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PatternThe Message Translator transforms messages from one structure to another.
How Ballerina helps

Ballerina comes with a data mapper as part of its Visual Studio Code extension, allowing you to effortlessly map data from one record to another. Ballerina query expression syntax enables you to filter, order, and aggregate values to craft custom message values. Ballerina provides convenient tools like JSON as Record and XML as Record, which automatically generate Ballerina records based on sample JSON or XML input values.

Message TranslatorMessage Endpoint
import ballerina/http;

public type SalesData record {|
    Customer customer;
    Oppotunity[] opportunities;

public type Customer record {|
    string id;
    string name;
    string email;

public type Oppotunity record {|
    string id;
    decimal amount;
    string closeDate;

public type QuickBooksInvoice record {|
    string customerId;
    Invoice[] invoices;

public type Invoice record {|
    string id;
    decimal amount;
    string invoiceDate;

final http:Client quickBooks = check new ("");

service /api/v1/analytics on new http:Listener(8080) {

    resource function post sales(SalesData salesData) returns error? {
        QuickBooksInvoice quickBooksInvoice = translate(salesData);
        _ = check quickBooks->/v3/company/REALM012/, targetType = http:Response);

function translate(SalesData salesData) returns QuickBooksInvoice {
    return {
        invoices: from var oppotunity in salesData.opportunities
                  select {
                      amount: oppotunity.amount,
                      invoiceDate: oppotunity.closeDate