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PatternRoute the message to the next component according to the sequence of processing steps specified in a routing slip.
How Ballerina helps

Ballerina excels in enabling the seamless integration of diverse services with inherent concurrent support, as well as in data binding, type enforcement, and native error-handling capabilities.

Routing SlipMessage ChannelMessage EndpointMessage Router
import ballerina/http;

type PaymentRequest record {|
    string mobileNumber;
    string customerName;
    float totalAmount;
    string storeCode;
    record {}[] items;

type PaymentStatus record {|
    string status;
    record {
        float totalPoints;
        float redeemedAmount;
        float totalAmount;
    } details;

type Message record {|
    string storeCode;
    string[] routingSlip = [];

type Points record {
    float loyaltyPoints = 0.0;
    float mobilePoints = 0.0;

service /api/v1 on new http:Listener(8080) {
    resource function post payments(PaymentRequest request) returns PaymentStatus|error {
        string[] routingSlip = check lookupMessageSlip(request);
        Message message = {...request, routingSlip: routingSlip};
        Points points = {};
        if message.routingSlip.length() > 0 {
            http:Client pointHandler = check new ("http://localhost:8081/loyaltyPoints");
            json payload = {
                storeCode: message.storeCode,
                mobileNumber: message.mobileNumber,
                routingSlip: message.routingSlip
            points = check pointHandler->/;
        return checkout(message, points);

function checkout(Message message, Points points) returns PaymentStatus {
    float totalPoints = points.loyaltyPoints + points.mobilePoints;
    return {
        status: "SUCCESS",
        details: {
            totalPoints: totalPoints,
            redeemedAmount: totalPoints * 50,
            totalAmount: message.totalAmount - (totalPoints * 50)

function lookupMessageSlip(PaymentRequest request) returns string[]|error {
    http:Client openLoyalty = check new ("");
    anydata|error customer = openLoyalty->/api/[request.storeCode]/member/'check/get();
    string[] routingSlip = [];
    if customer is anydata {
    if check isRegisteredToPointsService(request.mobileNumber) {
    return routingSlip;

function isRegisteredToPointsService(string mobileNumber) returns boolean|error {
    http:Client openLoyalty = check new ("");
    anydata|error memberCheck = openLoyalty->/api/[mobileNumber]/member/'check/get();
    return memberCheck is error ? false : true;
import ballerina/http;

type Request record {|
    string storeCode;
    string mobileNumber;
    string[] routingSlip;

type Points record {|
    float loyaltyPoints = 0.0;
    float mobilePoints = 0.0;
    float crypto = 0.0;

service /loyaltyPoints on new http:Listener(8081) {
    resource function post points(Request request) returns Points|error {
        Points totalPoints = {};
        foreach string process in request.routingSlip {
            match process {
                "CustomerLoyaltyPoints" => {
                    totalPoints.loyaltyPoints = check getShopLoyaltiPoints(request);
                "MobilePoints" => {
                    totalPoints.mobilePoints = check getMobilePoints(request);
                "Crypto" => {
                    totalPoints.crypto = check getCrypto(request);
        return totalPoints;

function getShopLoyaltiPoints(Request request) returns float|error {
    http:Client openLoyalty = check new ("");
    record {float loyaltyPoints;} points = check openLoyalty->/api/[request.storeCode]/redemption/[request.mobileNumber].get();
    return points.loyaltyPoints;

function getMobilePoints(Request request) returns float|error {
    http:Client mobPoints = check new ("");
    record {float mobilePoints;} points = check mobPoints->/api/[request.mobileNumber]/redemption.get();
    return points.mobilePoints;

function getCrypto(Request request) returns float|error {
    http:Client crypto = check new ("");
    record {float crypto;} points = check crypto->/api/[request.mobileNumber].get();
    return points.crypto;