Specification: Ballerina XmlData Library

Owners: @daneshk @kalaiyarasiganeshalingam @MadhukaHarith92
Reviewers: @daneshk
Created: 2021/12/10
Updated: 2023/01/31
Edition: Swan Lake


This is the specification for the Xmldata standard library of Ballerina language, which provides APIs to perform conversions between XML and JSON/Ballerina records.

The Xmldata library specification has evolved and may continue to evolve in the future. The released versions of the specification can be found under the relevant Github tag.

If you have any feedback or suggestions about the library, start a discussion via a GitHub issue or in the Discord server. Based on the outcome of the discussion, the specification and implementation can be updated. Community feedback is always welcome. Any accepted proposal, which affects the specification is stored under /docs/proposals. Proposals under discussion can be found with the label type/proposal in Github.

The conforming implementation of the specification is released and included in the distribution. Any deviation from the specification is considered a bug.


  1. Overview
  2. Data structure
  3. Rules
  4. Operations

1. Overview

This specification elaborates on the functionalities available in the Xmldata library.

This package considers JSON, XML, Ballerina record and Map data structure and creates the mapping for conversion by preserving their information and structure, and provides the following conversion between XML and JSON/Ballerina records/Map.

  • XML to JSON Conversion
  • XML to Ballerina record Conversion
  • JSON to XML Conversion
  • To XML Conversion
  • From XML Conversion

2. Data Structure

2.1. JSON

JSON is a textual format for representing a single or collection of following values:

  • a simple value (string, number, boolean, null)
  • an array of values
  • an object

2.2. XML

An XML value is a sequence representing the parsed content of an XML element. Values are sequences of zero or more items, where an item is one of the following:

  • element
  • text item consisting of characters
  • processing instruction
  • comment

2.3. Map

A map is an unordered collection of key-value pair elements. A map element is a key and value pair that maps one thing to another. The key must in a string. The value can be of a primitive or complex data type.

2.4. Record

A record is just a collection of fields. Record equality works the same as map equality. A record type descriptor describes a type of mapping value by specifying a type separately for the value of each field.

The record can be defined as an open or a closed record according to the requirement. If a closed record is defined, the returned data should have those defined fields with defined types. Otherwise, this is an open record. Hence, the returned data include both defined fields in the record and additional fields by conversion which are not defined in the record.

3. Rules

We have followed some set of rules for every conversion to preserve the information and structure of both input and output.

3.1. Rules for XML to JSON Conversion

The following rules are used during the conversion process:

  • The namespaces will be omitted or added by configuring preserveNamespaces.
  • Attributes and namespaces will be treated as regular JSON properties, and these keys have a prefix with a string to differentiate them from regular JSON properties.
  • Sequences of two or more similar elements will be converted to a JSON array.
  • Text nodes will be converted into a JSON property with the key as #content.
  • PI and comments in the XML will be omitted.

The following table shows a mapping between the different forms of XML, to a corresponding matching JSON representation by considering the above rules.

XML TypeXML SampleJSON Representation TypeJSON Representation of XML
Empty element<e/>
JSON key-Value pair
and value is ""
Text itemvalue
Comment<!-- value -->
Empty JSON
because it is not considered
in this mapping
PI<?doc document="book.doc"?>
Empty JSON
because it is not considered
in this mapping
Empty sequence``
XML sequence,
with ‘element’s having
distinct keys
JSON object{
XML sequence,
with ‘element’s having
identical keys
JSON object
which contains JSON array
XML sequence,
containing items of type
Element and Text
  value1 Value2
JSON object
with text value and
that key is ’#content’
    "#content":"value1 Value2",
XML with attribute<foo key="value">5</foo>
JSON object.
Here, attribute has ‘@’ prefix
  "foo": {
    "@key": "value",
    "#content": "5"
XML with attribute and namespace<foo key="value"
JSON object.
Here, attribute and namespace
have ‘@’ prefix

3.2. Rules for XML to Record Conversion

This conversion also follows all the rules which will be applied during the XML to the JSON conversion process except the attributes and namespaces rule. Here, attributes and namespaces key will be converted with a prefix as _ in the record.

The table shows a mapping of XML with attribute and namespace to JSON.

XML TypeXML SampleRecord Representation TypeRecord Representation of XML
XML with attribute<foo key="value">5</foo>
JSON object.
Here, attribute has ‘_’ prefix.
  "foo": {
    "_key": "value",
    "#content": "5"
XML with attribute and namespace<foo key="value"
JSON object.
Here, attribute and namespace
have ‘_’ prefix.

3.3. Rules for JSON to XML Conversion

The following rules are used during the conversion process:

  • A default root element will be created while the following scenarios:
    • When JSON is a JSON array
      json data = [
            "@writer": "Christopher",
            lname: "Nolan",
            age: 30,
            address: ["Uduvil"]
    • When JSON data contains multiple key-value pairs
      json data = {
                     fname: "John",
                     lname: "Stallone"
  • JSON array entries will be converted to individual XML elements.
  • For a JSON primitive value, convert the value as the text node of the XML element.
  • If JSON properties' keys have the prefix and that value is the same with attributePrefix value which is defined in the JsonOptions, those will be handled as attributes and namespaces in the XML.

The following table shows a mapping between the different forms of XML, to a corresponding matching JSON representation by considering the above rules.

JSON TypeJSON SampleXML Representation TypeXML Representation of XML
JSON object has single
key-value and value is ""
{"e":""}Empty element<root><e/></root>
Empty JSON``Empty Sequence``
Single value
(string, number, boolean)
valueXML textvalue
NullnullEmpty sequence``
JSON object with
single key-value
  "Store": {
    "name": "Anne",
    "address": {
     "street": "Main",
     "city": "94"
XML sequence<root>
JSON object with
distinct keys
XML sequence with root tag<root>
JSON array[
     "key": "value1"
XML sequence with root tag<root>
JSON object with key
as "#content"
{"#content":"value1"}XML textvalue1
JSON object with key
prefix as ‘@’
  "foo": {
    "@key": "value",
XML element with attribute and namespace<root>
  <foo key="value"

3.4. Rules between the Map and XML Conversions

The following table shows mapping the XML to the different forms of map representation.

XML TypeXML SampleMap TypeOutput
XML Element<key>value</key>map<xml>{#content: <key>value</key>}
XML Element<key>value</key>map<json>{key: "value"}
XML Sequence<keys><key>value</key></keys>map<BALLERINA_PRIMITIVE_TYPE>ERROR
XML Sequence<keys><key>value</key></keys>map<BALLERINA_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_ARRAY>ERROR
XML Sequence<keys><key>value</key></keys>map<json>{keys: {key: "value"}
XML Sequence<keys><key>value</key></keys>map<xml>{#content: <keys><key>value</key></keys>}
XML Sequence<keys><key>value</key></keys>map<table<map<string>>>{keys: table [key: "value"]}

The following table shows mapping the map data to a corresponding matching XML representation.

Map TypeMap SampleXML
map<BALLERINA_PRIMITIVE_TYPE>{key1: value1, key2: value2}<root>
map<BALLERINA_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE>{key1: [v1,v2], key2: [v3,v4]}<root>
map<json>{keys: {key1: value1, key2: value2}}<root>
map<xml>{keys: xml <key>value</key>}<root>
map<table<map<string>>>{keys: table [{key: "value"}]}<root>
map<json[]>{keys: [{key1: value1},{key2: value2}]}<root>
map<xml[]>{keys: [xml <key1>value1</key1>, xml <key2>value2</key2>]}<root>

3.5. Rules between the Ballerina record and XML Conversions

Basic Conversion

The following ballerina record definitions are consistent with the OpenAPI definition to map records to XML without any additional configurations.

Ballerina Record DefinitionOpenAPI DefinitionXML format
Record with single field

type Root record {
 string key?;
   type: object
     type: string
Record with multiple key

type Root record {
 string key1?;
 string key2?;
   type: object
     type: string
     type: string
Nested Record

type Root record {
 Store store?;

type Store record {
 string name?;
 Address address?;

type Address record {
 string street?;
 int city?;
   type: object
     type: object
      type: string
      type: object
        type: string
         type: integer

type Root record {
  string[] key?;
 type: object
   type: array
   type: string
Record field type as XML

type Root record {
 xml key?;
   type: object
     type: object
    xml object
Record field type as table

table<map> t = table [{key:"value"}];

type Root record {
 table key?;
   type: object
    type: array
    type: object
<key>xml object</key>
<key>xml object</key>
Required Field

type Root record {
 int id;
 string uname;
 string name?;
   type: object
     type: integer
     type: string
     type: string
     - id
     - uname
Close record

type Person record {|
 string name;
    type: object
     type: string
     - name
   additionalProperties: false
open record

type Person record {
 string name;
    type: object
     type: string
     - name
   additionalProperties: true
Union Type Field

type Location record {
  string|Address address?;

type Address record {
 int id;
 string uname;
 string name?;
   type: object
      - $ref: '#/components/schemas/Address'
     - type: string
   type: object
     type: integer
     type: string
      type: string
      - id
     - uname



Conversion with Attributes and Namespaces

The OpenAPI definition has metadata objects that allow for more fine-tuned XML model definitions. You can find those here. https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#fixed-fields-22

So, In Ballerina, we are going to introduce some annotations to support this metadata.

OpenAPI metadataOpenAPI DefinitionBallerina Record Definition
with annotation
XML format
XML Name
     type: object
         type: integer
       name: ID
     name: animal
@xmldata:name {
value: animal
type animals record {
  value: ID
  string id?;
XML Attributecomponents:
   type: object
     type: string
      attribute: true
type Pline record {
 int discount?;
<Pline discount= "string">
XML Namespacecomponents:
   type: object
    prefix: ns0
    namespace: 'http://www.w3.org/'
@xmldata:namespace {
uri = "http://www.w3.org/"
type Root record {};
<ns0:Root xmlns:ns0 = "http://www.w3.org/">
XML Namespace
and Prefix
   type: object
    prefix: 'nso'
     namespace: 'http://www.w3.org/'
     type: string
       prefix: 'nso'
@xmldata:namespace {
prefix: "nso",
uri = "http://www.w3.org/"

type Pline record {
   prefix: "nso"
 string foo;
<nso:Pline xmlns:ns0="http://www.w3.org/">
XML Prefix with Namespaces

Noted: OpenAPI
does not support
multiple XML
within a single element.
As a workaround,
we can define additional
namespaces as
regular attributes
(that is, schema
properties with xml.attribute=true)
   type: object
     type: string
        - 'http://www.w3.org/'

        attribute: true
       prefix: 'ns0'
       namespace: 'http://www.w3.org/'
@xmldata:namespace {
uri = "http://www.w3.org/"
type Root record {
 string key?;
string xmlns:asd = "http://www.w3.org/" ;
<ns0:root xmlns:ns0="http://www.w3.org/" xmlns:asd="http://www.w3.org/">
Signifies whether
the array is wrapped or not.
One of the below open
API definitions can be used to
define the ballerina record array field definition.
So, we don’t need to introduce
new annotations for wrapped metadata.

1. Unwrap array definition
   type: object
       type: string

2. Wrap array definition.
   type: array
      type: string
   wrapped: true
type root record {
 string[] root?;

Convert XML element with attributes(Unsupported in OpenAPI)

OpenAPI does not support XML which has elements with attributes. For more info, please see this issue: https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/issues/630

But this use-case is commonly used in XML. Therefore, In Ballerina, we support through special field name #content like below.

Ballerina Record DefinitionXML Sample
type PLine record {
  ItemCode itemCode?;

type ItemCode record {
  string discount?;
  int #content?;// If the value doesn't have a key,
can initialize that value with the default ey name#content
<itemCode discount=22%>

4. Operations

4.1. XML to JSON Conversion

XML to JSON conversion is a mapping between the different forms of XML to a corresponding matching JSON representation. The following API returns the JSON data to the given XML structure by configuring the XmlOptions.

public isolated function toJson(xml xmlValue, XmlOptions options = {}) returns json|Error

The XmlOptions is used to configure the attribute and namespace prefix and add or eliminate the namespace in the JSON data.

public type XmlOptions record {
    string attributePrefix = "@";
    boolean preserveNamespaces = true;

4.1.1. Sample

xml input = xml `<ns0:bookStore status="online" xmlns:ns0="http://sample.com/test">
                <!-- some comment -->
                <?doc document="book.doc"?>`;

The JSON representation of the above XML with the default configuration of the above API.

    "ns0:bookStore": {
        "ns0:storeName": "foo",
        "ns0:postalCode": "94",
        "ns0:isOpen": "true",
        "ns0:address": {
            "ns0:street": "No 20, Palm Grove",
            "ns0:city": "Colombo 03",
            "ns0:country": "Sri Lanka"
        "ns0:codes": {

When attributePrefix is & and preserveNamespaces is false, the JSON representation of the above XML


4.2. XML to Record Conversion

This conversion is a mapping between the different forms of XML to a corresponding matching Ballerina record representation. The following API returns the record to the given XML structure by configuring the preserveNamespaces and returnType.

public isolated function toRecord(xml xmlValue, boolean preserveNamespaces = true, typedesc<record {}> returnType = <>) returns returnType|Error

4.2.1. Sample

xml input = xml `<ns0:bookStore status="online" xmlns:ns0="http://sample.com/test">
                <!-- some comment -->
                <?doc document="book.doc"?>`;

The record representation of the above XML with the default configuration of this API.

    "ns0:bookStore": {
        "ns0:storeName": "foo",
        "ns0:postalCode": "94",
        "ns0:isOpen": "true",
        "ns0:address": {
            "ns0:street": "No 20, Palm Grove",
            "ns0:city": "Colombo 03",
            "ns0:country": "Sri Lanka"
        "ns0:codes": {

If returnType is configured for the above output, it must be specified in the following format with the open/closed record type.

type BookStores record {|
    BookStore ns0\:bookStore;

type BookStore record {|
    string ns0\:storeName;
    string ns0\:postalCode;
    string ns0\:isOpen;
    Address ns0\:address;
    Codes ns0\:codes;
    string _status;
    string _xmlns\:ns0;

type Address record {|
    string ns0\:street;
    string ns0\:city;
    string ns0\:country;

type Codes record {|
    string[] ns0\:code;

When preserveNamespaces is false(without namespaces), the output of the above XML.


If returnType is configured for the above output(without namespaces), it must be specified in the following format with the open/closed record type.

type BookStores record {|
    BookStore bookStore;

type BookStore record {|
    string storeName;
    string postalCode;
    string isOpen;
    Address address;
    Codes codes;
    string _status;

type Address record {|
    string street;
    string city;
    string country;

type Codes record {|
    string[] code;

4.3. JSON to XML Conversion

This conversion provides a mapping between the different forms of JSON, to a corresponding matching XML representation. The following API returns the JSON data to the given XML structure by configuring the JsonOptions.

public isolated function fromJson(json jsonValue, JsonOptions options = {}) returns xml?|Error

The JsonOptions is used to configure the attribute prefix for the JSON and root and array entry tags for XML. Array entry tag is used to create a tag when JSON array is in without keys.

public type JsonOptions record {
    string attributePrefix = "@";
    string arrayEntryTag = "item";
    string rootTag = "root";

4.3.1. Sample1

json input = {
    "ns0:bookStore": {
        "ns0:storeName": "foo",
        "ns0:postalCode": "94",
        "ns0:isOpen": "true",
        "ns0:address": {
            "ns0:street": "No 20, Palm Grove",
            "ns0:city": "Colombo 03",
            "ns0:country": "Sri Lanka"
        "ns0:codes": {

The XML representation of the above JSON with the default configuration of this API.

<ns0:bookStore xmlns:ns0="http://sample.com/test" status="online">
        <street>No 20, Palm Grove</street>
        <city>Colombo 03</city>
        <country>Sri Lanka</country>

4.3.2. Sample2

json input = {
    "books": [
                "&xmlns:ns0": "http://sample.com/test",
                "&writer": "Christopher",
                "bookName": "book1",
                "bookId": 101
                "@writer": "John",
                "bookName": "book2",
                "bookId": 102

When attributePrefix is & and arrayEntryTag is list, the XML representation of the above JSON.

        <list xmlns:ns0="http://sample.com/test" writer="Christopher">
        <list writer="John">

4.4. Ballerina record/Map to XML Conversion

This conversion provides a mapping between the different forms of Ballerina record/Map, to a corresponding matching XML representation. The following API returns the XML data to the given Ballerina record/Map. The record has annotations to configure namespaces and attributes, but other types(map<BALLERINA_PRIMITIVE_TYPE>|map<BALLERINA_PRIMITIVE_TYPE[]>|map|map|map<json[]>|map<xml[]>|map<table<map>>) don't have these.

public isolated function toXml(map<anydata> mapValue) returns xml|Error

The following annotations are used to configure the name, namespace, and attribute.

# Defines the new name of the name.
# + value - The value of the new name
public type NameConfig record {|
    string value;

# The annotation is used to specify the new name of the existing record name or field name according to the XML format.
public annotation NameConfig Name on type, record field;
# Defines the namespace of the XML element
# + prefix - The value of the prefix of the namespace
# + uri - The value of the URI of the namespace
public type NamespaceConfig record {|
    string prefix;
    string uri?;

# The annotation is used to specify the namespace's prefix and URI of the XML element.
public annotation NamespaceConfig Namespace on type, record field;
# The annotation is used to denote the field that is considered an attribute.
public annotation Attribute on record field;

4.4.1. Sample1

@xmldata:Name {
    value: "Customers"
@xmldata:Namespace {
    prefix: "ns",
    uri: "http://sdf.com"
type Customer record {

    @xmldata:Name {
        value: "employeeName"
    string ns\:name;

    int age;

Customer input = { name: "Asha", age: 10 };

The XML representation of the above Record:

<ns:Customers xmlns:ns="http://sdf.com" ns:employeeName="Asha">

4.4.2. Sample2

map<string> input = {
    "series": "Dark",
    genre: "Sci-Fi"

The XML representation of the above map:


4.5. XML to Ballerina record/Map Conversion

his conversion is a mapping between the different forms of XML to a corresponding matching Ballerina record/Map representation. The following API returns the record/map to the given XML structure. The namespaces and attributes will not be considered a special case.

public isolated function fromXml(xml xmlValue, typedesc<(map<anydata>)> returnType = <>) returns returnType|Error

4.5.1. Sample1

type Commercial record {
    BookStore bookstore;

type BookStore record {
    xml storeName;
    int postalCode;
    boolean isOpen;
    xml address;
    xml codes;
    string status;
    string 'xmlns\:ns0;

type Address record {
    string street;
    string city;
    string country;

type Codes record {
    int[] item;

xml input = xml `<bookstore status="online" xmlns:ns0="http://sample.com/test">
                                <street>Galle Road</street>
                                <country>Sri Lanka</country>
                        <!-- some comment -->
                        <?doc document="book.doc"?>`;

The record representation of the above XML with the returned record type as Commercial.

Commercial output = {
    bookstore: {
        storeName: xml `foo`,
        postalCode: 94,
        isOpen: true,
        address: xml `<street>Galle Road</street><city>Colombo</city><country>Sri Lanka</country>`,
        codes: xml `<item>4</item><item>8</item><item>9</item>`,
        'xmlns\:ns0: "http://sample.com/test",
        status: "online"

4.5.2. Sample2

xml xmlData = xml `<Invoice xmlns="example.com" attr="attr-val" xmlns:ns="ns.com" ns:attr="ns-attr-val">
                            <PLine><ItemCode discount="22%">200777</ItemCode><Count>7</Count></PLine>
                        <Address xmlns="">
                            <StreetAddress>20, Palm grove, Colombo 3</StreetAddress>

The map representation of the above XML.

map<json> output = {
        Invoice: {
            PurchesedItems: {
                PLine: [
                    {ItemCode: "223345", Count: "10"},
                    {ItemCode: "223300", Count: "7"},
                        ItemCode: {"discount": "22%", "#content": "200777"},
                        Count: "7"
            Address: {
                StreetAddress: "20, Palm grove, Colombo 3",
                City: "Colombo",
                Zip: "00300",
                Country: "LK",
                "xmlns": ""
            "xmlns:ns": "ns.com",
            "xmlns": "example.com",
            "attr": "attr-val",
            "ns:attr": "ns-attr-val"