as resources.

    Note: Any resources within the current package, as well as those exported from package dependencies, can be accessed via an external function.

    • Old package structure
    ├── Ballerina.toml
    ├── main.bal
    ├── resources
    └── modules
       └── util
           ├── Module.md
           ├── tests
           │   └── lib_test.bal
           ├── resources
           │   └── open-api-spec.json
           └── util.bal
    • New package structure
    ├── Ballerina.toml
    ├── main.bal
    ├── resources
    │   └── open-api-spec.json
    └── modules
       └── util
           ├── Module.md
           ├── tests
           │   └── lib_test.bal
           └── util.bal
  • Added support to mark a Java dependency as GraalVM compatible in the Ballerina.toml file as follows.

    [[platform.java11.dependency]] groupId = "" artifactId = "" version = "" graalvmCompatible = true
  • Introduced an experimental build option to enable memory-efficient compilation for large packages to prevent out-of-memory issues that can happen during the initial compilation which happens with a clean Central cache.

    $ bal build --optimize-dependency-compilation

Backward-incompatible changes

Language changes

A bug that caused an invalid static type to be set for optional XML attribute access on xml:Element has been fixed for compliance with the specification. The static type now includes error.

public function main() {
    xml:Element xe = xml `<x attr="e"/>`;
    string? attr = xe?.attr; // Compile-time error now.