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PatternService activator provides a service that can be invoked via both messaging and non-messaging techniques.
How Ballerina helps

Ballerina can expose public functions/classes that can be invoked by other Ballerina programs. This allows sharing common logic between services and applications. Such Ballerina packages can be published using Ballerina Central.

Service ActivatorRequest-ReplyCommand Message
import ballerina/http;

type Customer record {|
    string customerId;
    string customerName;
    decimal totalEligibleClaimAmount;

type ClaimRequest record {|
    string customerId;
    string policyNumber;
    decimal claimAmount;
    string accidentType;
    string claimLocation;
    ClaimDate claimDate;

type ClaimDate record {|
    string year;
    string month;
    string day;

type Claim record {|

type ClaimHistory record {|
    string customerId;
    Claim[] claims;

final http:Client claimHistory = check new ("");
final http:Client customerDetails = check new ("");

service /api/v1 on new http:Listener(8080) {
    isolated resource function post claim(ClaimRequest claimRequest) returns decimal|error {
        ClaimHistory claimHostory = check claimHistory->/claims/[claimRequest.customerId]/claims\.json();
        Customer customer = check customerDetails->/customers/[claimRequest.customerId]/details\.json();
        return calculateClaimAmount(claimRequest, claimHostory, customer.totalEligibleClaimAmount);

isolated function calculateClaimAmount(ClaimRequest claimRequest, ClaimHistory claimHistory, decimal totalElegibleAmount) returns decimal {
    decimal totalClaimedAmount = from var {claimAmount, claimDate, status} in
        where claimDate.year == claimRequest.claimDate.year && status == "APPROVED"
        collect sum(claimAmount);
    decimal remainingAmount = totalElegibleAmount - totalClaimedAmount;
    return decimal:max(remainingAmount, claimRequest.claimAmount * 0.2);