
Specification: Ballerina Protobuf Library

Owners: @daneshk @MadhukaHarith92
Reviewers: @daneshk
Created: 2021/11/17
Updated: 2022/02/08
Edition: Swan Lake


This is the specification for the Protobuf standard library of Ballerina language, which provides APIs to represent a set of pre-defined protobuf types.

The Protobuf library specification has evolved and may continue to evolve in the future. The released versions of the specification can be found under the relevant Github tag.

If you have any feedback or suggestions about the library, start a discussion via a GitHub issue or in the Discord server. Based on the outcome of the discussion, the specification and implementation can be updated. Community feedback is always welcome. Any accepted proposal, which affects the specification is stored under /docs/proposals. Proposals under discussion can be found with the label type/proposal in GitHub.

The conforming implementation of the specification is released and included in the distribution. Any deviation from the specification is considered a bug.


  1. Overview
  2. Wrappers
  3. Duration
  4. Struct
  5. Timestamp
  6. Empty
  7. Any

1. Overview

This specification elaborates on the pre-defined record types and functions available in the Protobuf library.

2. Wrappers

This provides APIs to represent google/protobuf/wrappers.proto. The protobuf module supports 5 wrapper types; string, int, float, boolean, and bytes.

2.1. String type

The ContextStringStream is a context representation record of a string stream.

public type ContextStringStream record {|
    stream<string, error?> content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

The ContextString is a context representation record of a string value.

public type ContextString record {|
    string content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

2.2. Integer type

The ContextIntStream is a context representation record of an integer stream.

public type ContextIntStream record {|
    stream<int, error?> content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

The ContextInt is a context representation record of an integer value.

public type ContextInt record {|
    int content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

2.3. Float type

The ContextFloatStream is a context representation record of a float stream.

public type ContextFloatStream record {|
    stream<float, error?> content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

The ContextFloat is a context representation record of a float value.

public type ContextFloat record {|
    float content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

2.4. Boolean type

The ContextBooleanStream is a context representation record of a boolean stream.

public type ContextBooleanStream record {|
    stream<boolean, error?> content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

The ContextBoolean is a context representation record of a boolean value.

public type ContextBoolean record {|
    boolean content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

2.5. Bytes type

The ContextBytesStream is a context representation record of a byte array stream.

public type ContextBytesStream record {|
    stream<byte[], error?> content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

The ContextBytes is a context representation record of a byte array.

public type ContextBytes record {|
    byte[] content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

3. Duration

This provides APIs to represent google/protobuf/duration.proto.

The ContextDurationStream is a context representation record of a duration stream.

public type ContextDurationStream record {|
    stream<time:Seconds, error?> content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

The ContextDuration is a context representation record of a duration. The content is a time duration represented using time:Seconds. The time:Seconds is a subtype of Ballerina decimal type.

public type ContextDuration record {|
    time:Seconds content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

4. Struct

This provides APIs to represent google/protobuf/struct.proto.

The ContextStructStream is a context representation record of a struct stream.

public type ContextStructStream record {|
    stream<map<anydata>, error?> content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

The ContextStruct is a representation record of a struct.

public type ContextStruct record {|
    map<anydata> content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

5. Timestamp

This provides APIs to represent google/protobuf/timestamp.proto.

The ContextTimestampStream is a context representation record of a timestamp stream.

public type ContextTimestampStream record {|
    stream<time:Utc, error?> content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

The ContextTimestamp is a representation record of a timestamp.

public type ContextTimestamp record {|
    time:Utc content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

6. Empty

This provides APIs to represent google/protobuf/empty.proto.

The ContextNil is a representation record of a gRPC Empty message.

public type ContextNil record {|
    map<string|string[]> headers;

Empty represents an empty record.

public type Empty record {|

7. Any

This provides APIs to represent google/protobuf/any.proto.

The Any record is the Ballerina representation of the protobuf Any type. The typeUrl is the unique identifier of the serialized message, and the value contains the serialized message content. The type of the value entry defines as ValueType, which represent all the Ballerina types that support as subtypes of Any.

public type Any record {|
    string typeUrl;
    ValueType value;

There are two APIs to serialize and deserialize the Any type values as follows.

# Generate and return the generic `'any:Any` record that used to represent protobuf `Any` type.
# + message - The record or the scalar value to be packed as Any type
# + return - Any value representation of the given message  
public isolated function pack(ValueType message) returns Any;

# Unpack and return the specified Ballerina value
# + anyValue - Any value to be unpacked
# + targetTypeOfAny - Type descriptor of the return value
# + return - Return a value of the given type  
public isolated function unpack(Any anyValue, ValueTypeDesc targetTypeOfAny = <>) returns targetTypeOfAny|'any:Error;

The ContextAny is a context representation record of Any Ballerina record.

public type ContextAny record {|
    Any content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;

The ContextAnyStream is the stream representation that contains a stream of Any records as the content.

public type ContextAnyStream record {|
    stream<Any, error?> content;
    map<string|string[]> headers;