Specification: Ballerina Email Library

Owners: @Maninda @wggihan @shafreenAnfar
Reviewers: @shafreenAnfar @Maninda
Created: 2020/04/24
Updated: 2022/02/17
Edition: Swan Lake


This is the specification for the Email standard library of Ballerina language, which provides functionalities related to sending/receiving emails via SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols.

The Email library specification has evolved and may continue to evolve in the future. The released versions of the specification can be found under the relevant GitHub tag.

If you have any feedback or suggestions about the library, start a discussion via a GitHub issue or in the Discord server. Based on the outcome of the discussion, the specification and implementation can be updated. Community feedback is always welcome. Any accepted proposal which affects the specification is stored under /docs/proposals. Proposals under discussion can be found with the label type/proposal in GitHub.

The conforming implementation of the specification is released and included in the distribution. Any deviation from the specification is considered a bug.


  1. Overview
  2. SMTP, POP3 and IMAP Protocols
  3. Client
  4. Service
  5. Samples

1. Overview

This specification elaborates on Basic SMTP, POP3, IMAP4 clients and services/listeners.

2. SMTP, POP3 and IMAP Protocols

SMTP is an application layer protocol used for sending an email to a recipient across a network. POP3 and IMAP are application layer protocols used for receiving emails from an email server across a network.

Ballerina Email library has the capability of sending and receiving email via SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols using both clients and services.

3. Client

Introduce three different clients, SMTP for sending emails and POP3/IMAP clients for receiving emails.

3.1 SMTP Client

Sends an email to with SMTP protocol. Either this client can be used to send an email from a pre-defined email:Message record or directly sending the email by passing all the parameters as arguments.

3.1.1 init function

If there are certificates to be added or in the case where the port number is different from 465 with SSL a configuration has to be passed. Otherwise, only the host address, username, and the password has to be provided.

email:SmtpClient smtpClient = check new ("smtp.email.com", "sender@email.com" , "pass123");

3.1.2 sendMessage function

The email:Message record has to be defined first as follows.

email:Message emailMessage = {
   to: ["receiver1@email.com", "receiver2@email.com"],
   cc: ["receiver3@email.com", "receiver4@email.com"],
   bcc: ["receiver5@email.com"],
   subject: "Sample Email Subject",
   body: "This is a sample email.",
   'from: "author@email.com",
   sender: "sender@email.com",
   replyTo: ["replyTo1@email.com", "replyTo2@email.com"]

Then the above record can be used to send using the SMTP client.

check smtpClient->sendMessage(emailMessage);

If body, htmlBody, and attachments are empty then the client will send CRLF token which denotes end-of-message according to RFC 5322.

3.1.3 send function

Instead of defining a record related to the email message the email can be sent directly. This method can be in simple cases.

check smtpClient->send("receiver@email.com", "Sample Email Subject", "author@email.com", "This is a sample email.");

3.2 POP3 Client

3.2.1 init function

If there are certificates to be added or in the case where the port number is different from 995 with SSL a configuration has to be passed. Otherwise, only the host address, username, and the password has to be provided.

email:PopClient popClient = check new ("pop.email.com", "reader@email.com", "pass456");

3.2.2 receiveMessage function

A email:Message record can to be received as follows.

email:Message? emailResponse = check popClient->receiveMessage();

This method will return a single email that was already received if any such email exists. Otherwise, returns a nil. A timeout value can be passed as an argument to the function required to be blocked on the method invocation till an email is received.

3.2.3 close function

Closes the email folder and the store from the POP3 server.

check popClient->close();

3.3 IMAP Client

3.3.1 init function

If there are certificates to be added or in the case where the port number is different from 993 with SSL a configuration has to be passed. Otherwise, only the host address, username, and the password has to be provided.

email:ImapClient imapClient = check new ("imap.email.com", "reader@email.com", "pass456");

3.3.2 receiveMessage function

A email:Message record can to be received as follows.

email:Message? emailResponse = check imapClient->receiveMessage();

This method will return a single email that was already received if any such email exists. Otherwise, returns a nil. A timeout value can be passed as an argument to the function required to be blocked on the method invocation till an email is received.

3.3.3 close function

Closes the email folder and the store from the IMAP server.

check imapClient->close();

4. Service

A service can subscribe to a listener to read data from the POP3/IMAP server.

4.1 POP3 Listener

A POP3 listener is initialized by passing email:PopListenerConfiguration to the constructor of the email:PopListener.

email:PopListenerConfiguration popListenerConfiguration = {
    host: "pop.email.com",
    username: "reader@email.com",
    password: "pass456",
    pollingInterval: 2,
    port: 995
listener email:PopListener emailListener = check new (popListenerConfiguration);

4.2 IMAP Listener

A IMAP listener is initialized by passing email:ImapListenerConfiguration to the constructor of the email:ImapListener.

email:ImapListenerConfiguration imapListenerConfiguration = {
    host: "imap.email.com",
    username: "reader@email.com",
    password: "pass456",
    pollingInterval: 2,
    port: 993
listener email:ImapListener emailListener = check new (imapListenerConfiguration);

pollingInterval specifies the polling interval time period from number of seconds.

4.3 POP3/IMAP Service

Both POP3 and IMAP services can be defined as follows.

email:Service emailObserver = service object {

   remote function onMessage(email:Message emailMessage) {
      io:println("Email Body: ", emailMessage?.body);

   remote function onError(email:Error emailError) {
      io:println("Error while polling for the emails: "
            + emailError.message());

   remote function onClose(email:Error? closeError) {


When a new email is received onMessage function get called with the received email given as the argument. If an error occurred during the listening onError method get called. When the listener is getting closed onClose method get called.

5 Samples

5.1 Clients

5.1.1 SMTP Client

public function main() returns error? {
    email:SmtpClient smtpClient = check new ("smtp.email.com", "sender@email.com" , "pass123");
    email:Message email = {
        to: ["receiver1@email.com", "receiver2@email.com"],
        subject: "Sample Email",
        body: "This is a sample email.",
        'from: "author@email.com",
        replyTo: ["replyTo1@email.com", "replyTo2@email.com"]
    check smtpClient->sendMessage(email);

5.1.2 POP3 Client

public function main() returns error? {
    email:PopClient popClient = check new ("pop.email.com", "reader@email.com", "pass456");
    email:Message? emailResponse = check popClient->receiveMessage();
    if (emailResponse is email:Message) {
        io:println("POP client received an email.");
        io:println("Email Subject: ", emailResponse.subject);
        io:println("Email Body: ", emailResponse?.body);
    } else {
        io:println("There are no emails in the INBOX.");
    check popClient->close();

5.1.3 IMAP Client

public function main() returns error? {
    email:ImapClient imapClient = check new ("imap.email.com", "reader@email.com", "pass456");
    emailResponse = check imapClient->receiveMessage();
    if (emailResponse is email:Message) {
        io:println("IMAP client received an email.");
        io:println("Email Subject: ", emailResponse.subject);
        io:println("Email Body: ", emailResponse?.body);
    } else {
        io:println("There are no emails in the INBOX.");
    check imapClient->close();

5.2 services

5.2.1 POP3 Service

import ballerina/email;
import ballerina/io;

listener email:PopListener emailListener = check new ({
    host: "pop.email.com",
    username: "reader@email.com",
    password: "pass456",
    pollingInterval: 2,
    port: 995

service "emailObserver" on emailListener {

    remote function onMessage(email:Message emailMessage) {
        io:println("POP Listener received an email.");
        io:println("Email Subject: ", emailMessage.subject);
        io:println("Email Body: ", emailMessage?.body);

    remote function onError(email:Error emailError) {
        io:println("Error while polling for the emails: " + emailError.message());

    remote function onClose(email:Error? closeError) {
        io:println("Closed the listener.");


5.2.2 IMAP Service

import ballerina/email;
import ballerina/io;

listener email:ImapListener emailListener = check new ({
    host: "imap.email.com",
    username: "reader@email.com",
    password: "pass456",
    pollingInterval: 2,
    port: 993

service "emailObserver" on emailListener {

    remote function onMessage(email:Message emailMessage) {
        io:println("IMAP Listener received an email.");
        io:println("Email Subject: ", emailMessage.subject);
        io:println("Email Body: ", emailMessage?.body);

    remote function onError(email:Error emailError) {
        io:println("Error while polling for the emails: " + emailError.message());

    remote function onClose(email:Error? closeError) {
        io:println("Closed the listener.");
