Configure a network proxy

In corporate environments, direct HTTP internet access is often restricted, with a preference for routing traffic through proxy servers. The following section provides a detailed guide on configuring your system to ensure access to Ballerina Central, even when working behind a proxy.

Configure proxy settings

If you are connected to the internet via an HTTP proxy, you need to configure it in the <USER_HOME>/.ballerina/Settings.toml file to carry out operations related to the Ballerina Central such as publishing a package, pulling a package, and resolving packages. Below is the TOML syntax for the proxy settings.

host = "HOST_NAME"
port = PORT
username = "PROXY_USERNAME"
password = "PROXY_PASSWORD"

If your proxy does not require any credentials, keep username and password fields empty as shown below.

host = "HOST_NAME"
port = PORT
username = ""
password = ""

Add necessary certificates to the truststore

If you encounter any certificate-related issues such as the one below when connecting via a proxy:

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target.

follow the steps below to trust the certificates associated with the proxy.

  1. Navigate to the dependencies/ folder in the Ballerina installation directory. Here, you should notice one or more Java Runtime Environment (JRE) instances.

  2. Identify the certificates associated with the proxy. This information is typically found in the documentation provided by your proxy vendor.

  3. Execute the below command in a command line with administrative privileges.

    <BALLERINA_JRE>/bin/keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -file <CERTS_PATH> -alias <ALIAS_NAME> -keystore <BALLERINA_JRE>/lib/security/cacerts

Note: If you are using multiple Ballerina distributions, you may need to follow the above steps to all the JRE instances individually for each distribution.