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PatternThe Format Indicator will identify the message format based on the version or structure and process it.
How Ballerina helps

The is keyword in Ballerina distinguishes between structured types, aiding in distinguishing various message versions.

Format IndicatorCannonical Data Model
import ballerina/http;

public type PatientReqV1 record {|
    "1.0" version = "1.0";
    string firstName;
    string lastName;
    string dob;
    string diagnosis;

public type PatientReqV2 record {|
    "2.0" version = "2.0";
    Patient patient;

type PatientReq PatientReqV1|PatientReqV2;

public type Patient record {|
    string fullName;
    string dob;
    string diagnosis;

final http:Client patientClient = check new ("");

service /api/v1 on new http:Listener(8080) {

    resource function post data/patient(PatientReq patintReq) returns error? {
        Patient patient;
        if patintReq is PatientReqV1 {
            patient = {
                dob: patintReq.dob,
                fullName: patintReq.firstName + " " + patintReq.lastName,
                diagnosis: patintReq.diagnosis
        } else {
            patient = {
                dob: patintReq.patient.dob,
                fullName: patintReq.patient.fullName,
                diagnosis: patintReq.patient.diagnosis
        _ = check patientClient->/, targetType = http:Response);

    resource function post patient(Patient patient) returns error? {
        _ = check patientClient->/, targetType = http:Response);