2201.6.0 (Swan Lake)

Overview of Ballerina Swan Lake 2201.6.0

2201.6.0 (Swan Lake Update 6) is the sixth update release of Ballerina Swan Lake, and it includes a new set of features and significant improvements to the compiler, runtime, standard library, and developer tooling. It is based on the 2022R4 version of the Language Specification.

Update Ballerina

Update your current Ballerina installation directly to 2201.6.0 using the Ballerina Update Tool as follows.

  1. Run bal update to get the latest version of the Update Tool.
  2. Run bal dist update to update to this latest distribution.

Install Ballerina

If you have not installed Ballerina, download the installers to install.

Language updates

New features

New lang library functions

New lang.int:avg() function
  • Introduced the lang.int:avg() function, which returns the average of its integer arguments.

    import ballerina/io;
    public function main() {
        io:println(int:avg(10, 20, 30, 40)); // 25.0
New lang.float:avg() function
  • Introduced the lang.float:avg() function, which returns the average of its float arguments.

    import ballerina/io;
    public function main() {
        io:println(float:avg(2, 2)); // 2.0
New lang.decimal:avg() function
  • Introduced the lang.decimal:avg() function, which returns the average of its decimal arguments.

    import ballerina/io;
    public function main() {
        io:println(decimal:avg(10, 20, 30, 40)); // 25.0
New lang.boolean:some() function
  • Introduced the lang.boolean:some() function, which returns true if one or more of its arguments are true, and false otherwise.

    import ballerina/io;
    public function main() {
        io:println(boolean:some(true, false)); // true
        io:println(boolean:some(false, false)); // false
New lang.boolean:every() function
  • Introduced the lang.boolean:every() function, which returns true if all of its arguments are true, and false otherwise.

    import ballerina/io;
    public function main() {
        io:println(boolean:every(true, false)); // false
        io:println(boolean:every(true, true)); // true
New lang.value:count() function
  • Introduced the lang.value:count() function, which returns the number of arguments.

    import ballerina/io;
    import ballerina/lang.value;
    public function main() {
        io:println(value:count(1, 2, 3)); // 3
New lang.value:first() function
  • Introduced the lang.value:first() function, which returns the first argument.

    import ballerina/io;
    import ballerina/lang.value;
    public function main() {
        io:println(value:first(1, 2, 3)); // 1
New lang.value:last() function
  • Introduced the lang.value:last() function, which returns the last argument.

    import ballerina/io;
    import ballerina/lang.value;
    public function main() {
        io:println(value:last(1, 2, 3)); // 3

Bug fixes

To view other bug fixes, see the GitHub milestone for 2201.6.0 (Swan Lake).

Runtime updates

New features

New Runtime Java APIs

  • Introduced the getInitMethod() API in the io.ballerina.runtime.api.types.ObjectType class to get the method type of the initializer method of Ballerina objects.

    MethodType getInitMethod();


Deprecations in Runtime Java APIs

  • Deprecated the following APIs in the io.ballerina.runtime.api package and marked for removal in a future release.

    Runtime APIJava class
    createDecimalValue(String, DecimalValueKind)io.ballerina.runtime.api.creators.ValueCreator
    convertToJson(Object, List<TypeValuePair>)io.ballerina.runtime.api.utils.JsonUtils
    getStringValue(Object, BLink)io.ballerina.runtime.api.utils.StringUtils
    getExpressionStringValue(Object, BLink)io.ballerina.runtime.api.utils.StringUtils
    parseExpressionStringValue(String, BLink)io.ballerina.runtime.api.utils.StringUtils
    call(Strand, String, Object...)io.ballerina.runtime.api.values.BObject
    start(Strand, String, Object...)io.ballerina.runtime.api.values.BObject
    instantiate(Strand, BInitialValueEntry[])io.ballerina.runtime.api.values.BTypedesc

Bug fixes

To view bug fixes, see the GitHub milestone for 2201.6.0 (Swan Lake).

Standard library updates

New features

constraint package

  • Introduced the @constriant:Date annotation to validate date record structures.
  • Allowed constraint annotations on subtypes.

http package

  • Added constraint validation support for query, path, and header parameters.
  • Exposed the http:Request object in the response interceptors as a remote method parameter.
  • Added finite type support for query, path, and header parameters.

graphql package

  • Added support for GraphQL field interceptors.
  • Added support for GraphQL interceptor configurations.
  • Added support to access subfields of a GraphQL field from the graphql:Field object.

persist package

  • Added support for the in-memory data store.
  • Added support for the google-sheets data store. This is currently an experimental feature and its behavior may be subject to change in future releases.
  • Added support for defining enums and adding enum fields to the data model.

edi package

  • Introduced the edi module to convert EDI to JSON and vice versa based on a given schema.

toml package

  • Introduced the pre-release version of the toml module to convert a TOML configuration file to map<json> and vice versa.

yaml package

  • Introduced the pre-release version of the yaml module to convert a YAML configuration file to JSON and vice versa.


stan package

serdes package

  • Deprecated the serdes package.


persist package

  • Renamed the error types as follows.
    • InvalidKeyError to NotFoundError
    • DuplicateKeyError to AlreadyExistsError
    • ForeignKeyConstraintViolationError to ForeignKeyViolationError
  • Removed the FieldDoesNotExistError error type as the NotFoundError error type can be used instead.
  • Marked the generated client object as isolated.
  • Added support for transactions in the mysql data store.

http package

  • Allowed a single interceptor service object to be configured as the interceptor pipeline.

  • Allowed the subtypes of one of string, int, float, boolean, or decimal as path parameters.

  • Added support for http:InterceptableService to enable engaging service-level interceptors and deprecated the usage of interceptors in the http:HttpServiceConfig.

    For example, consider the following implementation of the http:InterceptableService.

    import ballerina/http;
    service http:InterceptableService / on new http:Listener(9090) {
        public function createInterceptors() returns RequestInterceptor {
            return new RequestInterceptor();
        resource function get user() returns string {
            return "John, Doe";

Bug fixes

To view bug fixes, see the GitHub milestone for 2201.6.0 (Swan Lake).

Developer tools updates

New features

Persist Tool

  • Added support for the in-memory data store. This is set as the default data store.
  • Added support for the google-sheets data store. This is currently an experimental feature and its behavior may be subject to change in future releases.
  • Added the persist migrate command to generate migration scripts for data model changes in the mysql data store. The support for migrations is currently an experimental feature and its behavior may be subject to change in future releases.

Language Server

  • Added inlay hint support for function call expressions and method call expressions to provide information about parameters.


CLI Commands

Deprecation of bal init
  • Deprecated the bal init command. It will be removed in a future version. The bal new . command can be used instead.


Test Framework

  • Added support for excluding source files from code coverage.

Persist Tool

  • Added support for additional DB configurations in the generated client objects for the mysql data store.
  • Changed the Ballerina byte[] type mapping to LONGBLOB in the generated SQL script file.

Language Server

  • Removed service template initialization from the lightweight mode.
  • Improved the completion support and signature help for client resource access actions.
  • Improved the main function completion item.
  • Improved completions in the named argument context.
  • Added support to rename parameter documentation for record fields and required parameters.

OpenAPI Tool

  • Added support for regular expression templates (i.e., the pattern property) defined on OpenAPI string types in the Ballerina client and service generation. With this support, the aforementioned Regex templates will be represented as ballerina/constraint module annotations in the generated code. This support applies to Regex patterns that satisfy the Ballerina regular expression grammar.
  • Added support for OpenAPI enums in the client and service generation.
  • Added support for query parameters with referenced schema in the Ballerina service generation.
  • Added support for header parameters with referenced schema in the Ballerina service generation.
  • Added support for integer, float, decimal, and boolean header parameter types in the Ballerina service generation.

Architecture Model Generator

  • Added a new language server extension to retrieve Ballerina persist models.
  • Added support to retrieve dependencies of the main function entry points.

CLI commands

Support for providing paths with bal new
  • Added support to provide a directory path with the bal new command to create a package in a specific directory (e.g., bal new <package-path>).

Bug fixes

To view bug fixes, see the GitHub milestone for 2201.6.0 (Swan Lake) of the repositories below.

Ballerina packages updates

Bug fixes

To view bug fixes, see the GitHub milestone for 2201.6.0 (Swan Lake).

Backward-incompatible changes

  • self of an object is now implicitly final and cannot be assigned to.

    class Counter {
        private int i = 0;
        function updateSelf() {
            self = new; // Compilation error now.
        function increment() {
            lock {
                self.i += 1;

    This also allows using self of an object that is a subtype of readonly or isolated object {} as a captured variable within an isolated anonymous function.

    isolated class Filter {
        final string[] & readonly words;
        private int length;
        isolated function init(string[] & readonly words, int length) {
            self.words = words;
            self.length = length;
        isolated function setLength(int length) {
            lock {
                self.length = length;
        isolated function getCount() returns int =>
                // Allowed now.
                word => word.length() == self.length).length();
  • Fixed a bug that allowed assigning nil to a record field with member access expressions when there are no fields of optional types. This previously resulted in a runtime panic if the value was nil.

    type Employee record {|
        string id;
        string name;
    public function main() {
        Employee employee = {
            name: "Jo",
            id: "E12321"
        string key = "name";
        employee[key] = (); // Compilation error now.
        map<string> data = {
            name: "Jo Doe",
            dept: "IT"
        foreach string mkey in employee.keys() {
            // `data[key]` will be nil if the key is not present in `data`.
            // E.g., `data[key]` is nil when `key` is `name`.
            employee[mkey] = data[mkey]; // Compilation error now.
  • Fixed a bug with the XML parser error messages that showed dependency information. The error message prefix failed to create xml is now changed to failed to parse xml to have a single prefix for all the XML-parsing error messages.

    For example, consider the content below of the invalid_xml.txt file.

    <!-- comments cannot have -- in it -->

    When the following Ballerina code is run,

    import ballerina/io;
    public function main() returns error? {
        xml readResult = check io:fileReadXml("invalid_xml.txt");

    it gives the error below.

    error: failed to parse xml: String '--' not allowed in comment (missing '>'?)
     at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,4]
  • The Environment, Future, and Runtime classes in the io.ballerina.runtime.api package, are refactored to abstract classes. Creating an instance of those classes is incorrect.

  • A typedesc value (returned by evaluating the typeof expression on a result of the value:cloneWithType and value:fromJsonWithType functions) is changed to give the correct type-reference type.

    import ballerina/io;
    type IntArray int[];
    public function main() returns error? {
        float[] arr = [1.0, 2.0];
        IntArray result = check arr.cloneWithType();
        io:println(typeof result); // Prints 'typedesc IntArray'.