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PatternContent-based router routes each message to the correct recipient based on message content.
How Ballerina helps

Ballerina supports conditional logic with if-else and match statements. This can be used to route messages based on message content, header, or any custom logic. Ballerina type system supports union types (e.g., Country enum below is a union), which helps to define choices in a type-safe and readable manner.

Content Based RouterMessage FilterDynamtic Router
import ballerina/http;

type DhlUkResponse record {|
    string url;
    record {|
        string id;
        Status status;
    |}[] shipments;

type DhlDpiResponse record {|
    Status[] events;
    string publicUrl;
    string barcode;

type Status record {|
    string statusCode;
    string status;

enum Country {

type TrackingRequest record {|
    Country country;
    string tracking_id;

final http:Client dhl = check new ("");

service /shipments on new http:Listener(8080) {

    resource function post status(TrackingRequest request) returns string|error {
        match {
            UK => {
                DhlUkResponse response = check dhl->/parceluk/tracking/v1/shipments(trackingNumber = request.tracking_id);
                return response.shipments[0].status.status;
            DE => {
                DhlDpiResponse response = check dhl->/dpi/tracking/v1/trackings/[request.tracking_id];
            _ => {
                return error("County not supported");