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PatternComposed Message Processor splits the message up, routes the sub-messages to the appropriate destinations and re-aggregates the responses back into a single message.
How Ballerina helps

Ballerina has foreach, while and query expressions to iterate over data. During iteration, Ballerina can send and receive messages. Ballerina can extract, manipulate and store data in messages using variables.

Composed Message ProcessorAggregatorContent Based Router
import ballerina/http;

type SalesByStateRequest record {|
    string[] states;

type SalesByState record {|
    decimal revenue;
    decimal operatingExpenses;
    int production;
    int totalEmployees;

type AggregratedSales record {|
    map<decimal> revenueByState = {};
    decimal totalRevenue = 0.0;
    decimal maxRevenue = 0.0;
    string maxRevenueState = "";
    map<decimal> operatingExpensesByState = {};
    decimal totalOperatingExpenses = 0.0;
    int totalProduction = 0;
    map<int> productivityByState = {};

final map<http:Client> stateRoutes = {
    Texas: check new (""),
    Ohio: check new (""),
    Florida: check new ("")

service /api/v1 on new http:Listener(8080) {
    resource function post dashboard(SalesByStateRequest salesRequest) returns AggregratedSales|error {
        AggregratedSales summary = {};
        foreach string state in salesRequest.states {
            http:Client? stateClient = stateRoutes[state];
            if stateClient == () {
                return error("Invalid state provided");
            SalesByState salesByState = check stateClient->/sales();
            aggregateSales(summary, state, salesByState);
        return summary;

function aggregateSales(AggregratedSales summary, string state, SalesByState salesByState) {
    summary.revenueByState[state] = salesByState.revenue;
    summary.totalRevenue += salesByState.revenue;
    summary.operatingExpensesByState[state] = salesByState.operatingExpenses;
    summary.totalOperatingExpenses += salesByState.operatingExpenses;
    summary.totalProduction += salesByState.production;
    summary.maxRevenueState = summary.maxRevenue < salesByState.revenue ? state : summary.maxRevenueState;
    summary.maxRevenue = summary.maxRevenue < salesByState.revenue ? salesByState.revenue : summary.maxRevenue;
    summary.productivityByState[state] = salesByState.production / salesByState.totalEmployees;