Specification: Ballerina gRPC Library
Owners: @shafreenAnfar @daneshk @BuddhiWathsala @MadhukaHarith92 @dilanSachi
Reviewers: @shafreenAnfar @daneshk @dilanSachi
Created: 2021/12/05
Updated: 2022/10/14
Edition: Swan Lake
This is the specification for the gRPC standard library of Ballerina language, which provides APIs for gRPC client and server implementation.
The gRPC library specification has evolved and may continue to evolve in the future. The released versions of the specification can be found under the relevant GitHub tag.
If you have any feedback or suggestions about the library, start a discussion via a GitHub issue or in the Discord server. Based on the outcome of the discussion, the specification and implementation can be updated. Community feedback is always welcome. Any accepted proposal which affects the specification is stored under /docs/proposals
. Proposals under discussion can be found with the label type/proposal
in GitHub.
The conforming implementation of the specification is released and included in the distribution. Any deviation from the specification is considered a bug.
- Overview
- gRPC command line interface (CLI)
- Protocol buffers to Ballerina data mapping
- gRPC communication
- 4.1. Simple RPC
- 4.2. Server streaming RPC
- 4.3. Client streaming RPC
- 4.4. Bidirectional streaming RPC
- gRPC security
- 5.1. Authentication and authorization
- 5.1.1. Declarative approach
- Service - basic auth - file user store
- Service - basic auth - LDAP user store
- Service - JWT auth
- Service - OAuth2
- Client - basic auth
- Client - bearer token auth
- Client - self-signed JWT auth
- Client - OAuth2
- 5.1.2 Imperative Approach
- Service - basic auth - file user store
- Service - basic auth - LDAP user store
- Service - JWT auth
- Service - OAuth2
- Client - basic auth
- Client - bearer token auth
- Client - self-signed JWT auth
- Client - OAuth2
- 5.1.1. Declarative approach
- 5.1. Authentication and authorization
- gRPC utility functions
- 6.1. gRPC deadline
- 6.2. gRPC compression
- 6.3. gRPC access and trace logs
- 6.4. gRPC retry
- gRPC Server Reflection
1. Overview
Ballerina gRPC standard library has five primary aspects in handling values.
- gRPC CLI (command line interface)
- Protocol buffers to Ballerina data mapping
- gRPC communication
- gRPC Security
- gRPC utility functions
2. gRPC command line interface (CLI)
Ballerina language has a command-line interface that manages the lifecycle of a Ballerina program (such as build, test, and run). In addition, Ballerina CLI contains all the gRPC related stub and service skeleton generation capabilities. The gRPC command in Ballerina CLI is as follows.
bal grpc --input <proto-file-path> --output <output-directory> --mode client|service --proto-path <proto-directory>
The --input
parameter is the only mandatory parameter for the Ballerina gRPC command, and it specifies the path of the protobuf file of a gRPC service. The optional --output
parameter indicates the path that output will be written to. If the output path is not specified, the output will be written to a directory corresponding to the package in the Protocol Buffers definition. If the package is not specified, the output will be written to a temp
directory in the current location. The optional --mode
indicate what type of output files are needed. For example, if mode specifies as service, the gRPC command will generate the relevant stub file along with a service skeleton. If the mode is client, the gRPC command will generate a sample client code along with the stub. If nothing is specified, only the stub file is generated. The optional --proto-path
parameter states the path to a directory, in which to look for .proto files when resolving import directives.
3. Protocol buffers to Ballerina data mapping
The following table illustrates the data mapping of protocol buffers data types to relevant Ballerina types.
Protobuf Type | Ballerina Type |
google.protobuf.DoubleValue | float |
google.protobuf.FloatValue | float |
google.protobuf.Int64Value | int |
google.protobuf.UInt64Value | int |
google.protobuf.Int32Value | int |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value | int |
google.protobuf.BoolValue | boolean |
google.protobuf.StringValue | string |
google.protobuf.BytesValue | byte[] |
google.protobuf.Empty | () |
google.protobuf.Timestamp | time:Utc |
google.protobuf.Duration | time:Seconds |
google.protobuf.Struct | map<anydata> |
google.protobuf.Any | 'any:Any |
Note that here the 'any
is the namespace of the ballerina/protobuf.types.'any
submodule. Additionally, the google.protobuf.Any
need serialization and deserialization mechanisms. To do that, ballerina/protobuf.types.'any
module contains two APIs called pack and unpack to serialize and deserialize Any
type records.
# Generate and return the generic `'any:Any` record that is used to represent protobuf `Any` type. # # + message - The record or the scalar value to be packed as Any type # + return - Any value representation of the given message public isolated function pack(ValueType message) returns Any; # Unpack and return the specified Ballerina value # # + anyValue - Any value to be unpacked # + targetTypeOfAny - Type descriptor of the return value # + return - Return a value of the given type public isolated function unpack(Any anyValue, ValueTypeDesc targetTypeOfAny = <>) returns targetTypeOfAny|Error;
4. gRPC communication
gRPC has 4 types of RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls), and Ballerina supports all of them.
- Simple
- Server streaming
- Client streaming
- Bidirectional streaming
Note that, to explain the behaviour of these 4 RPC types, this document uses the standard Route Guide example.
4.1. Simple RPC
The RPC service definition of a simple RPCs is as follows.
service RouteGuide { rpc GetFeature(Point) returns (Feature) {} }
The Ballerina service implementation of a gRPC can be done in two ways.
- Using direct returning
- Using a caller
Directly returning the response is the most convenient implementation. However, for asynchronous RPC calls, directly returning is not suitable, and for such use cases, using a caller is the ideal approach. In addition, each RPC call (simple, server streaming, client streaming, and bidirectional streaming) can be implemented in both ways.
It's important to note that, when a panic
occurs inside a grpc:Service
, immediate application termination is performed since panic
is considered as a catastrophic error and non-recoverable.
RPC using direct return
Ballerina CLI generates the relevant service skeleton, and the implementation of the simple RPC call using direct return is as follows.
service "RouteGuide" on new grpc:Listener(8980) { remote function GetFeature(Point point) returns Feature|error { foreach Feature feature in FEATURES { if feature.location == point { return feature; } } return {location: point, name: ""}; } }
Here, the RPC implementation creates a featured record and directly return it from the remote method.
RPC using a caller
The Ballerina implementation of the same simple RPC using a caller is as follows.
service "RouteGuide" on new grpc:Listener(8980) { remote function GetFeature(RouteGuideFeatureCaller caller, Point point) returns error? { Feature?|error feature = featureFromPoint(point); if feature is Feature { check caller->sendFeature(feature); } else if feature is error { check caller->sendError(<grpc:Error> feature); } else { check caller->sendFeature({location: {latitude: 0, longitude: 0}, name: ""}); } } }
RPC invocation
For each RPC in the protobuf definition, the generated Ballerina stub contains a client. That generated client interacts with the actual RPC service during an RPC call.
public function main() returns error? { RouteGuideClient ep = check new ("http://localhost:8980"); Feature feature = check ep->GetFeature({latitude: 406109563, longitude: -742186778}); }
4.2. Server streaming RPC
The RPC service definition of a server streaming call is as follows.
service RouteGuide { rpc ListFeatures(Rectangle) returns (stream Feature) {} }
RPC using direct return
The Ballerina implementation of the server streaming RPC using a direct return is as follows.
service "RouteGuide" on new grpc:Listener(8980) { remote function ListFeatures(Rectangle rectangle) returns stream<Feature, grpc:Error?>|error { Feature[] selectedFeatures = []; foreach Feature feature in FEATURES { if inRange(feature.location, rectangle) { selectedFeatures.push(feature); } } return selectedFeatures.toStream(); } }
RPC using a caller
The Ballerina implementation of the server streaming RPC using a caller return is as follows.
service "RouteGuide" on new grpc:Listener(8980) { remote function ListFeatures(RouteGuideFeatureCaller caller, Rectangle rectangle) returns error? { foreach Feature feature in FEATURES { if inRange(feature.location, rectangle) { check caller->sendFeature(feature); } } } }
RPC invocation
For each RPC in the protobuf definition, the generated Ballerina stub contains a client which interacts with the actual RPC service. In Ballerina gRPC, invoking a server streaming returns a Ballerina streaming object that can iterate through using streaming operations provided by the language.
public function main() returns error? { RouteGuideClient ep = check new ("http://localhost:8980"); Rectangle rectangle = { lo: {latitude: 400000000, longitude: -750000000}, hi: {latitude: 420000000, longitude: -730000000} }; stream<Feature, grpc:Error?> features = check ep->ListFeatures(rectangle); check features.forEach(function(Feature f) { io:println(`Result: lat=${f.location.latitude}, lon=${f.location.longitude}`); }); }
4.3. Client streaming RPC
The RPC service definition of a client streaming call is as follows.
service RouteGuide { rpc RecordRoute(stream Point) returns (RouteSummary) {} }
RPC using direct return
The Ballerina implementation of the client streaming RPC using a direct return is as follows.
service "RouteGuide" on new grpc:Listener(8980) { remote function RecordRoute(stream<Point, grpc:Error?> clientStream) returns RouteSummary|error { Point? lastPoint = (); int pointCount = 0; int featureCount = 0; int distance = 0; decimal startTime = time:monotonicNow(); check clientStream.forEach(function(Point p) { pointCount += 1; if pointExistsInFeatures(FEATURES, p) { featureCount += 1; } if lastPoint is Point { distance = calculateDistance(<Point>lastPoint, p); } lastPoint = p; }); decimal endTime = time:monotonicNow(); int elapsedTime = <int>(endTime - startTime); return {point_count: pointCount, feature_count: featureCount, distance: distance, elapsed_time: elapsedTime}; } }
RPC using a caller
The Ballerina implementation of the client streaming RPC using a caller return is as follows.
service "RouteGuide" on new grpc:Listener(8980) { remote function RecordRoute(RouteGuideRouteSummaryCaller caller, stream<Point, grpc:Error?> clientStream) returns error? { Point? lastPoint = (); int pointCount = 0; int featureCount = 0; int distance = 0; decimal startTime = time:monotonicNow(); check clientStream.forEach(function(Point p) { pointCount += 1; if pointExistsInFeatures(FEATURES, p) { featureCount += 1; } if lastPoint is Point { distance = calculateDistance(<Point>lastPoint, p); } lastPoint = p; }); decimal endTime = time:monotonicNow(); int elapsedTime = <int>(endTime - startTime); return caller->sendRouteSummary({point_count: pointCount, feature_count: featureCount, distance: distance, elapsed_time: elapsedTime}); } }
RPC invocation
For each RPC in the protobuf definition, the generated Ballerina stub contains a client. That generated client interacts with the actual RPC service during an RPC call. Unlike the server streaming scenario, the Ballerina client streaming does not use a streaming object to pass data to the client-side because it should allow users to send and receive data asynchronously. Instead, it uses a streaming object to send and receive data from the server.
public function main() returns error? { RouteGuideClient ep = check new ("http://localhost:8980"); Point[] points = [ {latitude: 406109563, longitude: -742186778}, {latitude: 411733222, longitude: -744228360}, {latitude: 744228334, longitude: -742186778} ]; RecordRouteStreamingClient recordRouteStrmClient = check ep->RecordRoute(); foreach Point p in points { check recordRouteStrmClient->sendPoint(p); } check recordRouteStrmClient->complete(); RouteSummary? routeSummary = check recordRouteStrmClient->receiveRouteSummary(); if routeSummary is RouteSummary { io:println(`Finished trip with ${routeSummary.point_count} points. Passed ${routeSummary.feature_count} features. "Travelled ${routeSummary.distance} meters. It took ${routeSummary.elapsed_time} seconds.`); } }
4.4. Bidirectional streaming RPC
The RPC service definition of a bidirectional streaming call is as follows.
service RouteGuide { rpc RouteChat(stream RouteNote) returns (stream RouteNote) {} }
RPC using direct return
The Ballerina implementation of the bidirectional streaming RPC using a direct return is as follows.
service "RouteGuide" on new grpc:Listener(8980) { remote function RouteChat(stream<RouteNote, grpc:Error?> clientNotesStream) returns stream<RouteNote, grpc:Error?>|error { RouteNote[] routeNotes = []; check clientNotesStream.forEach(function(RouteNote note) { ROUTE_NOTES.push(note); foreach RouteNote n in ROUTE_NOTES { if n.location == note.location { routeNotes.push(note); } } }); return routeNotes.toStream(); } }
Note that, here using direct return will not address the exact use case. This example was added, only for completeness.
RPC using a caller
The Ballerina implementation of the bidirectional streaming RPC using a caller return is as follows.
service "RouteGuide" on new grpc:Listener(8980) { remote function RouteChat(RouteGuideRouteNoteCaller caller, stream<RouteNote, grpc:Error?> clientNotesStream) returns error? { check clientNotesStream.forEach(function(RouteNote note) { future<error?> f1 = start sendRouteNotesFromLocation(caller, note.location); lock { ROUTE_NOTES.push(note); } error? waitErr = wait f1; }); } }
RPC invocation
For each RPC in the protobuf definition, the generated Ballerina stub contains a client. That generated client interacts with the actual RPC service during an RPC call. As the client streaming scenario, the bidirectional streaming case also uses a streaming object to send and receive data from servers.
public function main() returns error? { RouteGuideClient ep = check new ("http://localhost:8980"); // Bidirectional streaming RouteNote[] routeNotes = [ {location: {latitude: 406109563, longitude: -742186778}, message: "m1"}, {location: {latitude: 411733222, longitude: -744228360}, message: "m2"}, {location: {latitude: 406109563, longitude: -742186778}, message: "m3"}, {location: {latitude: 411733222, longitude: -744228360}, message: "m4"}, {location: {latitude: 411733222, longitude: -744228360}, message: "m5"} ]; RouteChatStreamingClient routeClient = check ep->RouteChat(); future<error?> f1 = start readResponse(routeClient); foreach RouteNote n in routeNotes { check routeClient->sendRouteNote(n); } check routeClient->complete(); check wait f1; }
5. gRPC security
5.1 Authentication and authorization
There are two ways to enable authentication and authorization in gRPC.
- Declarative approach
- Imperative approach
5.1.1 Declarative approach
This is also known as the configuration-driven approach, which is used for simple use cases, where users have to provide a set of configurations and do not need to be worried more about how authentication and authorization works. The user does not have full control over the configuration-driven approach.
The service configurations are used to define the authentication and authorization configurations. Users can configure the configurations needed for different authentication schemes and configurations needed for authorizations of each authentication scheme. Also, the configurations can be provided at the service level. The priority will be given from bottom to top. Then, the auth handler creation and request authentication/authorization is handled internally without user intervention. The requests that succeeded both authentication and/or authorization phases according to the configurations will be passed to the business logic layer. Service - basic auth - file user store
Ballerina gRPC services enable authentication and authorization using a file user store by setting the grpc:FileUserStoreConfigWithScopes
configurations in the listener.
@grpc:ServiceConfig { auth: [ { fileUserStoreConfig: {}, scopes: ["admin"] } ] } @grpc:Descriptor { value: ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_GRPC_SERVICE, descMap: ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_MAP } service "HelloWorld" on new grpc:Listener(9090) { remote function hello() returns string { return "Hello, World!"; } }
# Config.toml [[ballerina.auth.users]] username="alice" password="alice@123" scopes=["developer"] [[ballerina.auth.users]] username="ldclakmal" password="ldclakmal@123" scopes=["developer", "admin"] [[ballerina.auth.users]] username="eve" password="eve@123" Service - basic auth - LDAP user store
Ballerina gRPC services enable authentication and authorization using an LDAP user store by setting the grpc:LdapUserStoreConfigWithScopes
configurations in the listener.
@grpc:ServiceConfig { auth: [ { ldapUserStoreConfig: { domainName: "avix.lk", connectionUrl: "ldap://localhost:389", connectionName: "cn=admin,dc=avix,dc=lk", connectionPassword: "avix123", userSearchBase: "ou=Users,dc=avix,dc=lk", userEntryObjectClass: "inetOrgPerson", userNameAttribute: "uid", userNameSearchFilter: "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=?))", userNameListFilter: "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)", groupSearchBase: ["ou=Groups,dc=avix,dc=lk"], groupEntryObjectClass: "groupOfNames", groupNameAttribute: "cn", groupNameSearchFilter: "(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn=?))", groupNameListFilter: "(objectClass=groupOfNames)", membershipAttribute: "member", userRolesCacheEnabled: true, connectionPoolingEnabled: false, connectionTimeout: 5, readTimeout: 60 }, scopes: ["admin"] } ] } @grpc:Descriptor { value: ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_GRPC_SERVICE, descMap: ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_MAP } service "HelloWorld" on new grpc:Listener(9090) { remote function hello() returns string { return "Hello, World!"; } } Service - JWT auth
Ballerina gRPC services enable authentication and authorization using JWTs by setting the grpc:JwtValidatorConfigWithScopes
configurations in the listener.
@grpc:ServiceConfig { auth: [ { jwtValidatorConfig: { issuer: "wso2", audience: "ballerina", signatureConfig: { certFile: "/path/to/public.crt" }, scopeKey: "scp" }, scopes: ["admin"] } ] } @grpc:Descriptor { value: ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_GRPC_SERVICE, descMap: ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_MAP } service "HelloWorld" on new grpc:Listener(9090) { remote function hello() returns string { return "Hello, World!"; } } Service - OAuth2
Ballerina gRPC services enable authentication and authorization using OAuth2 by setting the grpc:OAuth2IntrospectionConfigWithScopes
configurations in the listener.
@grpc:ServiceConfig { auth: [ { oauth2IntrospectionConfig: { url: "https://localhost:9445/oauth2/introspect", tokenTypeHint: "access_token", scopeKey: "scp", clientConfig: { customHeaders: {"Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4="}, secureSocket: { cert: "/path/to/public.crt" } } }, scopes: ["admin"] } ] } @grpc:Descriptor { value: ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_GRPC_SERVICE, descMap: ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_MAP } service "HelloWorld" on securedEP { remote function hello() returns string { return "Hello, World!"; } } Client - basic auth
Ballerina gRPC clients enable basic auth with credentials by setting the grpc:CredentialsConfig
configurations in the client.
HelloWorldClient securedEP = check new("https://localhost:9090", auth = { username: "john", password: "ballerina@123" } ); Client - bearer token auth
Ballerina gRPC clients enable authentication using bearer tokens by setting the grpc:BearerTokenConfig
configurations in the client.
elloWorldClient securedEP = check new("https://localhost:9090", auth = { token: "56ede317-4511-44b4-8579-a08f094ee8c5" } ; Client - self-signed JWT auth
Ballerina gRPC clients enable authentication using JWTs by setting the grpc:JwtIssuerConfig
configurations in the client.
HelloWorldClient securedEP = check new("https://localhost:9090", auth = { username: "ballerina", issuer: "wso2", audience: ["ballerina", "ballerina.org", "ballerina.io"], keyId: "5a0b754-895f-4279-8843-b745e11a57e9", jwtId: "JlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In", customClaims: { "scp": "admin" }, expTime: 3600, signatureConfig: { config: { keyFile: "/path/to/private.key" } } } ); Client - OAuth2
Ballerina gRPC clients enable authentication using OAuth2 by setting the grpc:OAuth2GrantConfig
configurations in the client. OAuth2 can configure in 4 ways:
i. Client credentials grant type
HelloWorldClient securedEP = check new("https://localhost:9090", auth = { tokenUrl: "https://localhost:9445/oauth2/token", clientId: "FlfJYKBD2c925h4lkycqNZlC2l4a", clientSecret: "PJz0UhTJMrHOo68QQNpvnqAY_3Aa", scopes: ["admin"], clientConfig: { secureSocket: { cert: "/path/to/public.crt" } } } );
ii. Password grant type
HelloWorldClient securedEP = check new("https://localhost:9090", auth = { tokenUrl: "https://localhost:9445/oauth2/token", username: "admin", password: "admin", clientId: "FlfJYKBD2c925h4lkycqNZlC2l4a", clientSecret: "PJz0UhTJMrHOo68QQNpvnqAY_3Aa", scopes: ["admin"], refreshConfig: { refreshUrl: "https://localhost:9445/oauth2/token", scopes: ["hello"], clientConfig: { secureSocket: { cert: "/path/to/public.crt" } } }, clientConfig: { secureSocket: { cert: "/path/to/public.crt" } } } );
iii. Refresh token grant type
HelloWorldClient securedEP = check new("https://localhost:9090", auth = { refreshUrl: "https://localhost:9445/oauth2/token", refreshToken: "24f19603-8565-4b5f-a036-88a945e1f272", clientId: "FlfJYKBD2c925h4lkycqNZlC2l4a", clientSecret: "PJz0UhTJMrHOo68QQNpvnqAY_3Aa", scopes: ["admin"], clientConfig: { secureSocket: { cert: "/path/to/public.crt" } } } );
iv. JWT bearer grant type
HelloWorldClient securedEP = check new("https://localhost:9090", auth = { tokenUrl: "https://localhost:9445/oauth2/token", assertion: "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ij[...omitted for brevity...]", clientId: "FlfJYKBD2c925h4lkycqNZlC2l4a", clientSecret: "PJz0UhTJMrHOo68QQNpvnqAY_3Aa", scopes: ["admin"], clientConfig: { secureSocket: { cert: "/path/to/public.crt" } } } );
5.1.2 Imperative approach
This is also known as the code-driven approach, which is used for advanced use cases, where users need to be worried more about how authentication and authorization work and need to have further customizations. The user has full control of the code-driven approach. The handler creation and authentication/authorization calls are made by the user at the business logic layer. Service - basic auth - file user store
Ballerina gRPC services enable authentication and authorization using a file user store by employing the class grpc:ListenerFileUserStoreBasicAuthHandler
service "HelloWorld" on new grpc:Listener(9090) { remote function sayHello(ContextString request) returns string|error { grpc:ListenerFileUserStoreBasicAuthHandler handler = new; auth:UserDetails|grpc:UnauthenticatedError authnResult = handler.authenticate(request.headers); } }
# Config.toml [[auth.users]] username="admin" password="123" scopes=["write", "update"] Service - basic auth - LDAP user store
Ballerina gRPC services enable authentication and authorization using an LDAP user store by employing the class grpc:ListenerLdapUserStoreBasicAuthHandler
service "HelloWorld" on new grpc:Listener(9090) { remote function sayHello(ContextString request) returns string|error { grpc:LdapUserStoreConfig config = { domainName: "avix.lk", connectionUrl: "ldap://localhost:389", connectionName: "cn=admin,dc=avix,dc=lk", connectionPassword: "avix123", userSearchBase: "ou=Users,dc=avix,dc=lk", userEntryObjectClass: "inetOrgPerson", userNameAttribute: "uid", userNameSearchFilter: "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=?))", userNameListFilter: "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)", groupSearchBase: ["ou=Groups,dc=avix,dc=lk"], groupEntryObjectClass: "groupOfNames", groupNameAttribute: "cn", groupNameSearchFilter: "(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn=?))", groupNameListFilter: "(objectClass=groupOfNames)", membershipAttribute: "member", userRolesCacheEnabled: true, connectionPoolingEnabled: false, connectionTimeout: 5, readTimeout: 60 }; grpc:ListenerLdapUserStoreBasicAuthHandler handler = new(config); auth:UserDetails|grpc:UnauthenticatedError authnResult = handler->authenticate(request.headers); } } Service - JWT auth
Ballerina gRPC services enable authentication and authorization using JWTs by employing the class grpc:ListenerJwtAuthHandler
service "HelloWorld" on new grpc:Listener(9090) { remote function sayHello(ContextString request) returns string|error { grpc:JwtValidatorConfig config = { issuer: "wso2", audience: "ballerina", signatureConfig: { trustStoreConfig: { trustStore: { path: TRUSTSTORE_PATH, password: "ballerina" }, certAlias: "ballerina" } }, scopeKey: "scope" }; grpc:ListenerJwtAuthHandler handler = new(config); jwt:Payload|grpc:UnauthenticatedError authResult = handler.authenticate(request.headers); } } Service - OAuth2
Ballerina gRPC services enable authentication and authorization using OAuth2 by employing the class grpc:OAuth2IntrospectionConfig
service "HelloWorld" on new grpc:Listener(9090) { remote function sayHello(ContextString request) returns string|error { grpc:OAuth2IntrospectionConfig config = { url: "https://localhost:" + oauth2AuthorizationServerPort.toString() + "/oauth2/token/introspect", tokenTypeHint: "access_token", scopeKey: "scp", clientConfig: { secureSocket: { cert: { path: TRUSTSTORE_PATH, password: "ballerina" } } } }; grpc:ListenerOAuth2Handler handler = new(config); oauth2:IntrospectionResponse|grpc:UnauthenticatedError|grpc:PermissionDeniedError authResult = handler->authorize(request.headers, "read"); } } Client - basic auth
Ballerina gRPC clients enable authentication and authorization using basic auth by employing class grpc:ClientBasicAuthHandler
. To enable authentication and authorization, the generated headers of the enrich
API needs to pass to the RPC call.
grpc:CredentialsConfig config = { username: "admin", password: "123" }; grpc:ClientBasicAuthHandler handler = new (config); map<string|string[]>|grpc:ClientAuthError result = handler.enrich(requestHeaders); Client - bearer token auth
Ballerina gRPC clients enable authentication and authorization using bearer tokens by employing class grpc:ClientBearerTokenAuthHandler
. To enable authentication and authorization, the generated headers of the enrich
API needs to pass to the RPC call.
grpc:BearerTokenConfig config = {token: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsICJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ"}; grpc:ClientBearerTokenAuthHandler handler = new (config); map<string|string[]>|grpc:ClientAuthError result = handler.enrich(requestHeaders); Client - self-signed JWT auth
Ballerina gRPC clients enable authentication and authorization using JWTs by employing class grpc:ClientSelfSignedJwtAuthHandler
. To enable authentication and authorization, the generated headers of the enrich
API needs to pass to the RPC call.
grpc:JwtIssuerConfig config = { username: "admin", issuer: "wso2", audience: ["ballerina"], customClaims: { "scope": "write" }, signatureConfig: { config: { keyStore: { path: KEYSTORE_PATH, password: "ballerina" }, keyAlias: "ballerina", keyPassword: "ballerina" } } }; grpc:ClientSelfSignedJwtAuthHandler handler = new(config); map<string|string[]>|grpc:ClientAuthError result = handler.enrich(requestHeaders); Client - OAuth2
Ballerina gRPC clients enable authentication and authorization using OAuth2 by employing class grpc:ClientOAuth2Handler
. To enable authentication and authorization, the generated headers of the enrich
API needs to pass to the RPC call.
grpc:OAuth2ClientCredentialsGrantConfig config = { tokenUrl: "https://localhost:" + oauth2AuthorizationServerPort.toString() + "/oauth2/token", clientId: "3MVG9YDQS5WtC11paU2WcQjBB3L5w4gz52uriT8ksZ3nUVjKvrfQMrU4uvZohTftxStwNEW4cfStBEGRxRL68", clientSecret: "9205371918321623741", scopes: ["token-scope1", "token-scope2"], clientConfig: { secureSocket: { cert: { path: TRUSTSTORE_PATH, password: "ballerina" } } } }; grpc:ClientOAuth2Handler handler = new(config); map<string|string[]>|grpc:ClientAuthError result = handler->enrich(requestHeaders);
5.2 SSL/TLS and mutual SSL
A gRPC listener with configuration grpc:ListenerSecureSocket
exposes gRPC services with SSL/TLS.
listener grpc:Listener securedEp = new(9090, secureSocket = { key: { certFile: "/path/to/public.crt", keyFile: "/path/to/private.key" } } ); @grpc:Descriptor { value: ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_GRPC_SERVICE, descMap: ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_MAP } service "HelloWorld" on securedEp { remote function hello() returns string { return "Hello, World!"; } }
A gRPC client with configuration grpc:ClientSecureSocket
can invoke gRPC services with SSL/TLS.
HelloWorldClient securedEp = check new("https://localhost:9090", secureSocket = { cert: "/path/to/public.crt" } );
By configuring the mutualSsl entry in the grpc:ListenerSecureSocket
, gRPC services can expose with mutual SSL.
listener grpc:Listener securedEP = new(9090, secureSocket = { key: { certFile: "/path/to/public.crt", keyFile: "/path/to/private.key" }, mutualSsl: { verifyClient: grpc:REQUIRE, cert: "/path/to/public.crt" }, protocol: { name: grpc:TLS, versions: ["TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.1"] }, ciphers: ["TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"] } );
6. gRPC utility functions
6.1. gRPC deadline
The following API sets a deadline for each request.
# Enables the deadline by adding the `deadline` header to the given headers. # # + deadline - The deadline time value (this should be a specific time and not a duration) # + headerMap - Optional header map (if this is not specified, it creates a new header set) # + return - The header map that includes the deadline public isolated function setDeadline(time:Utc deadline, map<string|string[]> headerMap = {}) returns map<string|string[]>;
If a particular RPC exceeds the specified deadline, the response will be a grpc:DeadlineExceededError
6.2. gRPC compression
The following API enables compression for gRPC calls. Currently, Gzip compression is supported by the Ballerina gRPC library.
# Enables the compression support by adding the `grpc-encoding` header to the given headers. # # + compressionType - The compression type. # + headerMap - Optional header map (if this is not specified, it creates a new header set) # + return - The header map that includes the compression headers public isolated function setCompression(CompressionType compressionType, map<string|string[]> headerMap = {}) returns map<string|string[]>;
6.3. gRPC access and trace Logs
Access and trace logs can be enabled by adding the following configurations to the Config.toml
file in a Ballerina project.
[ballerina.grpc.traceLogAdvancedConfig] # Enable printing trace logs in console console = true # Default is false # Prints the trace logs to the given file path = "testTraceLog.txt" # Optional # Sends the trace logs to the configured endpoint host = "localhost" # Optional port = 8080 # Optional [ballerina.grpc.accessLogConfig] # Enable printing access logs in console console = true # Default is false # Prints the access logs to the given file path = "testTraceLog.txt" # Optional
6.4. gRPC retry
Client-level retrying can be enabled by passing the following configurations to the client initialization.
# Configurations for facilitating the retry capability of the gRPC client. # # + retryCount - Maximum number of retry attempts in a failure scenario # + interval - Initial interval(in seconds) between the retry attempts # + maxInterval - Maximum interval(in seconds) between two retry attempts # + backoffFactor - Retry interval will be multiplied by this factor, in between retry attempts # + errorTypes - Error types which should be considered as failure scenarios to retry public type RetryConfiguration record {| int retryCount; decimal interval; decimal maxInterval; decimal backoffFactor; ErrorType[] errorTypes = defaultErrorTypes; |};
7. gRPC Server Reflection
Server reflection is a gRPC feature for servers to assist clients in runtime construction of requests without having stub information precompiled into the client. With the user defined service, a predefined standard service is started to provide service information to the clients.
This can be enabled by enabling the reflectionEnabled
flag in the grpc:ListenerConfiguration
# Configurations for managing the gRPC server endpoint. # + reflectionEnabled - Support reflection public type ListenerConfiguration record {| ... boolean reflectionEnabled = false; |};
The dynamic service ServerReflection
will handle all the reflection requests. The related proto definition can be found here.
This service contains a bidirectional function ServerReflectionInfo
which accepts ServerReflectionRequest
s and responds with ServerReflectionResponse