Specification: Ballerina ibm.ibmmq Library

Authors: @ayeshLK
Reviewers: @NipunaRanasinghe @dilanSachi
Created: 2024/01/28
Updated: 2024/02/14
Edition: Swan Lake


This is the specification for the ibm.ibmmq library of Ballerina language, which provides the functionality to send and receive messages by connecting to an IBM MQ server.

The ibm.ibmmq library specification has evolved and may continue to evolve in the future. The released versions of the specification can be found under the relevant GitHub tag.

If you have any feedback or suggestions about the library, start a discussion via a GitHub issue or in the Discord server. Based on the outcome of the discussion, the specification and implementation can be updated. Community feedback is always welcome. Any accepted proposal which affects the specification is stored under /docs/proposals. Proposals under discussion can be found with the label type/proposal in Github.

The conforming implementation of the specification is released to Ballerina Central. Any deviation from the specification is considered a bug.


  1. Overview
  2. Queue Manager
  3. Message
  4. Client Options
  5. Queue
  6. Topic

1. Overview

IBM MQ is a robust messaging middleware that facilitates the secure and reliable exchange of messages between applications. This specification elaborates on the usage of IBM MQ queue manager, queue, and topic. These clients allow the writing of distributed applications and microservices that read, write, and process messages in parallel, at scale, and in a fault-tolerant manner even in the case of network problems or machine failures.

Ballerina ibm.ibmmq provides several core APIs:

  • ibmmq:QueueManager - represents an IBM MQ queue manager.
  • ibmmq:Queue - represents an IBM MQ Queue client.
  • ibmmq:Topic - represents an IBM MQ Topic client.

2. Queue Manager

An IBM MQ Queue Manager represents a vital abstraction for managing communication between an application and an IBM MQ server. It serves as a key interface for establishing, managing, and controlling the connection between a client application and the IBM MQ messaging infrastructure.

2.1 Configurations

  • CertKey record represents the combination of certificate, private key and private key password if it is encrypted.
public type CertKey record {|
    # A file containing the certificate
    string certFile;
    # A file containing the private key in PKCS8 format
    string keyFile;
    # Password of the private key if it is encrypted
    string keyPassword?;
  • SecureSocket record represents the configurations needed for secure communication with the IBM MQ server.
public type SecureSocket record {|
    # Configurations associated with `crypto:TrustStore` or single certificate file that the client trusts
    crypto:TrustStore|string cert;
    # Configurations associated with `crypto:KeyStore` or combination of certificate and private key of the client
    crypto:KeyStore|CertKey key?;
    # Name of the security provider used for SSL connections. The default value is the default security provider of the JVM
    string provider?;
  • SslCipherSuite type represents the SSL Cipher Suite to be used for secure communication with the IBM MQ server.
  • QueueManagerConfiguration record represents the IBM MQ queue manager configurations.
public type QueueManagerConfiguration record {|
    # Name of the queue manager
    string name;
    # IBM MQ server host
    string host;
    # IBM MQ server port
    int port = 1414;
    # IBM MQ channel
    string channel;
    # IBM MQ userId
    string userID?;
    # IBM MQ user password
    string password?;
    # Configurations related to SSL/TLS encryption
    SecureSocket secureSocket?;
    # Defines the combination of key exchange, encryption, 
    # and integrity algorithms used for establishing a secure SSL/TLS connection
    SslCipherSuite sslCipherSuite?;

2.2. Initialization

  • The ibmmq:QueueManager can be initialized by providing the ibmmq:QueueManagerConfiguration.
# Initialize an IBM MQ queue manager.
# ```
# ibmmq:QueueManager queueManager = check new(name = "QM1", host = "localhost", channel = "DEV.APP.SVRCONN");
# ```
# + configurations - The configurations to be used when initializing the IBM MQ queue manager
# + return - The `ibmmq:QueueManager` or an `ibmmq:Error` if the initialization failed
public isolated function init(*ibmmq:QueueManagerConfiguration configurations) returns ibmmq:Error?;

2.3. Functions

  • To initialize a new ibmmq:Queue client, the accessQueue function can be used.
# Establishes access to an IBM MQ queue on this queue manager.
# ```
# ibmmq:Queue queue = check queueManager.accessQueue("queue1", ibmmq:MQOO_OUTPUT);
# ```
# + queueName - Name of the queue
# + options - The options which control the opening of the queue
# + return - The `ibmmq:Queue` object or an `ibmmq:Error` if the operation failed
public isolated function accessQueue(string queueName, int options) returns ibmmq:Queue|ibmmq:Error;
  • To initialize a new ibmmq:Topic client, the accessTopic function can be used.
# Establishes access to an IBM MQ topic on this queue manager.
# ```
# ibmmq:Topic topic = check queueManager.accessTopic("topic1", ibmmq:MQOO_OUTPUT);
# ```
# + topicName - Name of the queue
# + options - The options which control the opening of the topic
# + return - The `ibmmq:Queue` object or an `ibmmq:Error` if the operation failed
public isolated function accessTopic(string topicName, int options) returns ibmmq:Topic|ibmmq:Error;
  • To end the connection to the IBM MQ queue manager, disconnect function can be used.
# Ends the connection to the IBM MQ queue manager.
# ```
# check queueManager.disconnect();
# ```
# + return - An `ibmmq:Error` if the operation failed
public isolated function disconnect() returns ibmmq:Error?;

3. Message

An IBM MQ message is a fundamental unit of data that facilitates communication between applications within the IBM MQ messaging infrastructure. It encompasses not only the actual data payload but also includes metadata in the form of headers and customizable properties. This comprehensive structure enables reliable, secure, and flexible data transfer in distributed and enterprise environments.

  • Property record represents an IBM MQ message property.
public type Property record {|
    # Property descriptor
    map<int> descriptor?;
    # Property value
    boolean|byte|byte[]|float|int|string value;
  • MQRFH record represents the MQRFH header structure.
public type MQRFH record {|
    # Flag of the header
    int flags = 0;
    # Numeric encoding of data that follows NameValueString
    int encoding = 0;
    # Structure identifier
    string strucId = "RFH ";
    # Length of the structure
    int strucLength = 32;
    # Structure version number
    int version = 1;
    # Character set identifier of data that follows NameValueString
    int codedCharSetId = 0;
    # Format name of data that follows NameValueString
    string format = DEFAULT_BLANK_VALUE;
    # Related name-value pairs
    map<string> nameValuePairs = {};
  • MQRFH2Field record represents a field in the MQRFH2 structure.
public type MQRFH2Field record {|
    # The name of the folder containing the field
    readonly string folder;
    # The field name
    readonly string 'field;
    # The field value
    boolean|byte|byte[]|float|int|string value;
  • MQRFH2 record represents the MQRFH2 header structure.
public type MQRFH2 record {|
    # Flag of the header
    int flags = 0;
    # Numeric encoding of data that follows NameValueData
    int encoding = 273;
    # Character set identifier of data that follows NameValueData
    int codedCharSetId = -2;
    # Contents of the variable part of the structure 
    string[] folderStrings = [];
    # Coded character set for the NameValue data
    int nameValueCCSID = 1208;
    # NameValueData variable-length field
    byte[] nameValueData = [];
    # Length of NameValueData
    int nameValueLength = 0;
    # Format name of data that follows NameValueData.The name should be padded with 
    # blanks to the length of the field.
    string format = DEFAULT_BLANK_VALUE;
    # Structure identifier
    string strucId = "RFH ";
    # Length of the structure
    int strucLength = 36;
    # Structure version number
    int version = 2;
    # Table containing all occurrences of field values matching
    table<MQRFH2Field> key(folder, 'field) fieldValues = table [];
  • MQCIH record represents the MQCIH header structure.
public type MQCIH record {|
    # Flag of the header
    int flags = 0;
    # Numeric encoding of data that follows NameValueData
    int encoding = 0;
    # Character set identifier of data that follows NameValueString
    int codedCharSetId = 0;
    # MQ format name of data that follows MQCIH
    string format = DEFAULT_BLANK_VALUE;
    # Structure identifier 
    string strucId = "CIH ";
    # Length of the structure
    int strucLength = 180;
    # Structure version number
    int version = 2;
    # Return code from bridge 
    int returnCode = 0;
    # MQ completion code or CICS EIBRESP
    int compCode = 0;
    # MQ reason or feedback code, or CICS EIBRESP2
    int reason = 0;
    # Unit-of-work control
    int UOWControl = 273;
    # Wait interval for MQGET call issued by bridge task
    int waitInterval = -2;
    # Link type
    int linkType = 1;
    # Bridge facility release time 
    int facilityKeepTime = 0;
    # Send/receive ADS descriptor
    int ADSDescriptor = 0;
    # Whether task can be conversational
    int conversationalTask = 0;
    # Status at end of task
    int taskEndStatus = 0;
    # Bridge facility token
    byte[] facility = [];
    # MQ call name or CICS EIBFN function
    string 'function = "";
    # Abend code
    string abendCode = "";
    # Password or passticket
    string authenticator = "";
    # MQ format name of reply message
    string replyToFormat = "";
    # Remote CICS system Id to use 
    string remoteSysId = "";
    # CICS RTRANSID to use
    string remoteTransId = "";
    # Transaction to attach
    string transactionId = "";
    # Terminal emulated attributes
    string facilityLike = "";
    # AID key
    string attentionId = "";
    # Transaction start code
    string startCode = "";
    # Abend transaction code
    string cancelCode = "";
    # Next transaction to attach
    string nextTransactionId = "";
    # Reserved
    int inputItem = 0;
  • MQIIH record represents the MQIIH header structure.
public type MQIIH record {|
    # Flag of the header
    int flags = 0;
    # Numeric encoding of data that follows NameValueString
    int encoding = 0;
    # Structure identifier
    string strucId = "IIH ";
    # Length of the structure
    int strucLength = 84;
    # Structure version number
    int version = 1;
    # Character set identifier of data that follows NameValueString
    int codedCharSetId = 0;
    # Format name of data that follows NameValueString
    string format = DEFAULT_BLANK_VALUE;
    # The logical terminal override, placed in the IO PCB field
    string lTermOverride = DEFAULT_BLANK_VALUE;
    # The message format services map name, placed in the IO PCB field
    string mfsMapName = DEFAULT_BLANK_VALUE;
    # This is the MQ format name of the reply message that is sent 
    # in response to the current message
    string replyToFormat = DEFAULT_BLANK_VALUE;
    # The RACF password or PassTicket
    string authenticator = DEFAULT_BLANK_VALUE;
    # This is the transaction instance identifier
    byte[] tranInstanceId = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
    # This indicates the IMS conversation state
    string:Char tranState = " ";
    # IMS commit mode
    string:Char commitMode = "0";
    # This indicates the IMS security processing required
    string:Char securityScope = "C";
  • Header type represents a union of header structures supported by the IBM MQ connector.
public type Header MQRFH2|MQRFH|MQCIH|MQIIH;
  • Message record represents an IBM MQ message.
public type Message record {|
    # Message properties
    map<Property> properties?;
    # Format associated with the header
    string format?;
    # Message identifier
    byte[] messageId?;
    # Correlation identifier
    byte[] correlationId?;
    # Message lifetime
    int expiry?;
    # Message priority
    int priority?;
    # Message persistence
    int persistence?;
    # Message type
    int messageType?;
    # Type of application that put the message
    int putApplicationType?;
    # Name of reply queue
    string replyToQueueName?;
    # Name of reply queue manager
    string replyToQueueManagerName?;
    # Headers to be sent in the message
    Header[] headers?;
    # Message payload
    byte[] payload;

4. Client Options

  • GetMessageOptions record represents client options which can be used when retrieving messages from an IBM MQ destination.
public type GetMessageOptions record {|
    # Get message option
    int options = MQGMO_NO_WAIT;
    # The maximum time (in seconds) that a `get` call waits for a suitable message to arrive. It is used in conjunction with `ibmmq.MQGMO_WAIT`.
    int waitInterval = 10;
    # Message selection criteria
    MatchOptions matchOptions?;
  • MatchOptions record represents the selection criteria that determine which message is retrieved.
public type MatchOptions record {|
    # The message identifier of the message which needs to be retrieved
    byte[] messageId?;
    # The Correlation identifier of the message which needs to be retrieved
    byte[] correlationId?;

5. Queue

An IBM MQ Queue enables applications to interact with an IBM MQ queue to exchange messages.

5.1. Functions

  • To send a message put function can be used.
# Puts a message to an IBM MQ queue.
# ```
# check queue->put({payload: "Hello World".toBytes()});
# ```
# + message - IBM MQ message
# + options - Options controlling the action of the put operation. Can be a combination of 
              one or more `ibmmq:MQPMO_*` options and values can combined using either '+' or '|'
# + return - An `ibmmq:Error` if the operation fails or else `()`
isolated remote function put(ibmmq:Message message, int options = ibmmq:MQPMO_NO_SYNCPOINT) returns ibmmq:Error?;
  • To receive a message get function can be used.
# Retrieves a message from an IBM MQ queue.
# ```
# ibmmq:Message? message = check queue->get();
# ```
# + getMessageOptions - Options to control message retrieval
# + return - An `ibmmq:Message` if there is a message in the queue, `()` if there 
#           is no message or else `ibmmq:Error` if the operation fails
isolated remote function get(*ibmmq:GetMessageOptions getMessageOptions) returns ibmmq:Message|ibmmq:Error?;
  • To close the Queue client, the close function can be used.
# Closes the IBM MQ queue object. No further operations on this object are permitted after it is closed.
# ```
# check check queue->close();
# ```
# + return - An `ibmmq:Error` if the operation fails or else `()`
isolated remote function close() returns ibmmq:Error?

6. Topic

An IBM MQ Topic enables applications to interact with an IBM MQ Topic to exchange messages.

6.1. Functions

  • To send a message put function can be used.
# Puts a message to an IBM MQ topic.
# check topic->put({payload: "Hello World".toBytes()});
# + message - IBM MQ message
# + options - Options controlling the action of the put operation. Can be a combination of 
              one or more `ibmmq:MQPMO_*` options and values can combined using either '+' or '|'
# + return - An `ibmmq:Error` if the operation fails or else `()`
isolated remote function put(ibmmq:Message message, int options = ibmmq:MQPMO_NO_SYNCPOINT) returns ibmmq:Error?;
  • To receive a message get function can be used.
# Retrieves a message from an IBM MQ topic.
# ```
# ibmmq:Message? message = check topic->get();
# ```
# + getMessageOptions - Options to control message retrieval
# + return - An `ibmmq:Message` if there is a message in the queue, `()` if there 
#           is no message or else `ibmmq:Error` if the operation fails
isolated remote function get(*ibmmq:GetMessageOptions getMessageOptions) returns ibmmq:Message|ibmmq:Error?;
  • To close the Topic client, the close function can be used.
# Closes the IBM MQ topic object. No further operations on this object are permitted after it is closed.
# ```
# check check topic->close();
# ```
# + return - An `ibmmq:Error` if the operation fails or else `()`
isolated remote function close() returns ibmmq:Error?