Specification: Ballerina WebSub Library

Owners: @shafreenAnfar @chamil321 @ayeshLK
Reviewers: @chamil321
Created: 2022/01/31
Updated: 2023/09/14
Edition: Swan Lake


This is the specification for the WebSub standard library of Ballerina language, which provides WebSub compliant subscriber related functionalities.

The WebSub library specification has evolved and may continue to evolve in the future. The released versions of the specification can be found under the relevant Github tag.

If you have any feedback or suggestions about the library, start a discussion via a GitHub issue or in the Discord server. Based on the outcome of the discussion, the specification and implementation can be updated. Community feedback is always welcome. Any accepted proposal which affects the specification is stored under /docs/proposals. Proposals under discussion can be found with the label type/proposal in Github.

The conforming implementation of the specification is released and included in the distribution. Any deviation from the specification is considered a bug.


  1. Overview
  2. Subscriber
  3. Common Client Configuration

1. Overview

WebSub is a real-time content delivery protocol over HTTP(S) and it is a specification which evolved from PubSubHubbub.

WebSub specification describes three main roles:

  • Publisher: Advertises a topic and hub URL on one or more resource URLs.
  • Subscriber: Discovers the hub and topic URL given a resource URL, subscribes to updates at the hub, and accepts content distribution requests from the hub.
  • Hub: Handles subscription requests and distributes the content to subscribers when the corresponding topic URL has been updated.

WebSub is a library which is derived from the WebSub specification which could be used by developers to implement WebSub compliant subscriber services.

2. Subscriber

WebSub subscriber will subscribe to a hub to receive content updates for a topic.

It has the following capabilities:

  • Discover the hub and the topic given a resource URL
  • Subscribe to content updates for a topic in a hub
  • Accept content distribution requests from the hub

The subscriber is designed in the form of listener and Subscriber Service.

  • websub:Listener: A listener end-point to which websub:SubscriberService could be attached.
  • websub:SubscriberService: An API service, which receives events.

2.1. Listener

The websub:Listener opens the given port and attaches the provided websub:SubscriberService object to the given service-path. websub:Listener can be initialized either by providing a port with listener configurations or by providing an http:Listener.

2.1.1. Configuration

When initializing a websub:Listener, following configurations could be provided.

# Provides a set of configurations for configure the underlying HTTP listener of the WebSub listener.
# + gracefulShutdownPeriod - The time period in seconds to wait for unsubscription verification
public type ListenerConfiguration record {|
    decimal gracefulShutdownPeriod = 20;

For more details on the available configurations please refer http:ListenerConfiguration.

2.1.2. Initialization

The websub:Listener could be initialized by providing either a port with websub:ListenerConfiguration or by providing an http:Listener.

# Initiliazes `websub:Listener` instance.
# ```
# listener websub:Listener websubListenerEp = check new (9090);
# ```
# + listenTo - Port number or a `http:Listener` instance
# + config - Custom `websub:ListenerConfiguration` to be provided to underlying HTTP Listener
# + return - The `websub:Listener` or an `websub:Error` if the initialization failed
public isolated function init(int|http:Listener listenTo, *ListenerConfiguration config) returns websub:Error?

2.1.3. Methods

Following APIs should be available in the websub:Listener to dynamically attach websub:SubscriberService objects to it.

# Attaches the provided `websub:SubscriberService` to the `websub:Listener`.
# ```
# check websubListenerEp.attach('service, "/subscriber");
# ```
# + service - The `websub:SubscriberService` object to attach
# + name - The path of the Service to be hosted
# + return - An `websub:Error`, if an error occurred during the service attaching process or else `()`
public isolated function attach(websub:SubscriberService 'service, string[]|string? name = ()) returns websub:Error?

Following APIs should be available in the websub:Listener to dynamically attach websub:SubscriberService objects along with websub:SubscriberServiceConfiguration. This is useful when the subscriber is implemented using a service class.

# Attaches the provided Service to the `websub:Listener` with custom `websub:SubscriberServiceConfiguration`.
# ```
# check websubListenerEp.attachWithConfig('service, {
#    target: "",
#    leaseSeconds: 36000
# }, "/subscriber");
# ```
# + service - The `websub:SubscriberService` object to attach
# + configuration - Custom `websub:SubscriberServiceConfiguration` which should be incorporated into the provided Service 
# + name - The path of the Service to be hosted
# + return - An `websub:Error`, if an error occurred during the service attaching process or else `()`
public isolated function attachWithConfig(websub:SubscriberService 'service, websub:SubscriberServiceConfiguration configuration, string[]|string? name = ()) returns websub:Error?

Following APIs should be available in the websub:Listener to dynamically detach websub:SubscriberService objects from it.

# Detaches the provided `websub:SubscriberService` from the `websub:Listener`.
# ```
# check websubListenerEp.detach('service);
# ```
# + service - The `websub:SubscriberService` object to be detached
# + return - An `websub:Error`, if an error occurred during the service detaching process or else `()`
public isolated function detach(websub:SubscriberService 'service) returns websub:Error?

Following APIs should be available to dynamically start the websub:Listener.

# Starts the registered service programmatically..
# ```
# check websubListenerEp.'start();
# ```
# + return - An `websub:Error`, if an error occurred during the listener starting process or else `()`
public isolated function 'start() returns websub:Error?

Following APIs should be available to dynamically stop the websub:Listener.

# Stops the service listener gracefully. Already-accepted requests will be served before connection closure.
# ```
# check websubListenerEp.gracefulStop();
# ```
# + return - An `websub:Error`, if an error occurred during the listener stopping process or else `()`
public isolated function gracefulStop() returns websub:Error?

# Stops the service listener immediately.
# ```
# check websubListenerEp.immediateStop();
# ```
# + return - An `websub:Error`, if an error occurred during the listener stopping process or else `()`
public isolated function immediateStop() returns websub:Error?

2.2. Subscriber Service

websub:SubscriberService is responsible for handling the received events. Underlying http:Service will receive the original request, and then it will trigger the WebSub dispatcher which will invoke the respective remote method with the event details.

Following is the type-definition for websub:SubscriberService.

public type SubscriberService distinct service object {
    // Sample GET request hub.mode=denied&hub.reason=unauthorized
    // Sample 200 OK response
    remote function onSubscriptionValidationDenied(websub:SubscriptionDeniedError msg)
        returns websub:Acknowledgement|error?;

    // Sample GET request hub.mode=subscribe&hub.topic=test&hub.challenge=1234
    // Sample 200 OK response with text payload containing received `hub.challenge` parameter or 404 NOT FOUND
    remote function onSubscriptionVerification(websub:SubscriptionVerification msg)
        returns websub:SubscriptionVerificationSuccess|websub:SubscriptionVerificationError|error;

    // Sample GET request hub.mode=unsubscribe&hub.topic=test&hub.challenge=1234
    // Sample 200 OK response with text payload containing received `hub.challenge` parameter or 404 NOT FOUND
    remote function onUnsubscriptionVerification(websub:UnsubscriptionVerification msg)
        returns websub:UnsubscriptionVerificationSuccess|websub:UnsubscriptionVerificationError|error;

    // Sample POST request with string/json/xml payload
    // Sample 202 ACCEPTED response or 410 GONE
    remote function onEventNotification(websub:ContentDistributionMessage event)
        returns websub:Acknowledgement|websub:SubscriptionDeletedError|error?;

2.2.1. Methods onSubscriptionValidationDenied

This remote method is invoked when the hub sends a request to notify that the subscription request is denied.

# Notifies that the subscription request is denied by the `hub`.
# + msg - Details related to the subscription denial
# + return - `error` if there is any error when processing the reuqest or else `websub:Acknowledgement` or `()`
remote function onSubscriptionValidationDenied(websub:SubscriptionDeniedError msg) returns websub:Acknowledgement|error?; onSubscriptionVerification

This remote method is invoked when the hub sends a subscription verification request to the subscriber.

# Verifies the subscription attempt.
# + msg - Details related to the subscription verificaiton
# + return - `websub:SubscriptionVerificationSuccess` if the subscription is verified successfully, 
#           `websub:SubscriptionVerificationError` if the subscription verification is unsuccessful or else `error` if 
#           there is an exception while executing the method
remote function onSubscriptionVerification(websub:SubscriptionVerification msg) 
    returns websub:SubscriptionVerificationSuccess|websub:SubscriptionVerificationError|error; onUnsubscriptionVerification

This remote method is invoked when the hub sends a unsubscription verification request to the subscriber.

# Verifies the unsubscription attempt.
# + msg - Details related to the unsubscription verificaiton
# + return - `websub:UnsubscriptionVerificationSuccess` if the unsubscription is verified successfully, 
#           `websub:UnsubscriptionVerificationError` if the unsubscription verification is unsuccessful or else `error` if 
#           there is an exception while executing the method
remote function onUnsubscriptionVerification(websub:UnsubscriptionVerification msg) 
    returns websub:UnsubscriptionVerificationSuccess|websub:UnsubscriptionVerificationError|error; onEventNotification

This remote method is invoked when the hub sends a content-distribution request to the subscriber.

# Notifies the content distribution.
# + msg - Received content distribution message
# + return - `websub:Acknowledgement` if the content received successfully, `websub:SubscriptionDeletedError` if the 
#           subscriber does not need any content updates in the future, `error` if  there is an exception while 
#           executing the method or else `()`
remote function onEventNotification(websub:ContentDistributionMessage event) 
    returns websub:Acknowledgement|websub:SubscriptionDeletedError|error?;

2.2.2. Annotation

Apart from the listener level configurations a subscriber will require few additional configurations. Hence, there should be websub:SubscriberServiceConfig a service-level-annotation for websub:SubscriberService which contains websub:SubscriberServiceConfiguration record.

# Configuration for a WebSubSubscriber service.
# + target - The `string` resource URL for which discovery will be initiated to identify the hub and topic,
#            or a tuple `[hub, topic]` representing a discovered hub and a topic
# + leaseSeconds - The period for which the subscription is expected to be active
# + callback - The callback URL for subscriber-service
# + secret - The secret to be used for authenticated content distribution
# + appendServicePath - This flag notifies whether or not to append service-path to callback-url
# + unsubscribeOnShutdown - This flag notifies whether or not to initiate unsubscription when the service is shutting down
# + httpConfig - The configuration for the subscriber client used to interact with the discovered/specified hub
# + discoveryConfig - HTTP client configurations for resource discovery
# + customParams - Additional parameters, which need to be sent with the subscription/unsubscription request
# + customHeaders - Additional HTTP headers, which need to be sent with the subscription/unsubscription request
# + servicePath - The generated service-path if the service-path is not provided. This is auto-generated at the compile-time
public type SubscriberServiceConfiguration record {|
    string|[string, string] target?;
    int leaseSeconds?;
    string callback?;
    string secret?;
    boolean appendServicePath = false;
    boolean unsubscribeOnShutdown = false;
    ClientConfiguration httpConfig?;
    record {|
        string|string[] accept?;
        string|string[] acceptLanguage?;
        ClientConfiguration httpConfig?;
    |} discoveryConfig?;
    map<string> customParams?;
    map<string> customHeaders?;
    readonly byte[] servicePath = [];

2.2.3. Callback URL Generation

As per the WebSub specification subscriber callback URL could be used as an identity of a subscriber at the hub level, and it should be unguessable and unique for a subscription.

Since the developer should have the control over the callback URL to be used when subscribing to a hub, websub:SubscriberServiceConfig annotation contains an optional configuration(callback) to be used to provide a callback URL. If the callback is not configured, websub:SubscriberService should be able to construct the callback URL using the provided websub:ListenerConfiguration and service path. Service Path Generation

In ballerina service declaration, service path is an optional configuration. Hence, developers could declare websub:SubscriberService by omitting the service path. Since, service path is required for constructing the callback URL, websub:SubscriberService should be able to generate a unique, unguessable URL segment to be used as its service path.

Service path generation should be implemented with following guidelines:

  • Service path should be generated only if;
    • Service path and callback URL is not provided for the websub:SubscriberService.
    • callback URL is provided, appendServicePath configuration is enabled and service path is not provided.
  • WebSub compiler plugin will generate unique service path for the websub:SubscriberService and populate servicePath field in websub:SubscriberServiceConfig annotation.
  • If there is an error while generating the service path, then it should result in a compile-time error since this feature is required to generate a callback URL and without it subscriber service could not be used.
  • If the callback URL is provided without the service path then the websub:SubscriberService will be attached to the default service path which is /.

2.2.4. Unsubscribing from the hub

As per the WebSub Specification a subscriber should be able to subscribe to a particular topic in a specific hub. As the counterpart subscriber should be able to unsubscribe from a previously subscribed topic in a specific hub. Even though the specification does not clearly define when this unsubscription should happen, it is obvious that this should happen whenever subscriber is terminated.

The key functionalities expected from the unsubscription flow as follows:

  • Developer should manually enable this feature by configuring unsubscribeOnShutdown in websub:SubscriberServiceConfig annotation.
  • Developer should be able to configure unsubscription verification time-out using gracefulShutdownPeriod configuration in websub:ListenerConfiguration.
  • Unsubscription flow should be initiated whenever the graceful stop is invoked in websub:Listener.
  • If multiple websub:SubscriberService instances are attached to one websub:Listener, all the subscriber instances which have enabled unsubscribeOnShutdown should initiate unsubscription on listener shutdown.
  • Unsubscription flow should be initiated only if graceful stop is invoked, and will not be executed for immediate stop .

3. Common Client Configuration

Websub library provides following client configurations to be used when initializing websub:SubscriptionClient/websub:DiscoveryService.

# Record to represent the client configuration for the SubscriptionClient/DiscoveryService.
# + httpVersion - The HTTP version understood by the client
# + http1Settings - Configurations related to HTTP/1.x protocol
# + http2Settings - Configurations related to HTTP/2 protocol
# + timeout - The maximum time to wait (in seconds) for a response before closing the connection
# + followRedirects - Configurations associated with Redirection
# + poolConfig - Configurations associated with request pooling
# + auth - Configurations related to client authentication
# + retryConfig - Configurations associated with retrying
# + responseLimits - Configurations associated with inbound response size limits
# + secureSocket - SSL/TLS related options
# + circuitBreaker - Configurations associated with the behaviour of the Circuit Breaker
public type ClientConfiguration record {|
    http:HttpVersion httpVersion = http:HTTP_2_0;
    http:ClientHttp1Settings http1Settings = {};
    http:ClientHttp2Settings http2Settings = {};
    decimal timeout = 60;
    http:FollowRedirects followRedirects?;
    http:PoolConfiguration poolConfig?;
    http:ClientAuthConfig auth?;
    http:RetryConfig retryConfig?;
    http:ResponseLimitConfigs responseLimits = {};
    http:ClientSecureSocket secureSocket?;
    http:CircuitBreakerConfig circuitBreaker?;