Supported network integration protocols

Ballerina supports the network integration protocols listed below.

HTTPHTTP client/server functionalities to produce and consume HTTP APIs
gRPCgRPC client/server functionalities to produce and consume gRPC APIs
WebSocketWebSocket client/server functionalities to produce and consume WebSocket APIs
WebSubAPIs for the functionalities of the WebSub subscriber
WebSubHubAPIs for the functionalities of the WebSubHub and WebSub publisher
GraphQLGraphQL client/server functionalities to produce and consume GraphQL APIs
TCPSend and receive messages to/from another application process (local or remote) over the connection-oriented TCP protocol
FTP/SFTPFTP/SFTP client/server functionalities to facilitate file handling in a remote file system
SMTPSend emails via the SMTP protocol using the SMTP client
POP3Receive emails via the POP3 protocol using both clients and services
IMAP4Receive emails via the IMAP4 protocol using both clients and services
JMSSend and receive messages by connecting to a JMS provider
AMQPSend and receive messages by connecting to the RabbitMQ server
AWS SQSPerform operations related to queues and messages by connecting to AWS SQS
MQTTPublish and subscribe messages by connecting to an MQTT server
SOAPSend and receive messages by connecting to a SOAP service