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PatternMessage History maintains a list of all components that the message passed through. Every component that processes the message adds one entry to the list.
How Ballerina helps

Depending on the protocol, Ballerina provides APIs to manipulate message content, including headers.

Message HistoryMessage StoreMessage Router
import ballerina/http;

type ReimbursementRequest record {|
    string employee_id;
    string reason;
    string amount;

type TraceId record {|
    string id;

final http:Client internalClient = check new ("");
final http:Client logClient = check new ("");
const HISTORY_HEADER = "x-message-history";

service /finance on new http:Listener(8080) {
    resource function post reimburse(ReimbursementRequest request) returns http:Response|error {
        http:Response response = check internalClient->post("/reimbursements", request);
        http:Response outbound = new;
        outbound.setPayload(check response.getJsonPayload());
        outbound.statusCode = response.statusCode;

        string traceId = check logAndGetTraceId(request);
        if response.hasHeader(HISTORY_HEADER) {
            string existingHeader = check response.getHeader(HISTORY_HEADER);
            outbound.setHeader(HISTORY_HEADER, existingHeader + ";" + traceId);
        } else {
            outbound.setHeader(HISTORY_HEADER, traceId);
        return outbound;

function logAndGetTraceId(anydata message) returns string|error {
    TraceId traceId = check logClient->post("/log_message", message);