Specification: Ballerina Toml Library

Owners: @MadhukaHarith92 @sameerajayasoma @nipunayf
Reviewers: @shafreenAnfar
Created: 2023/04/04
Updated: 2023/04/04
Edition: Swan Lake


This is the specification for the Toml library of Ballerina language, which provides APIs to convert a TOML configuration file to map<json>, and vice-versa.

Since the parser is following LL(1) grammar, it follows a non-recursive predictive parsing algorithm that operates in a linear time complexity.

If you have any feedback or suggestions about the library, start a discussion via a GitHub issue or in the Discord server. Based on the outcome of the discussion, the specification and implementation can be updated. Community feedback is always welcome. Any accepted proposal, which affects the specification is stored under /docs/proposals. Proposals under discussion can be found with the label type/proposal in GitHub.

The conforming implementation of the specification is released and included in the distribution. Any deviation from the specification is considered a bug.


  1. Overview
  2. Compatibility
  3. Parsing a TOML Document
  4. Writing to a TOML Document
  5. Supported Data Types
  6. Example

1. Overview

This specification elaborates on the functions available in the Toml library.

Since the parser is following LL(1) grammar, it follows a non-recursive predictive parsing algorithm that operates in a linear time complexity.

2. Compatibility

BallerinaBallerina 2201.0.0 (Swan Lake)

The parser follows the grammar rules particularized in the TOML specification 1.0.

3. Parsing a TOML Document

The module supports parsing either a TOML file or a TOML string.

// Parsing a TOML file
map<json>|toml:Error tomlFile = toml:readFile("path/to/file.toml");

// Parsing a TOML string
map<json>|toml:Error tomLString = toml:readString(string
    `bool = true
    int = 1
    float = 1.1`);

By default, the package parses offset date time into time.Utc. This can be skipped by disabling the parseOffsetDateTime.

4. Writing to a TOML Document

Any map<json> structure containing the supported data types can be converted to a TOML document. The package can either convert the document to an array of strings or write to a TOML file.

map<json> toml = {
    "str": "string",
    "float": 0.01,
    "inline": {
        "boolean": false

// Write the TOML content into a file
toml:Error? fileResult = toml:writeFile("path/to/file.toml", toml);

// Covert the TOML content to an array of strings
string[]|toml:Error stringResult = toml:writeString(toml);

The following options can be set to further format the output TOML file.

int indentationPolicy2The number of whitespaces considered for an indent. An indentation is made once a standard or an array table is defined under the current one.
boolean allowedDottedKeystrueIf set, dotted keys are used instead of standard tables.

Consider the map<json> structure of {table: key = "value"}. The output TOML document of this can be diverted based on the allowedDottedKeys property as follow.

table.key = "value" # allowedDottedKeys = true

# allowedDottedKeys = false
key = "value"

5. Supported Data Types

The following TOML primitives are mapped to the Ballerina types as follows.

Unquoted, Basic and Literal Stringsballerina.lang.string
Offset Date-Timeballerina.time.Utc
Local Date-Time, Local Date, and Local Timeballerina.lang.string

6. Example

The following example illustrates how TOML content is converted to a Ballerina record and written it back after processing it.

import ballerina/io;
import ballerina/toml;

type Package record {|
    string name;
    record {|int major; int minor; int patch;|} 'version;

public function main() returns error? {
    // Read the TOML content into a map<json>
    map<json> result = check toml:readString(string
        `name = "toml"

        major = 0
        minor = 1
        patch = 3`);

    Package packageToml = check result.fromJsonWithType();

    // Update the version 
    packageToml.'version.minor += 1;
    packageToml.'version.patch = 0;

    // Convert map<json> into TOML content