Specification: Ballerina File Library

Owners: @daneshk @kalaiyarasiganeshalingam
Reviewers: @daneshk
Created: 2021/12/10
Updated: 2022/02/17
Edition: Swan Lake


This is the specification for the File standard library of Ballerina language, which provides APIs to perform file, file path, and directory operations.

The File library specification has evolved and may continue to evolve in the future. The released versions of the specification can be found under the relevant GitHub tag.

If you have any feedback or suggestions about the library, start a discussion via a GitHub issue or in the Discord server. Based on the outcome of the discussion, the specification and implementation can be updated. Community feedback is always welcome. Any accepted proposal, which affects the specification is stored under /docs/proposals. Proposals under discussion can be found with the label type/proposal in GitHub.

The conforming implementation of the specification is released and included in the distribution. Any deviation from the specification is considered a bug.


  1. Overview
  2. File Metadata
  3. File & Directory Operations
  4. Path Operations
  5. Directory Listener

1. Overview

Ballerina file standard library provides functionalities related to manipulating and working with files and directories. All operations are supported on both Windows and Unix-based operating systems.

2. File Metadata

Metadata information of files and directories will contain the following

  • Absolute path
  • Size in bytes
  • Last modified time
  • Whether it is a file or directory
  • Read permission
  • Write permission
public type MetaData record{|
    string absPath;
    int size;
    time:Utc modifiedTime;
    boolean dir;
    boolean readable;
    boolean writable;

3. File and Directory Operations

The following operations are used to manipulate files and directories.

3.1. Get Current Directory

This is used to obtain the absolute path of the current working directory.

public isolated function getCurrentDir() returns string;

3.2. Create Directory

This is used to create a new directory. An option can be passed to configure whether non-existent parent directories will be created or not during this process.

public isolated function createDir(string dir, DirOption option);

3.3. Create File

This is used to create a new file in the provided path.

public isolated function create(string path) returns Error?;

3.4. Rename

This is used to rename (move) a file or directory. If the newPath provided already exists and is not a directory, it will be replaced.

public isolated function rename(string oldPath, string newPath) returns Error?;

3.5. Copy

This is used to copy the file or directory in the provided path to a new location as specified in the new path. Options can be passed to define how this operation is executed.

Possible options

  • Whether existing files/directories should be replaced
  • Whether file attributes should be copied
  • If the source is a symbolic link, whether the link should be copied, or the target file.
public isolated function copy(string sourcePath, string destinationPath, CopyOption... options) returns Error?;

3.6. Remove

This is used to remove a file or directory. If the provided path is a directory, an option can be passed to configure whether all files and directories inside the given directory should be recursively removed.

public isolated function remove(string path, DirOption option) returns Error?'

3.7. Get Metadata

This is used to obtain the metadata information of the file specified in the provided path.

public isolated function getMetaData(string path) returns MetaData|Error;

3.8. Read Directory

This is used to obtain a list of files and directories in the provided path with the relevant metadata information.

public isolated function readDir(string path) returns MetaData[]|Error;

3.9. Create Temporary File

This is used to create a temporary file. An optional prefix and suffix may be defined. If the directory in which the temporary file is to be created is not defined, the default temp directory of the OS will be used.

public isolated function createTemp(string? suffix = (), string? prefix = (), string? dir  = ()) returns string|Error;

3.10. Create Temporary Directory

This is used to create a temporary directory. An optional prefix and suffix may be defined. If the directory in which the temporary directory is to be created is not defined, the default temp directory of the OS will be used.

public isolated function createTempDir(string? suffix = (), string? prefix = (), string? dir  = ()) returns string|Error;

3.11. Test

This is used test whether a file or directory meets a particular condition. Possible test conditions are,

  • Whether the file or directory exists
  • Whether the provided path is a directory
  • Whether the provided path is a symbolic link
  • Read permission
  • Write permission
public isolated function test(string path, TestOption testOption) returns boolean|Error;

4 Path Operations

The following are used to create and manipulate paths. Compatibility with both Windows and Unix-based operating systems are ensured.

4.1. Path Constants

OS-specific path constants

  • pathSeparator: The character used to separate the parent directories that make up the path to a specific location. For windows, it’s ‘\’ and for UNIX it’s ‘/’
  • pathListSeparator: The character commonly used by the operating system to separate paths in the path list. For windows, it’s ‘;‘ and for UNIX it’s ‘:’

4.2. Get Absolute Path

This is used to retrieve the absolute path reference from the provided relative path.

public isolated function getAbsolutePath(string path) returns string|Error;

4.3. Is Absolute

This is used to determine whether the provided path is absolute or not.

public isolated function isAbsolutePath(string path) returns boolean|Error;

4.4. Get Basename

This is used to retrieve the base name of the file or directory at the provided path.

public isolated function basename(string path) returns string|Error;

4.5. Get Parent Path

This is used to retrieve the parent directory of the provided file or directory.

public isolated function parentPath(string path) returns string|Error;

4.6. Normalize Path

This is used to normalize the provided path value. Options can be provided to indicate how the normalization should be performed.

  • Get the shortest name equivalent
  • Evaluate symbolic links
  • Normalize case
public isolated function normalizePath(string path, NormOption option) returns string|Error;

4.7. Split Path

This is used to split the provided path into an array of path components.

public isolated function splitPath(string path) returns string[]|Error;

4.8. Join Path

This is used to combine multiple path components to create a single path.

public isolated function joinPath(string... parts) returns string|Error;

4.9. Get Relative Path

This is used to generate a logically equivalent relative path to the provided target path from the provided base path.

public isolated function relativePath(string base, string target) returns string|Error;

5. Directory Listener

The directory listener can be used to monitor a specified directory for changes. This listener will emit an event once a change is detected within the directory and can be configured to check within subdirectories for changes as well. The supported events are

  • On file create
  • On file delete
  • On file modification